The Real Reason Why Han Geng Left Super Junior

The Real Reason Why Han Geng Left Super Junior

“Hee Chul…” Han Geng whispered. His voice sounded broken, torn, full of tears and disbelief.


Hee Chul glared at him to continue.


“Don’t leave me…” he said. “Don’t leave.”


Hee Chul grit his teeth to keep himself from crying. “No…” he answered. “I have to leave…”


“No, you don’t!” Han Geng insisted.


“What do you want? One of us has to leave and my dongsaengs have come to far to be taken out. Think about Dong Hae… His father died and Dong Hae is living his dream. Ki Bum’s acting career is at its peak. Eun Hyuk’s got the recocognition he deserves. Ryeo Wook is living the dream he’s had since he was a child. They all are brilliant and you want me to keep staying here and be selfish so that I can continue my career while they get their dreams smashed!? No… I can’t do that. I leave the day after tomorrow. I’m sorry, Han Geng.”


Hee Chul nearly ran away as Han Geng stared at his retreating figure. Han Geng clenched his fists. He would not let Hee Chul leave Super Junior.


~ The Next Day ~


“Hee Chul!” the manager called. “Unpack your bags! You’re staying!”


“What!?” everyone exclaimed.


“Ne… Han Geng… He filed a valid lawsuit and there’ no way he’ll lose, so you get to stay.”


Everyone was totally silent. Suddenly Hee Chul screamed, “That Chinese ! He didn’t even tell us anything! He just went ahead and left!”


But Hee Chul knew what Han Geng really left. The lawsuit was the extra revenge on SM. Han Geng left SM for Hee Chul, so that he could continue his dream. Han Geng didn’t tell Hee Chul because he knew Hee Chul wouldn’t agree. No one else knew that this was why Han Geng really left SM. Only Hee Chul and Han Geng. And no matter whether they regret it or not, they can’t change it.

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Chapter 1: nooooo :( I still wish for him to be back, or at least be a special guest.
EternallyTVXQ #2
Awesome story
FUDGE YES~!!! ^^ <3
Emerald #4
so sad :(<br />
but good news, he's coming back!