Nurse Hyungs

Nursing The Babies

It was 1 'o' clock in the afternoon. All curtains were closed and no lights were on. Only a faint amount of light could get in. The apartment was seemingly quiet and not one of it's five residents stirred. But, if you listened closely you could here the small groans, soft cries and sniffling of five rather sick boys.

Seungyoon laid sprawled on his bed with an ice pack on his forehead to calm his fever. Taehyun lay curled under his beanbag chair tears staining his face. The darkness kept the faint light from further aggravating his splitting migraine. Jinwoo had left his room for the couch sniffling  with a mass of used tissues on the floor in front of him. Mino groaned as he laid in the fetal position on the bathroom floor holding his stomach. The toilet had been his best friend since late last night. Seunghoon whimpered as another cough racked his body and disturbed his painfully sore throat.

A knock came at the front door. It was soft enough not to bother them but all five boys heard it. Unfortunately, none of the members of WINNER had enough energy to move from their current positions. The knock came again.

"Who id it?" Jinwoo called out.

The sound of a key could be heard and the door opened slowly. In walked their senior group, BigBang. GD came in first with Taeyang behind him followed by Tabi and Seungri with Daesung bringing up the rear and closing the door.They were all dressed down wearing tshirts and light hoodies with jeans or cargos. Each had a backpack with them.

"It's so dark. I can't really see." Seungri said as he fumbled around.

When he found a switch he flipped it and the hallway lit up. In an instant the apartment filled with cries and pleas, all for the same thing: "Turn off the lights!"

WIth a look of shock he turned off the lights opting for the flashlight on his phone to help. He walked back over to the group and the other members followed his lead.

Suddenly the sound of wretching came from the ajar bathroom door followed by pained groaning. A flush faced Seungyoon stumbled out of his room and attempted to go into the kitchen. Unfortunately, his fever made him dizzy and he started toppling at the entrance of the hallway.

GD moved quickly and caught the younger leader in his arms before he hit the floor. The ice pack in his hand was melted and his shirt was damp. He slowly lifted Seungyoon up, letting the younger male's head rest on his shoulder, before addressing the other four.

"Alright guys, locate your charges, figure out what's wrong and start making them feel better. It's our duty as their seniors to care for them."
They all nodded in confirmation. Each member quietly went to search for  the younger group members.


" look terrible. Your face is swollen." Daesung said quietly.

Jinwoo sniffled as he looked up at him.

"Whad are you all doing here?" His clogged nose and swollen sinuses impeded his speech.

"YG said that you boys were all sick so he sent us to take care of you until you were all better." Daesung replied as he crouched down and placed the back of his palm to Jinwoo's forehead.

"You've got a fever too..." He said, the worry in his voice was obvious. "Not a problem. I brought plenty of stuff to make you healthy again."


Taeyang listened carefully as he went into the middle room on the right.

"Seunghoon-ah? You in here?" He called out.

A violent, dry cough came out from underneath the bundle of covers at the head of the bed. He sat on the bed and gently shook the bundle. After a minute a head poked out.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Youngbae-hyung." Seunghoon said in raspy whisper

"I heard you weren't feeling good. I'm going to make sure you get better okay?"

There were no words after that. The mound of sheets moved slowly and a head rested in Taeyang's lap. He sighed, he felt bad for the kid.


Seungri helped GD get Seungyoon back to his bedroom at the end of the the hall's right side. After lending his assistance he pulled his phone out of his pocket and used the flashlight to find his way into the room across the hall.

Upon entry he thought the room the room was empty but, after noticing the blankets hanging from the curtain rod to further block the light, he got the hint. He checked the closet, under the bed and any other spaces Taehyun might have been hiding.

"That's got to be one hell of a migraine..." He muttered to himself.

He was about to walk out when he noticed the beanbag chair in the corner. He stepped closer and crouched took everything he had not to laugh. His flashlight revealed a pale backside and pink boxers showing through a small space the chair didn't cover.

Standing up he grabbed the beanbag and tossed it to the other corner.

"Aaaaahhhh...turn it off...turn it off...!" Taehyun cried trying to shield his tear marked face from the flashlight.

"Aish, come here." Seungri turned off the flashlight and picked Taehyun up off the floor.

The movement just aggravated his head even more. He started squirming and whining in opposition. Seungri was struggling with keeping his grip because the younger male had been sweating in his hiding place.

He eased him onto the bed as he thought of how to protect Taehyun's eyes from the light.


"I've got it!" He whispered eagerly.


He reached into his bag and pulled out his silk bandana. Being as gentle as possible he tied it around the younger's eyes.


"There, now the light won't bother you. Let's get you better."


Tabi listened into the bathroom before opening the door. The smell that greeted him was pungent enough to make him step back. He pulled up his face mask before going in. The scene that greeted him could make anyone feel sympathy.

Mino kneeled by the toilet resting his head on the seat. His white shirt was stained from vomiting and transparent from sweating. His face was unnaturally pale. His sweatpants were wet all down the front, he was so weak from being sick he lost control of his bladder.

"I-I...don't f-feel good...." He stammered.

"Let's get you cleaned up and to the hospital. Can you stand?" Tabi asked.

"N-No, I don't l-like hospitals. Don't m-make me..." he whined.

A frustrated sigh. Shaking his head the older rapper the bathroom and closed the door. He reached down and began removing the soiled clothes from Mino's body.

"Well, it's my job to make you better. It looks bad so I'm going to give you a bath and take you to the hospital. I don't care if you don't like them you're going. Even if I have to carry  you while you kick and cry.


Seungyoon was writhing on his bed in nothing but his boxers. It was so hot, all he wanted to do was cool off. GD three fans in his room and opened a window to let cool, fresh air in. A new ice pack was strapped to his head.

GD pulled an ice cold water bottle out of his bag and opened it. Kneeling on the bed he turned it to the younger leader's lips. He took a long sip before sputtering and spitting the water all over the man in front of him.

"Gross, you can drink laying down. Here sit up." GD said before using his arm in an attempt bring him up to the sitting position.

"'s too hot...don't touch me." Seungyoon whined.

He knocked GD's arm away and tried to take his boxers off.

"No, keep those on. I DO NOT want to see you ." He spoke as he restrained the younger male's hands.

"It's's hot. I want to cool off. They're suffocating me." Came his cries as he started writhing even more

"I know and I'm going to help you but, you have to do what I say alright?" GD spoke through gritted teeth as he struggled keep Seungyoon from going .


(Back at the YG Building)

Yang Hyun-suk stopped the work he was doing at his computer and spoke aloud.

"I wonder if I should've told Jiyong and the others that the boys are stubborn. They will hit somebody when they're sick...Ah, Jiyong is smart and so are his bandmates. They'll figure it out."

The CEO shrugged before turning back to his computer.  


Forgive me if that chapter seemed so serious, I just wanted to set up the scenes so those that read can imagine what's going on. Things will get comical in the next chapter I promise.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story.

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tutimeow #1
Chapter 4: Please update soon..
putschae #2
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 4: Lmao, oh my god!! These hyungs are so bad! Teehee!!!
Chapter 2: Lmao @ the balance of good and evil has shifted, Daesung is angry lmao
Chapter 2: Lmao at everyone being scared of angry Daesungie. Lol
leepid #6
Chapter 4: please update soon~ i love this story. its so funny ^^v
Chapter 4: this is funnt! i love it! update soon!
kiba_phoenix #8
Chapter 4: LMBO THAT WAS FREAKING HILARIOUS!!! Poor Baby! I can't wait for the next pair. hmmm Seunghoon just had a violent cough, right? In the beginning Seunghoon & Jinwoo were the most complacent. YG said they were stubborn and hate taking their along that line I guess. Maybe he has Strep Throat. That really hurts and you can't swallow. I think you need a shot in the for that...or you could *hint hint* lol
Chapter 1: waiting for seunghoon part.....