
Sweet as Maple: An Wu Yifan Tale

The cold water soothingly pounded against his back as Kris stood in the shower after his morning workout. It had been a few months since Kris parted ways with EXO and only now was he starting to feel at ease with his decision. To help him transition to his new life he created a daily routine that started with a morning workout followed by a refreshing shower. The workouts started as a coping method but for the past week he had actually enjoyed the exercise. It must have been working considering he nearly forgot about his old life that morning.

But after his shower the memories came flooding back as he was searching for his facial moisturizer in the medicine cabinet above the bathroom sink. He found a sample sized container of a moisturizer Tao had recommended to him.


“But why? Why can’t you just tell me?”

“Tao, you wouldn’t understand. No one will understand…”


He remembered Tao fighting back the tears.


“We will understand! Please, this is too sudden…”



“Nothing… I told you you wouldn’t understand.”


Kris sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror. How could he be so harsh to dear, sweet Tao? The imploring tone in his voice, the tears begging to fall from his eyes; how could Kris be so cruel and ignore his friend’s pleads like that?

Because Kris was right. No one would have understood his reasons. Would they have believed him if he mentioned the voices? The dreams? On the rare days Kris complained of illness during practice, would any of them had believed him if he told the truth about what was really bothering him? Probably not, so Kris had no other choice but to leave like that.

There was one person who understood.

After getting dressed Kris plopped down onto his bed with his cell phone in hand. He searched through the numbers and pressed the call button.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

Kris prayed he would answer. He wasn’t sure if he could make it through the day without him.



“Henry? It’s Kris.”

“Hey, good to hear from you, brother! What’s going on?”

“Do you want to grab some coffee? I need to speak with you.”

“Of course, Kris. Anything for you. I’ll meet you at Le Cartet in thirty minutes.”


When the call ended Kris dropped his phone onto the bed and sighed. Just knowing that Henry was willing to listen put his mind at ease ever so slightly and helped him calm down. After Kris left EXO he was so grateful that Henry reached out to him and provided some comfort in the darkness of the days that followed. Henry was the only other person who heard the voices, was overwhelmed by the scent, and plagued by the visions that invaded the mind during slumber.

Henry was the only other person who was given the gift of la mère de l'érable, the Maple Mother.

Thirty minutes later Kris arrived at La Cartet, a cozy café he and Henry frequented when they wanted to chat over coffee or tea. Henry sat with two cups at a table in the very back, the most private location where they could discuss everything and anything.

“Henry, thank you so much for meeting me today,” Kris said as he sat down across from his friend.

“It’s no trouble, Kris. You know I’m always happy to see you. So, tell me: what’s on your mind today?”

Kris sighed. “This morning I thought of… them, specifically Tao. It made me nauseous and angry. I wanted to punch the mirror.”

Henry gave him an apologetic look. “It’s not easy, trust me. I’ve been in your position before, but it does get better. You didn’t tell them anything, right?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. How could I?” Kris took a sip of the coffee. “How could I explain to them I get vivid dreams of an elfin woman who calls herself the Maple Mother? Surely they would think I was insane.”

“Yes, I understand. I couldn’t tell them anything either. But Kris, perhaps the guilt you’re feeling is coming from something deep within you that desires to be free,” Henry explained as his expression hardened.

Kris raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Henry sighed. “What does the Maple Mother tell you in these dreams? When you’re browsing your computer at night, what are the voices telling you?”

Kris was taken aback but listened to his friend. “Well… in my dreams I awake in a forest. I wander around until I find this giant tree with a spout and a bucket. Then comes the apparition of this girl who says she’s the Maple Mother. She tells me…”

“Tells you what?”

“She tells me I must obtain maple water, bathe in it thrice, and then visit her in the forest. After that I wake up in a cold sweat.”

Henry leaned back in his chair. “Kris, I must show you something.” He fished for something out of his pocket, and when he was sure no one was paying attention to them he presented it on the table. It was a small knife with a maple leaf symbol on the handle.

“A knife?” Kris asked confused.

Henry shook is head. He put his arm on the table with his palm facing upward. “Watch closely, brother.” Henry took the knife and made a small incision in the crook of his elbow. Kris looked on in horror but was ushered by Henry to focus closely. It was not blood that flowed from the wound but an amber-colored liquid with the consistency of watery honey.

“Taste it,” Henry ordered softly.

“Huh?” Did Kris hear him correctly?

Henry sighed. “I know I sound crazy, but do it and you’ll understand.”

Kris did as he was told. He rubbed the tip of his index finger in the wound and brought it to his lips. Hesitantly he lapped at the liquid, his eyes widening as he realized what it was.

“Syrup?!” Kris exclaimed in a confused excitement.

Henry nodded. “This is what happens after you visit the Maple Mother. Kris, this is what happens when you set yourself free.”

“I… I don’t understand.”

“Then let’s go to the Maple Mother.”

Kris gasped. “What? Right now? It’s snowing heavily now, Henry.”

“Don’t worry, brother, the Maple Mother will guide us there safely.”

In the following hour Kris and Henry arrived at the entrance of the forest, the very place Kris had visited so many times in his sleep. The forest was filled with maple trees, all dormant now for the winter. Along the way Henry explained that the maple trees died in the winter except for the tree in which the Maple Mother resided. At this point Kris had tuned out Henry’s words.

Had Henry spiked his coffee before he arrived? Kris wasn’t sure if he should believe everything that was said back in the coffee shop. Hearing it out loud made Kris realize how insane it truly sounded and he almost regretted calling Henry. But how could Henry’s lack of blood be explained? How was he even alive? Perhaps Kris’ drink had been tampered with a drug causing him to have such wild hallucinations. Whatever it was, there was no turning back now. Kris couldn’t go back on his word, so off the two of them went through the wintry maple forest.

For four hours they trekked through that forest. Their clothing was soaked, their teeth were chattering, and their endurance was quickly fading. Kris wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

“Henry,” Kris called out to his friend who had been a few feet ahead, “Henry, I can’t go on…”

Henry stopped to look back at Kris. “Kris, do not give up! We’re almost there, I promise you. Just a few more feet!”

What else could Kris do? With his last bit of energy Kris pushed forward.

Within five minutes they arrived at a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing stood a large and colorful maple tree, and as Kris approached the tree he felt overwhelmed by that familiar scent.

The scent of maple syrup.

Kris collapsed in front of it, his body struggling to stay warm as he laid face down in the snow.



Kris’ head perked up slighty.

Yifan, it is not your time yet.

A burst of energy soared throughout Kris’ body as he stood up; it was as though he hadn’t previously journeyed through a forest in a terrible snow storm. Kris stared up at the tree, looked back at Henry, and then back at the tree.

An almost blinding light filled his vision but within seconds it was gone. Floating before him was a young woman with maple leaf wings and clad in maroon-colored robes. Kris stared up at her in awe.

“Yifan,” her angelic voice called out, “it is I, la mère de l'érable, your Maple Mother.”

“You’ve been in my dreams, correct?” Kris asked her, his eyes taking in her beauty.

She closed her eyes. “Yes, and I’m so happy you’ve finally came to me. I need your help, my son.”

Kris shook his head. “Help? I don’t understand. Who are you, exactly?”

The Maple Mother grinned and opened her eyes. “I walk this earth as a young woman named Amber, but I am really the Maple Mother, representative of all the Maple Gods. I was born from this maple tree and I am here to do one thing: set free the maple trees and stop the commercial production of maple syrup.”


Kris stared at her in great confusion.

“You see, Yifan, your soul came from a maple tree abused and used for its sap. At the time of your birth your soul found you as its carrier, and your true purpose on planet Earth is to help your kind in this great war. Henry is your maple brother but he has already let his soul free.”

“I don’t understand,” Kris began, “I thought I had to go through some process before I met you?”

Amber smiled. “Your process begins now.” She reached her hands up to the sky.

A great boom of thunder rumbled throughout the sky and suddenly the air was saturated with the scent of maple. As Kris looked up he was instantly pelted with what appeared to be rain but was actually maple water. The water cleansed his body and he had no choice but to stand there. He tried to move, he tried to run away, but Amber was controlling his soul and keeping it place.

After three minutes it stopped and Kris was left standing there soaked in the water. His clothes were gone and an angelic ray of light shined delicately upon him.

“Are you cold?” Amber asked with a smile.

“No, no I’m not!” Kris said bewildered.

“Good. It worked. Maple syrup now courses through your veins and you are one of us.”

Another blinding light and Kris was suddenly dressed in robes similar to those that clung to Amber’s body.

“La mère de l'érable, what do I do now?” He asked.

“You will stay here in this forest and protect the trees from further harm. Henry will accompany you in your new life as a Maple Brother. May the Maple Gods forever bless you and keep you safe!”

Kris still had questions about his new role in the world, but he was ecstatic that he finally found a place where he felt welcome. He knew he belonged here with his Maple Brother and with his Maple Mother, and he knew EXO would never understand.

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dayan_m #1
Chapter 1: hahahahaha is it because both of them are from canada and its one of those things the represents canada? hahahaha good one! XD