Coming Back


Hee Chul’s POV


It’s been a while… a long while, since he left. I rolled over in my bed. Nothing was there. Usually that girl who cooked for us and adored me sat right there, watching me, but she wasn’t. Good, I thought to myself. I don’t want her… I want my Hannie. But he was in China.

I couldn’t help but think of his promise. “I’ll be with you forever,” Han Geng had said. “Forever.”

I believed him. I still do. My thoughts were interrupted. “Hee Chul-oppa~!” a cheerful, annoying, squeaky, high pitched voice said. It hurt my ears to hear that girl’s voice. She was so annoying! Why wouldn’t our manager fire her?!

“Yah!” I shouted at her. “Go away!” I curled underneath my blankets, trying not to think of Han Geng again because I could feel my eyes forming tears, the way it always did when I thought of him.

“Don’t you want breakfast?” she asked innocently, her voice still as annoying as ever.

I threw a pillow at the door where she stood. I think it stopped short of hitting her, but she still squealed, even though this was how it was like every morning. “Just go away! I don’t want you! I don’t want anything from you!” I threw another pillow and slammed the door shut. Jumping back under the blankets, I could feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks in an uncontrollable flow. What I’d said to the girl had been mean and harsh, but true.  I only wanted my Hannie.

I gasped for breath between sobs. Han Geng wasn’t coming back. He’d forgotten me. I sobbed louder, harder, as I thought that. I eventually fell back asleep, tears staining my cheeks.



Han Geng’s POV


It was good to be back in Korea. But that wasn’t what I was happiest about. Today I would claim my Hee Chul back. Even though it’d been so long, our dorm hadn’t changed. As I rang the doorbell, a girl came to the door. She seemed cheerful at first, but once she observed me closer, her smile turned to a thin line and her eyes became cold. “What do you want?” she asked angrily.

“I want my Hee Chul,” I said calmly. “Who’re you?”

“His fiancée.” She was obviously joking by the way she rolled her eyes, but I still flinched at the thought. I pushed her aside, entering the dorm uninvited. “Hee Chul!” I yelled. “Chullie!” There was no reply.

“See?” the girl said. “He doesn’t want you.”

I only glared at her and started for his room. It was unlocked. I stepped inside and shut my eyes in frustration. The window was flung wide open. Many sheets tied together hanging out the window served as a downward ladder. Hee Chul had escaped from the dorm. But where was he going? I ran back to the girl, who was standing with her arms across her chest, her lips pouting, and tapping her foot. I ran past her. I had nothing to say to her.

I ran around the city, searching for my Hee Chul. The other members didn’t know where he would’ve gone. And Hee Chul wasn’t picking up his cell phone. I stopped near the bus stop, exhausted. Then I thought back to what he’d said before I’d left. “When you come back, Hannie, I want to go to the amusement park with you.”

It was well past midnight, but that, of course, wouldn’t stop Hee Chul from getting in. I ran to the only amusement park in the city. It began to rain. Hee Chul wouldn’t like that.



Hee Chul’s POV


I shook my head angrily. The rain was being so annoying, dripping on my head constantly. At least it hid my tears. But why did I have to hide them? No one was around. I flipped my hair out of my eyes. I couldn’t get into the park itself, so I sat on the bench outside of the amusement park. I was too tired to try to get inside.

Suddenly, the rain stopped dripping on my head. Now I could think. But the rain around me kept falling. Someone was holding an umbrella above me. I huddled closer to myself. I didn’t want anyone around me. Ten minutes went by… then twenty… thirty… an hour. I was so annoyed that I had to stand up and look at who it was.

I gasped. “Han… Han Geng…?” I stuttered.

The man in front of me only smiled and nodded. “I promised I’d come and get you, didn’t I?” he said.

I could do nothing but fling myself into his arms, knocking the umbrella from his hand. We both stood in the rain, embracing each other. I could feel Hannie’s tears in my hair. He eventually pulled away from me and cupped my face in his hands. He kissed my nose, my cheeks, my lips. I stood there and just smiled.

“Come,” he said. “Let’s get out of the rain. I know how much you hate it.”

“With you here,” I said, “it doesn’t matter.” And then he guided me back to the dorm.

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choijonghyunsaranghe #1
I felt soooo bad for siwon!!!
Chapter 2: hanchul is so so cute!
i love this!
poor siwon though!
his love is just one sided!