

Byungjoo hates Kim Hansol. Well, probably not hate, he just dislikes him. A lot. He doesn't get why the older boy keeps clinging onto him. Bjoo's given more than enough hints to "get the ғᴜᴄᴋ away," but Hansol's never been one to take hints. He wonders why couldn't he bother Jiho for once; that boy's always had a crush on the brunette hyung anyway. Hansol just laughs his witch cackle whenever he asks. Byungjoo doesn't get him at all. But maybe it's because he doesn't get a lot of things.


Like how anybody can eat so much brownies without puking. Or how somebody can like lollipops so much. Or how he could laugh at every little thing. Maybe that's how he got his abs. It remains a mystery to him.


In fact, he doesn't even know why he's sitting in a library. Byungjoo vaguely remembers Seogoong-hyung strictly telling him to study for the upcoming mid-terms, harshly jabbing a paper with a column of F's. He definitely needs to start paying attention. Hunger is eating him, and temptation, too. He's tempted to give up. But no, Byungjoo never gives up. So the boy continues to blankly stare at a textbook for the time-being. His ears twitch when he hears a chair being tugged back, squeaking when a certain somebody shifts the chair to face him.
"Joo-ah!" Ugh, that nickname. "So this is where you're hiding!"

Bjoo grunts disapprovingly as he watches Hansol pry the textbook from his clutch, tossing it to the side. "I don't need to hide from you," he props his hands up to his chin, holding his face, "You always know where to look, anyway..." The boy lets his frown deepen. "I'm studying for the mid-terms." Hansol scoffs, placing down two wrapped lunch-boxes on the table gently. Earning a confused look from his dongsaeng, he returns with a reassuring smile.

"I woke up extra early to make it," he begins unwrapping the pink bandana from the box, gesturing the blue one towards Bjoo. "I made yours extra special though." He unlatches the lid, thanked for the food, and immediately starts inhaling it. Byungjoo does the same but stops when he sees a toothpick stick out on one of the beef strips with a small pink note wrapped around the top end. He picks it out and unfolds the overly-decorated note, his face rapidly flushing.
For my favorite dongsaeng,
I love you!!!
From Hannie ♥♥
He snaps his head towards the boy, who's long stopped eating to stare at him. Hansol's eyes crinkle up and his teeth stretch back to reveal his pearly teeth. "Delicious, right?" The older points his finger to a certain rice clump. "See? It's a heart!" Byungjoo shifts his eyes and sure enough, there's a heart. His is extra special.
"You should date me," the latter jokingly mumbles as he slurps up some noodles, "I'd make you special lunches everyday!"
The younger's scared to his wit's end because he rarely sees his hyung—Kim freaking Hansol—in this, dare he say, different way. What. So he kisses him, lightly on the cheek, right then and there. In shock, Hansol has his chopsticks stopped midway his throat, forcing food to clog his airway.
Byungjoo decides he hates Hansol just a little bit less now. And no, he doesn't love him. Yet. But he can learn, right? He feels a soft smile creep up on his face as he gazes at Hansol's choking form, hastily handing him their shared soda.
So yeah, Bjoo's annoyed by Hansol 98% of the time, but that other 2%.






A/N: 100% done with this ship.

AJKHjlKGDJHhuuuUuuUUGH (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ooɾuɐH
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that awkward moment when you read your chapters again and you can't help but cringe bc god this story is so cringy


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OppaIsWaitingForMe #1
Chapter 2: Omg the ending SO CUTEEE!! Dx
Chapter 2: This was cute ^^ good job, author-nim!
Chapter 2: ㅠㅠㅠㅠ why r ur ending always the most severe 'IMMA KILL YEWR FEELZ WITHIN SECONDS' endings? Hui hui ㅠㅠ thank u tho ^^ i loved thiss
MinMin_SL #4
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute, when i read the description i just smiled! its exactly how i imagine hanjoo relantionship irl! please continue
Chapter 1: JXJDJXJSJDBXJSJNZ gurllllllll yew gotta update quickly . Hanjoo feels are too much for me ㅇㅁㅇ
Bangtanbishes #6