Assassin (Chen, Xiumin)

Gif Inspired Mini Fics! CLOSED

Mafia assassin Chen swallowed hard when the smell of smoke and burnt flesh hit his nose as his latest victims met their maker. He didn't like killing, but it was the only way he could avenge his big brother, Minseok. He looked down at the devastation from his spot on a small hill, fighting not to cry. Assassins don't cry for their victims. He would walk away in 3, 2, 1. As always.

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Chapter 28: OMG I love these soo much
Chapter 24: Ahahaha I just can imagine Jae do this...ahahaha
Chapter 18: My expression every time I see joongie too XD
Chapter 17: NOOO!!! WAE JUNSU
Chapter 18: Oh my poor Minnie....ahahaha I know that feeling cuz the same thing happen to me....and
I just love that MinJae gif ahahaha but YunJae still my ultimate pairing^■^
Chapter 16: Kyaaaaa thank you soooooo much dear....
I finally can sleep with this memories^^
Ahahahaha but it's me or Leo actually want to hold N hands but then he saw camera so he stop himself?