True Intentions


'My wife is a black-hearted woman. She's a two-sided person, and I truly hate her because of that. She deemed that in her whole life, she sees nothing and speaks nothing but when no one's paying attention she secretly stabs them in the back. Her actions confirm that underneath that angelic mask is something vicious. If I was given a chance, I would do everything to get away from her, now do you understand how horrifying she is?' - Kris Wu

Kris Wu, a man who hated his wife for her doubtful actions because to him actions speak ones intentions. But with a slight twist in the current situation, Kris find himself understanding Kim Serin not through her actions but through something else. He realises one thing, what is Kim Serin's true intentions?



This story is going be slightly different from my other stories as they are more comedy-like. This work will aim more on angst and tragedy.


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