Chapter 5 - New Tasks

My Mean Boss
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"Jungkook, open the door," I heard someone yelled behind my door. It's probably Luhan since today was Friday and we always go clubbing this night. But I'm not feeling it today. I went to open the door and I wasn't a shock to see him standing there.

"Hey, Luhan," I said, giving him some space to enter. Once I close the door, I see him giving me the look.

"Why aren't you dress," he asked, crossing his arm.

"I don't feel like going today, Luhan," I said, jumping back on the couch.

"No no no no," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. "You're going. Remember what today is?" Today... today is Friday. What so special about... ooh, it's Sehun birthday.

"Sehun's birthday?"

"Bingo! So you have to go celebrate it with us. Please?"


"Please," he said with that puppy dog face that no one can say no to.

"Okay okay. I'll go."

"Yes! Now go get change," he said, pushing me to my room.

"Alright, umma!"


After I change and all, Luhan and I went down to his car. I didn't know where we was going so  I let Luhan drive. Apparently, we was going to meet Sehun there and I think I was looking forward to it. Nooo, not looking forward to Sehun but looking forward to drink and dance my stress away. I'm glad Luhan convince me to come now. I can't wait to hit the dance floor. That got to wait so might as well start the party in the car and bump some music!

Well my party started off good... not. As we enter the club, we went to the V.I.P. area where Sehun was located. Once we found him, he was with a bunch of people including him. Kim Taehyung, my ex boss. For some reason, I was surprise. After all, he is Sehun's friend. So after I wish him a happy birthday, I told Luhan I was going to the dance floor. He said he'll be there later and I just nodded. When I was walking, I could tell someone eyes was following me and I knew it was him so I look back at him. What? Are you regretting your decision now? Too bad! You're never going to kiss my lips again. I smirk at him before turning around and head straight for my destination, the dance floor.

Bumping and grinding, everyone was enjoying themselves on the dance floor including me. People tried to challenge me to a dance off but they didn't stand a chance. I am the regional dance champion. I didn't want to show off but who was I to say no to a challenge. So yeah, I won every battles and I was getting tired, plus the music started to change into a slow song. I was about to walk over to the bar until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Yes," I said, turning around to face the person who was no other but Kim Taehyung. "Ugh." I tired to walk away but he grab my hand.


"My name is not Red!"

"I know. I'm sorry. Jungkook, can I talk to you for a minute or two?"



"Fine," I told him.

"But first, care to dance with me?" Was he serious? "Please?" Ugh, I didn't want to be a party pooper so I agreed. 

"Fine." As soon as I said yes, he pulled me to the center of the dance floor. He place my hand on his shoulder then one of his hand on my hip and the other interlocking the other with my other hand. As we start moving to the music, I ask him, "what do you want to talk about?"

"Oh... I wanted to talk about your job." Why is he bringing it up now? He already fired me.

"I don't work for you. You fired me, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"I know I wasn't the best employee, but you should have give me a warning."

"No no, you was the best I ever had." Okay, now he's confusing me.

"Then why did you fire me?"


"Because what?"

"I had too." Wow. What a nice reason, not.

"Because you had too? Okay, I think we're done dancing," I said, removing my hands from him. I tried to walk away but he kept pulling me back in.

"No, wait!"

"What!? What do you want?"

"I... I."

"I'm leaving," I said, trying to leave but he pull me in for a breathtaking kiss. He needs to stop doing that because it would only make me fall for him harder. I use all my strength and push him away. "Dude, stop. I don't work for you no more. You can't just kiss me."

"But I..."

"Just stop," I yelled which cause everybody to look at us. Great! Unwanted attention. Just what I needed right now. I quickly went to Luhan and told him I was leaving. He opted to drive me home but I just told him I'll take the bus. I didn't want to spoil his fun on his boyfriend's birthday. Tonight was just too much. So when I got home, I change out of the clothes because his scent was all over it. I laid on my bed and to think about what had happen tonight. What was his problem? This dude is driving me nuts. Why does he keep on kissing me when he said he don't like me? I need to stop thinking about him. A goodnight sleep sounds good right now. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Sleep the night away.


Bang bang, I heard someone knocking on my door. Man, can't a guy sleep? Like, it's... eight in the morning now and it's Saturday. Who wake up early at this time? Apparently this person does since the banging at door doesn't stop. For pete sake, can't I enjoy my morning without these noises. I t

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Chapter 5: So sweet. >/////<
Chapter 5: So sweet. >/////<
Chapter 4: Aww poor Kookie
Chapter 5: This is so ing cute XD thank u for the story authornim ^^
green_winter96 #5
Chapter 5: KYAAAAA~~~ THIS FF IS SO CUTE AND I REALLY LOVE DUMB TAEHYUNGGIE~~~ *cant handle the kookie tho ^_^
BBC4Bomb #6
Chapter 5: Lol adorable !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Wow... Such a good story....... I love it
Chapter 5: awww!! ><
cool! ♥V♥
taehyung is sceamer?
please make it as squel :p i want to see if that is true or not too :D
Chapter 5: OMO bestest <333 u shud continue actually I also wanna find out if he's a screamer?? * evil laugh *
kpopgirl2494 #10
Chapter 5: OMO this story was wonderful~thanks for making this author-nim!!! XD