
The Siren's Call

Cheeks puffed as he stared at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a fitted black button up shirt and black jeans. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up to stop just before his elbow. The siren scoffed softly and quickly shook his head, walking away from the mirror as his fingers swiftly ed the shirt and pulled it off with a quick sigh. Shooting a glance back to the mirror, his brows furrowed. He had dark circles under his eyes. No doubt they were from the lack of sleep he was getting. Teeth sank into his lower lip. He'd have to hide those. After all, he didn't want to look like death while going to see someone who looked like an angel.

"It's just coffee, Hansol. Get a grip.." He mumbled to himself. Hansol tossed the button up shirt on his bed and nearly fell over when the sound of a text message coming in rang through his bedroom. His glance immediately shot toward the nightstand for the phone that should have been there.  His breath caught in his throat as he panicked internally when his eyes didn't land on the phone. Hands quickly moved the blankets and sheets around on his bed. He must have fallen asleep with it in hand again. When was the last time he had even done that? 

A little sound of victory slipped past his lips after he had lifted his blankets and the phone fell out onto the bed. Fingers quickly snatched it up and unlocked the screen to read the message, nearly squealing when he realized who it was from. Hansol realized his actions and immediately cleared his throat. "Just. Coffee," he repeated.

Good Morning~! I hope I'm not waking you. Where did you wanna go get coffee today?

Even his texts were adorable. What the hell... His cheeks puffed up again as his fingers tapped out a reply.

There's a coffee shop just down the street from where I bumped into you. Is that okay?

Hansol read over his reply about five times before he actually sent it. He wanted to make sure there were no typos or anything of the like to be found. Sweet mother of Poseidon, he was truly embarrassing. At least to himself. He had started to slip off the bed in despair with his phone in hand, only to end up flailing a bit when his phone went off again.

Sounds great! I'll see you then, okay?

A grin tugged at the corners of his thin lips, fingers quickly tapping out a reply before hopping up to find another shirt to put on.

See you soon, Byungjoo.

Sent. The siren bounced his way to the dresser and pulled open the third drawer down, tugging out a KoRn shirt and quickly slid into it, his phone in his back pocket. On his way out, he hopped about to put on a pair of socks, grabbed his wallet and keys, and a beanie. He quickly tugged the beanie on as he made his way toward the door and stepped into his high tops, tugging the door open and stepping out. Turning a bit, he quickly locked the door and with that he was off to the coffee shop.

It didn't take him long to get there. On his arrival, he nearly lost conciousness. Byungjoo was already there and he looked even more dazzling than he had yesterday. Honestly, how was that even possible? The lavender haired boy gave a wave to Hansol. The siren took in a shaky breath and smiled, nearly bouncing his way over.

"Good Morning, Byungjoo," Hansol greeted, reaching out to pull the door open. He stood aside to let the younger walk in first. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting you long-." As Byungjoo shyly walked by, Hansol caught the scent of warm vanilla. He found himself having an internal debate on whether it was body wash, shampoo, or maybe just some body spray. Okay,  now he had to admit to himself he was being a little weird.

The younger stepped inside and and turned to watch Hansol enter behind him. "No, I had just gotten here probably just a few seconds before I saw you." The siren's eyes fluttered as he watched the sound waves bounce about in the air, the color a soft pastel shade. Damn this goofy love nonsense he was feeling right now. And damn the possibility of reincarnation. He didn't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible, all things considered.

After stepping inside, Hansol brought a hand up to brush some hair from his eyes, quickly adjusting the beanie as he and Byungjoo made their way toward the counter. He sighed softly. He sniffed quietly and caught the scent of coffee, mixing with that warm vanilla scent Byungjoo had going on. It was really quite nice.. His beloved had smelled the exact same way now that he thought about it. That was easily a century ago...


The siren was quickly snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing his name. His lips curled into a shy smile. "I'm sorry. Got lost in some thought."

Byungjoo chuckled quietly and shook his head. "No, no, its alright. I was just getting concerned because you looked as though someone kicked a puppy in front of you.."

Embarrassing, Hansol thought. He lightly pat his cheeks and snorted lightly. "Sorry about that."

The other carefully nudged Hansol to the counter so he could make his order. "I'll just have a venti Caramel Frapp--" Byungjoo's voice was quiet, shy even, almost like he wasn't used to talking to strangers. Which was a shock to Hansol. He had come off pretty social the other day..

Hansol immediately took out his wallet, "and a venti Chai Latte." He finished off what Byungjoo had started and paid for their coffees before gently guiding him to a window seat. He practically caught himself swooning at the way the sunlight hit Byungjoo in such a perfect way.

"You know, Hansol, this may sound but I feel like we've met before..." Byungjoo began, eyes narrowing a bit as he folded his arms on the table, flashing a small grin.

The siren lifted a hand to idly tug at his beanie, a nervous laugh slipping from his lips. He gave a nod when their coffee was brought to them. Biting his lip, his gaze shifted out the window and then back to Byungjoo. "Well, it's possible. If you believe in that kind of thing.."

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Chapter 3: Aiiiissshhh...this is too much for my weak heart to handle. I'm probably going to die waiting for the next update XD Nah, just kidding, but really, it's amazing!! Fantastic story! ^^
Chapter 3: Cute cute cute~♡ Definitely looking forward to this!
Chapter 3: Ah I love this so much!!! I can't wait for the next update! Finally, a unique Hanjoo fic!!! :3
Ghadeer_love #4
Chapter 2: Best story ever! <3 I look forward for the next chapter author-nim ^u^ good luck