


welcome back fanfan [m.ina]


Ugh, I brought my right arm to cover my eyes almost immediately when the sun rays invaded my nice sleep.

Slowly to set my arm aside to get my eyes used to with the light. I took glance at the digital watch on the nightstand, 9.12 AM and 14:08:15







Today is the day.

I smiled unknowingly, after over than three months far away today finally he will come home.  My anxiety will soon fade away, I am sure of it.

Exactly three months ago, without saying anything he suddenly disappeared. No one knew what happen with him, not even his friends, his teams or even me. Me, someone who people will consider as one of the closest person to him, but I think they have gone wrong, I am not as close as people think otherwise, at least he will say good bye to me, won’t he?

He was not though, and I did not question it either. I know him better; he is not the kind of people who will tell the story or bragging out his plan out loud. I know someday, when he thinks it is the right time, he will tell me everything. Yet, I can help but disappoint when he just disappear like dust in the wind.

All I want is small warning, just small warning so then I can prepare myself, so then I do not need to wonder or worry him. Is it too much too ask for?


At the first month his disappearance


All I can do was staring mindlessly at his countless photos in my laptop, in our room wall, or just small green dot on my screen when he was online somewhere — yet did not bother to reply to my endless messages on his Weibo.

That was the month of uncertainty; I had no idea who I was to him. Was I really someone to him? Was I just like the other? I can’t stand with the mess he created, people staring at me in weird ways; his friends become cold to me not to mention his team and for while, I decided to cut all ties with any person who related to him.




I became like him, I know.


Second months of his disappearance


It was almost midnight when my phone rang, mindlessly I picked up the call and I froze.

It was him.

It was the one I mad of like crazy.

It was the one I hate the most at that time yet I still deeply in love with as well.

I did not say anything, just listen to him, listen to his countless sorry. Listen to his endearing voice. Listen to his explanation. I was still not uttering any word but the tears boiling hot in my cheeks. I did not know what to say, really.

He still remembered me.

“I maybe will leave you sometimes, but I’m man with the word, we promised to be together, that is why I will always come back to you. Maybe it’s too much but please trusts me; you will be the one who knows everything about me eventually.”

I know from the start, being with him it means I have to trust him blindly. I have to bear with all his nonsense act sometimes or I have to endure his cold treatment to me. Although I know very well he has the warmest heart inside.

All of his word to me was conclude with eventually, yes, it was just him. He will not tell or explain; he is man with action.

And that was one of the reason I fell in love with him.

Deeper than I thought I would and that the only reason why I can endure the pain he gave me through-out our togetherness.

Love is something weird and now I can confirm it.

“I miss you,”

That was the only word I said to him that night and I can almost imagine he was smiling on the other line. I have no idea where he was but I was pretty sure, he was somewhere in the place he wanted to be. For that I would not worry anymore.

Just after that night he constantly report to me about his days, what he was doing or what did he feel. The day was almost comeback to where we used to be, the day when all we know was just laugh and tease.


Yeah it still almost, because even though I know where he was, what did he do, we were still miles away, we were still separate on the half of the world without me knowing exactly his condition was.

I blinked several times when my phone buzzing.

New messages.




“Will you come today?”

“I will Ma, I’ll pick you up at 10,” I quickly replied the message and moved to the other, it was my friend, his friend, Luhan.

“Let’s meet up today, I’m visiting :)”

I stared to the message for some seconds, Luhan came, and he was here.

“You here for work?”

“Yeah, I’m about to take off, I’ll see you later,”

I can’t help but push the call button; I have to tell him if Yifan is home today, because I still have no idea if Luhan is alright with him, his recent incident brought a lot of damage in their friendship and if Luhan is here today, I don’t know how to face it.

‘Yes?’ Luhan picked up from the other line.

‘Did you know…?’ I hesitant for moment, ‘did you —’

‘Yifan will come back today, I know,’ Luhan cut me off. ‘Look I need to turn off the phone; I’ll call you once I arrive, bye.’

Luhan hung up without waiting my reply, I guess he was already on the plane when he texted me.


What will happen later?

I hauled myself off bed and get ready for the day.

Today is a big day.

I smiled and entered my car to fetch Wu Ma.

Ma was very pretty; well she was always pretty actually.

‘What? Is there something in my face?’ the elder asked me with amusing look.

‘Ah,’ I guess I was deep red by now for get caught staring at my boyfriend’s mother. ‘It’s nothing,’ I said as I started the engine, ‘I was just thinking that’s why Yifan is handsome,’

Ma raised her eyebrow.

‘What does it mean?’ she asked.

‘Umm you’re pretty,’

Ma bursted into laughter upon hearing my reply.

‘Are you kidding me? I’m an old woman with 24 years old son girl,’

I smiled and glanced at her for second before turned back my attention to the road.

‘I’m serious Ma; I guess I know from where he got his look,’

She only laughed and shook head.

‘Thank you,’ she said after her laughed died down. ‘But dear, I should thank to you for another things.’

I raised an eyebrow.

‘Thank for stay by Yifan’s side despite every ridiculous things he did, thanks to bear with his unusual personality,’

I can sense sincerity in her voice. I think I can understand that, however Yifan was someone who really hard to handle. Most of the times I thought he was having personal disorder or something. He has a lot of mask to wear in everyday basis up to people unable to figure out which one is his real personality.

Even for this relationship, many times I feel like I was the only one who making effort. He was almost never jealous or asking me who the guy that going out with me, but my thought gone wrong once he cracked one of the guy’s nose right in front of me because of insulting me.

He was not the most expressive person, I learned a lot for that. But as cold as he maybe, Yifan can be sweet as well, once in while — in the time that I have never predicted he would — he surprise me. Not with something big, but mostly with something simple. Take for example, spare his time to pick me up from work or mostly took me doing my favorite, strolling down the river bank at night.

‘I love him,’

Ma smiling at me at patted my shoulder.

‘Well we’re here,’ she said.

Yeah here we are right now and for some reason, my heart beat faster.

Please calm down will you? It’s unlike I will meet my majesty or something.

But the heart was never listen and its keep hammering in my chest.

Why do I have to be nervous to fetch my boyfriend? I have no idea; all I know I was standing right next to Yifan’s mother anxiously waiting for him appear from the channel.

‘Hey,’ and a tap landed on my left shoulder causing me to jump.

My eyes widened, Luhan was standing next to me with his signature grin and his deer eyes.

‘What are you doing here?’ I blurted out.

‘Standing,’ he replied nonchalantly.

I was about to utter another word when my eyes were glued to the familiar figure before me. His tall figure enveloped with his favorite color of outfit, black, he was walking, approaching us with his usual poker face.

Not even a single smile, only straight face behind his shade.

Absent-mindlessly I held on my breath, he was here, now he was here. Right in front of me, what I miss this tower.

Few steps before me, he stopped his track, and took of his shade, he was still as handsome as Yifan that I knew before only, now he fresher, he looked like somebody that reborn yet I know there many things will always stay the same.

His pokers face for instance.

I think it was the longest distance between me and him, having him staring at me without word and expressionless make me wonder what he was thinking right now.

And I did not know how, once my sense snapped back in to my face I was caged in between two strong arms and face forward with warm chest I love to use as pillow before.

Still the same scent, the same and steady heart beat, the same person I love from then ‘till now.

‘I miss you,’ he whispered as he pull me off an arm length and rested his forehead on mine.








‘Welcome back,’







Welcome back Fanfan

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Chapter 1: Wow! I'm so speechless... This was exactly how we all felt once he left EXO. Confused, worried, at lost... When he finally returned home, looking all fresh & more handsome than ever, our tears fell....
Thanks for writing this
Nanoona #2
Chapter 1: I love this. I'm touched. I miss Kris. So much.