Play With Me

Sing With Me

Narrative P.O.V

Eunjung whispered, “um-umma.. (mom),” Hongki woke up and heard Eunjung breathing heavily. She whimpered again, calling out, “umma..” Hongki rolled over to her side and put his arm around her waist. He rested his head behind her’s, he sighed and tried to comfort her. She silently sobbed but stopped chanting. A sudden movement from Hongki’s hand woke her up. Hongki’s hand twitched against her stomach and she opened her eyes. She lifted his arm and put it to his side, and turned around to face him. She analyzed Hongki’s beautiful face, and structure. His lips and cheeks were flushed pink. His hair was all over his eyes, so she brushed his hair away from his eyes to get a better view. Although he pretty much looked the same when they were young, something was different about him, but she couldn’t tell what it was. She sighed and continued staring at him...

Eunjung P.O.V

I don’t know why but I didn’t have any strength to pull myself up. My head hurt a lot and I was really cold. I adjusted the blanket and cuddled closer to Hongki. I never had any siblings nor had parents who were there for me. He was the closest thing to an appa (father). I always felt safe around him. He always stood by me and made sure no one bullied me. Now I have him and FT Island protecting me. How can I ever repay them back? Let alone Hongki, since I owe him so much, only thing I can offer was money...

Hongki’s right eye opened and looked at me. He smiled and showed off his cute teeth.

Hongki’s P.O.V

“Have you been staring at me all this time?” I pulled her towards me, and gave my warmth to her. She let out a sigh. “Did I say something wrong?” I asked while still holding onto her. “Jwesonghamnida (sorry –formal)” she replied, as she pushed away and stood up. Then walked to the washroom. I rolled over to the other side and continued sleeping.

Eunjung P.O.V

I walked into the washroom and brushed my teeth. I washed my face with a cloth and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red, with big dark circles around them. My skin was extremely pale, and my body was freezing. My head spun every time I made a sudden movement. I was a mess, my hair was all tangled and my clothes were bigger than ever -since I lost my appetite throughout this winter break, I lost a lot of weight. My tummy hungrily growled at me, but my tongue told me otherwise. I walked towards the kitchen and found Jaejin cooking breakfast.

“Good morning,” he welcomed me to a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and oatmeal with fruits. “Kamsahamnida (thank you –formal)” “You don’t have to speak formally to me!” he smiled. We both sat down at the kitchen table, while the other members were still sleeping.

Jaejin P.O.V

“Hongki hyung told me you were the same age as me...” trying to start a conversation with her. “Eung,” she nodded. “You look a lot younger and cuter though,” ^^ trying to cheer her up. It was true though, she was really pretty even with messy hair and no makeup. She looked up at me and shook her head in denial. Her long curly hair reached down to her spine and was a bit tangled. Her eyes were big and brown. Her lips were thin with a natural light cotton candy pink shade. She stayed quiet and ate her breakfast slowly but managed to finish most of it. “Do you want anymore?” I asked. She shook her head, “gwetchana (-it’s okay) I’m not that hungry.” I patted her head and stacked her plate on top of mine and put it in the sink to wash. Before I was able to grab the soap she already started putting on the gloves and started washing the dishes. “Gwetchana, I’ll do it,” I grabbed her hand, but she didn’t stop.” I sighed, and grabbed a dry cloth to wipe the dishes then stacked them in the cupboards.

“If only our members were as obedient as you were...” I chuckled. She looked at me with a blank face and didn’t show any emotion. She the tap and washed her hands then left. I stood there confused. I sighed once again; “she must be hurting quite a lot inside. Tomorrow is her birthday... I think it’s best if we try to cheer her up, but it’s going to be hard,”I thought to myself.

Hongki’s P.O.V

The alarm clock rang and I sprung myself up on my bed and looked at the clock which read, 8:30 pm. It’s been a while since I was able to sleep in, although to others this is quite early. I opened my door and took a step forward as I felt something bumped into my chest. It was Eunjung and she was about to enter the room. Her head hit my chest; “kyah,” she shrieked cutely. I looked down at her and cupped my hands onto her face; “gwetchana?” She nodded and entered the room as I walked to the washroom. I washed up then entered the kitchen. I took one of the dishes that Jaejin prepared and ate it quietly by myself.

“The other members are still sleeping? Where’s Jaejin?” I thought to myself, as I was reading the daily newspaper, Jaejin entered the room; “Yah, Hongki hyung, what are we going to do tomorrow?” “What do you mean?” I looked at him confused. He sighed and looked at me with a disappointed face. “You serious hyung?” Then I started to remember what day it was today... the 19th of December, so tomorrow must be.. “AH! It’s the 20th which is Eunjung unnie’s birthday!” I said having an epiphany. We started planning a surprising event for her, to cheer her up, but we were stumbled upon what to do.  We stared at each other dumbfounded, but eventually we came up with an idea.

Jonghoon, Seunghyun and Minhwan entered the kitchen and Jaejin got up to prepare their plates. They all sat down and started discussing about the plan for tomorrow. Everyone was so into the planning and forgot that time was passing by. They got a text from manger hyung, it read: “Where are you guys?” “Oh ! Hyung-nim is going to be so angry, if were late again!” Jonghoon screamed. Everyone stood up and rushed to their rooms and started getting ready. Hongki entered his room and found Eunjung lying down and sobbing under the blankets. Hongki walked over and pulled the blankets down. He sat himself next to her at the edge of the bed. He put his hands on the bed, beside both of her sides and looked down at her face.

Eunjung P.O.V

I didn’t want him to see me cry, so I turned my face to the side. He giggled, ^^ “please don’t cry on my bed, my bed doesn’t like it. Plus he wouldn’t talk back no matter what you do, so he’s not much of a comfort, even though he is quite squishy.” He pulled me up into his arms and hugged me. “Even though I’m not as comfortable as a bed, I am easily huggable, and if you cuddle with me I will cuddle back,” he said in Jeremy like tone.

Hongki P.O.V

She stood still and didn’t reply. I was a little frustrated that she didn’t accept my hug, so I pulled her in closer to me. I grabbed her arms and flung it onto my back, “you’re suppose to hug me back,” I whined. She dropped her arms to her side and I let go and faced her. She looked away and said “I don’t deserve any of this,” a fresh tear rolled down her cheek. I brushed my thumb across her cold cheek, and asked, “you don’t deserve... A hug?” I raised my eyebrow. “I don’t deserve to be here, and wasting FT Island’s time to cheer me up.” She sighed. “It’s not like we are doing this because you asked us to. We want to do this because we care about you.” I smiled. I knew she wanted to cry again, so I pushed her back onto the bed and flung the blanket over her face. “I’m going to change, don’t look,” I teased.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed an ED Hardy t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I took off my shirt, and saw her fidgeting under the blankets. “Yah. Are you looking?” I chuckled.

Eunjung P.O.V

Sigh, “it’s so hard to breath in here,” I thought to myself. I unfolded a small gap to get more air. I accidently found myself staring at Hongki undressing himself. My eyes widened and I immediately put the blankets back up. “Omo, I almost lost my innocence,” I panted as my heart beat grew. I felt him crawl over to my side, as I uncovered myself from the blankets, I see his bare arm stretched out above my head reaching for his cologne. “Mian (sorry -informal)” he said. I scanned at his shirtless body, he had muscles but they weren’t bulky, and he was really pale. He realized I was staring at him, “you like it? :D” he teased. I gave him a cold glare, and put the covers over my face again. He chuckled, then crawled over and put his arm on my waist. “I think I found your weak spot,” he whispered next to my ear. “Ahhh.. Get off of me oppa!” I squealed. “If you hug me back,” he blackmailed. “Andrai.” I refused. “Then I’m not letting go,” he argued. “You’ll be late for your schedule.” I argued back. “It’s okay, manager hyung thinks I’m having a family crises right now, so I can stay here all I want,” he giggled. I sighed. I didn’t want his fans to be disappointed if Hongki didn’t make an appearance in his FT Island interview, so I freed myself from the covers and placed my hand on his abs, while resting my head onto his shoulder. His hand gripped my head as he laid his chin next to my forehead, and whispered, “am I creeping you out?” He smirked. I pushed him to the side and rolled over to the opposite side. “I don’t like your way of comforting by blackmailing me...” I lied. He pouted and cuddled behind me. “Mian,” he said quietly while rubbing his head on my back. “You’re cold,” he said worriedly. Then got up and walked outside. He came back with Jaejins blanket and laid it over my freezing body. He gave me a small peck on my forehead; “sleep well, and make sure you dream about me, keke” he giggled. He took his shirt and walked out the door. Within a few minutes they left the dorm, and it was dead silent. I took a sigh of relief and cuddled with the blanket. Jaejin’s scent was really strong and unique. It was like a sweet flower smell with a hint of cinnamon. I fell in love with his smell and found myself falling asleep to its sweetness.  An hour has passed and even though I had two blankets, I was still freezing. “But why was I sweating so much?” I thought to myself. Sigh, I ignored my cold body, and continued sleeping. 

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Princess910603 #1
update please
yasminajung #2
Chapter 26: update soon please....
Byunjungie #3
Chapter 26: Eventhough its my late comment, but please update soon chingu..
pioushej #4
Chapter 26: please update soon authornim your story is great! omo! what will happen to eunjung?
1124 streak #5
Chapter 26: Pls update now its been months..poor hongki
1124 streak #6
Dont worry even if im late i always subscribe ;-)
.chingu, you not update again??
Ifannie #8
Update soon please?
oh.. !
Oh!!!!!!!!! so sad...
I'm going depressed, please make her fine again and remember Honki!