The Answer

The Hidden Beast

You walk inside of your house.  You took off your shoes and you backpack while your mother comes out from the kitchen with drinks. " Here drink some juice." your mother said. You sat down at the small table and took a sip of the juice. "But where excatly have you been at?" your mother ask. "I was just hanging out with a buddy. No worries mom. " you reply. "________-ah, you don't want anything to happen to you. Remeber what happen to your sister." your mother said. You grab her hands tightly and look into her eyes. "Don't woryy mother. What happen to sister, i'll make sure it won't happen to me. (you turn and look at the family picture of your mother,sister, and you. *note: your sister was the lady in Sehun flashback* Don't think too much mom. Just trust me okay." you told her. Your mother nodded." Alright, you're right. My daughter is strong. Go wash up and rest. It must of been a long day for you." You gulp down your juice and went to your room to wash up. Your hair was still half wet from the shower you just took. You sat down in your desk opening your text book and study all your notes. You turn your head to the left and notice your necklace you bought when you were with Luhan. You pick it up and look at it with a small smile. " Gosh! I must've been stupid. Why did i even told him i like him. ( you shiver from your thoughts) Ugh! How embarrassing! " you slam your head onto the textbook and said softly " But...I do wonder what he thinks of me." You pick up your necklace once again and look at it.

You were outside jogging while listening to your music player. As you were jogging you see Sehun also jogging. You rush towards him which made him stop. "What are you doing here?" you ask him. "I can't be here or what? It's the public park silly. " he reply. "Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot for a moment. You want to go eat with me? I'm willing to pay. " Sehun nodded yes at your question. You both were sitting on the grass enjoying some Kimbap and water. " I want to know something though." you ask Sehun still eating. "What is it? " he reply taking another bite of the Kimbap. " Why did you act like that when we were out in Hongdae. It seems that you and Luhan are close friends." you said. "No we're not. We just saw each other a few times that all." he reply. You contiued to chow down on your snacks. Moments later Sehun turn his head to look at you for a while without you noticing him. He thought to himself "Why....why does she looks similar to her. Just how?"  You finally turn your head towards Sehun as he quickly turn away fast eating his food. "What's wrong with you. Anyways eat this, it's really good." you said as you share him some snacks. "Do you have a sister?" Sehun ask suddenly. You stop eating when you heard that question. " I don't know. ( you pause for a moment.) Why do you want to know?" you ask him. "Just because." he reply. "Well, to answer your question yes I do. Well at least I did.  She pass away." you told him. He turn to look at you." May I ask how she did? " "She was gone for the night. I thought she would come back homebut she didn't. We found her dead in an abandon buiding." Sehun eyes began to wided for a while. "When was this?" he ask. " Just a year ago." you reply. Suddenly Sehun stood up ." I need to go. I forgot i have errands to do. See you later." he said. He walks off fast leaving you alone with the trash. "What's wrong with him?" you ask yourself confusely.Sehun was still walking by himself. He thought to himself " They're sisters.....sisters. How can that be? " As you were picking up the trash you saw Luhan walking by himself. You drop all your trash in your arms and wave to him "Luhan! " he turn around to see you waving at him. He walk towards you and look at the trash around you. "Did you ate all of this?" he ask. "No. I ate with a buddy." Suddenly you remember that you had confess your feelings for him. You thought to yourself that you were stupid for calling him over. "I'll just throw these away." you said softly. You bent down to pick up the trash once again. Luhan gets on his knees too to help you. You look at him. "Let me help you too."he said . "Aren't you weird out from my confession?" you ask him still picking up the trash. "No. Why would I." He stood up with his arm full of trash also follow by you. You both dump your trash away. "So you really don't care." you said so softly that you thought only you were able to hear yourself. " No." said Luhan smiling. "What.What are you talking about?" you ask. He shakes his head and look at you stopping you from taking another step. "You. You're really silly. I notice that. You're so different in the classroom." he said while smiling and contiued to walk off. "What the? Does he mean he like me or not? So confusing." you said to yourself.

You were walking by yourself at night while listening to your music player. You were just enjoying some fresh air and looking at the stars when suddenly you felt a hand cover your mouth from screaming. On the ground was you music player you had drop. Your eyes were cover and your hands were tied in a chair. Inside you were scare but on the outside you tried to stay calm and strong. A hand remove the cloth that cover your eyes. All you saw was three man standing in front of you. They look buff and scary. There was only a dim light so you weren't able to see who the men were. You squint your eyes and saw a mark on their wrist. They had the same just like Luhan. Scare and frighten you tried to make a joke "Oh! So this must be a club right?! " you said half laughing. A man figure was in front of you now. You scan him from his toes to head. "You really resemble your sister. " he said. "Who are you?" you said seriously. "How did you know what my sister look like." He ignore your question. "Those two fools couldn't their emotion."he said laughing. "Who are you talking about?" you ask. At the same time Sehun was running fast to the same place you were kidnapped at. He was breathing hardly and looking around. In front of him there was Luhan. He rush towards him and grab his collar angrily. "What did you do to her!" Sehun shouted. Confuse, Luhan reply " What's wrong with you! Let go! " Luhan push Sehun off and suddenly Sehun threw a punch at his face causing Luhan lips to bleed. Luhan grab Sehun collar and began to hit him in his face mutliple times. Now both were holding each other necks. "Tell me! What happen!" shouted Luhan . Sehun trying to regain his breath "You kidnapped  ________ didn't you." he said shocking Luhan. Luhan let go of his collar quick and fast. "What are you talking about. Kidnap? I kidnap who? " Sehun quickly pull out a note that had a message on it. Written on the note was "Come and try to find ________. I'm pretty sure she suffering right now ~Luhan" . Luhan read the note. "Do you really think I wrote that?! Why would I do something like that!" reply angrily Luhan. Back at the place where you were tied up at. The man grab a chair and sat in front of you." I have a question for you. Can you help me answer it?" the man ask and contiued. " I'm playing with these friends. These two "Friends" don't know that i'm playing them both. In reality they are, well, brothers. They can feel the same pain the other is going through. I gave each of them a mission to do. One brother is suppose to protect this lady from his beast brother. Well, the other is suppose to bring back his brother here. Both of them are slowing falling for this one girl without themselves realizing it. When the girl gets kidnap and there's a fake note blaming that the other brother kidnap her. (He look at you) Tell me. Do you think they are willing to kill each other for the same girl?" "I don't have an answer for that ridiculous question." you said angrily.He walks back and gave a small laugh. "Well, we might have our answer soon.

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Chapter 4: You .. Why you make me feel so sad huh ? Oh my god i cried horribly rn because of u
CrystabelMyungsoo #2
Chapter 4: Sequel please! This is so good!