That Day

Tough Love

  Andy was back from filming the Shinhwa Broadcast, the ramyeon episode. He was so tired but enjoyed it very much. That was because he got to spend his time with his hyungs except Dong Wan. He would meet that wrinkled eyes ahjusshi later at the restaurant. The corner of his lips went upwards unconciously when he remembered his moments and Jun Jin. It had been too long for him to hide his crush towards Jun Jin. He was so delighted when he got paired with Jun Jin when Sistar came to their show. He tried so hard to not make it obivious how dull his situation was when he got coupled with Eric. Not that he did not like his leader but, he just wished Jun Jin was his partner again. 

"Katalk!", his phone sounded. He picked his phone and read the message from Eric.

"Whatever it is...Please dont search the internet today....",the leader said. 

Andy was trying to obey the advice that he got but he was curious as well. At that moment, the idioms of "the curosity kills the cat" seems have no meaning to Andy. The naive maknae thought that Eric was only joking. He thought it was the common scandal about dating since Eric was caught not before that. 

"Andy...don't even open your browser..Just meet me in the restaurant immediately! We'll be waiting for you!", Dong Wan sent him another message. Andy's curiousity got bigger because Dong Wan usually would not message him like that. Furthermore, he did not remember planning to see other members as well. What happened that made his two hyungs acted to these measure?

Ignoring his hyungs' warning, he searched the internet. The moment he read the article that popped out, he immediately regretted it. His scandal involving Tony and Boom had been leaked out. He did not expect that. There were many criticsms upon the scandal. (Yat: I dont want to remind our Andy's stans about this. So, I'm going to make it short).

Those critics and words brought him down. He could not control his tears that streaming madly from his eyes. How could he face his hyungs? How he should see Jun Jin from now on without feeling guilty? He thought hard. He hated himself because of that. He did not deserve to be the maknae in the group anymore. He felt like he did not have the right to have Jun Jin as his crush. He thought that he would sink Jun Jin down together with him.

His device rang for the umpth time. His hyungs had been calling him non-stop. He ignored it. He felt guilty because he ignored their warnings and felt responsible for those bad words towards Shinhwa. He curled himself in his own knees and cried hard alone. He was like that till a knock heard from the door. He wanted to ignore it as well but he could not contain himself when he heard the voice behind the door.

"Andy? Are you in there? Can I talk to you?", Jun Jin knocked again softly.


Jun Jin knocked the door again softly with a loud thump in his heart. He gripped the bouquet of roses tightly. For the last time, he exhaled the roses to make sure there was no bee in the beautiful red roses. He felt nervous because he had kept his feelings for two years already. He gained his courage that day to tell Andy what he had felt for that couple of years. He was preoccupied preparing for his confessions event, thus making him did not bother to care about what had happened around him. All he wanted to do was pouring out his feelings as soon as Andy opened the door. 

The moment came when Andy, his long awaited person slowly swung the door opened. Immediately, Jun Jin kneeled in front of the already teary eyed guy. Holding the rose up, Jun Jin coolly said,

"Andy, I know this might bring a shock to you but will you please listen to me first?", the older guy spoke charismatically. Jun Jin cleared his throat and continued,

"I love you", short but firm words came out from the one who was in his knees. Andy who was speechless covered his mouth with his hands.

Andy wanted to scream. Why this had to happened at the time where he felt he could not be together with Jun Jin? It was getting harder for him. He was glad Jun Jin loves him back but sad afterwards because he had to refuse Jun Jin's feeling. He knows Jun Jin. He was not the kind of guy who would do these kind of things. He would not prepare events for his girlfriend. He was blunt and thoughtless in love but that same guy had changed because of him. The used to be a thoughtless guy was on kneeling in front of him, pleading him with moist eyes to be his forever. Andy became hesitant. He could not be with Jun Jin. That would bring Jun Jin sink down together with him. He could not imagine what would people say to Jun Jin if they were together. They could not be a couple. Jun jin needed to be with someone else that could promise him a better future.Thinking of that, he took a deep breath.

Andy swallowed back his tears and exhaled a very loud sigh. He bent down to be at the same level as Jun Jin. He held the handsome face in his hands and caressed it like it was so precious.

"Hyung...We're brothers....I can't love you,hyung..I'm sorry..", Andy managed to say before he pulled himself away and slowly entered his house and shut his door closed. 

Jun Jin was too shocked to react anything after that but it was not long for him to process that he had just been rejected by his beloved person. He lost his grip on the bouquet as his hands fell down to his sides. He stood up slowly and left the venue without knowing where he was heading. He felt heartbroken. A very painful one. No need to wait for a moment for his tears to fall from his eyes like a fountain.

Just after the door closed, Andy leaned on it, clenching his chest. His heart was in pain too. He could not take the agony inside of him but he need to swalllow it deep inside himself. 

"Katalk!", his phone notified him a messgae just came.

"Andy..are you coming?", it was from Dong Wan. Obviously he was getting worried.

For the first time in his life, he declined his witty hyung's request.

"No, hyung. I will not. Don't wait for me....", he replied with a heavy heart before he turned off all the lights.

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Chapter 3: SARANGHAE YAT!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Omg!!! I was squealing like all the time! There wasn't a part I didn't like. I loved this so much!!! God!!! Omg!!! This was daebak!!! I...waaah!!! Omg!!! I am so speechless! And when you mentioned my name, I chuckled like super much!!!! And good god how MUCH I love Jin being jealous of Andy!!! Especially if it's Eric! This was amazing! Waaaah!!!
And the ending! Yay!!! Happeeeeeh! And I loved Minwoo a lot!!! Omg!

Thank You Yat!! You always deserve the things I write for you. Thank you!!! ♡♡♡♡

If it's Jindy and happy ending, I will love it. ㅠㅠ :)