
Swimming in the Past

Hyukjae was wondering through campus. He had been exploring, getting used to the lay out of the campus so he could maneuver it easily during the upcoming school year. 

He passed students and teachers on his way, greeting them with small smiles and soft hellos. He found himself nearing the school's swimming pool. He was surprised when he hear voices echoing from the pool. 

He stepped through the glass doors, seeing none other than Lee Donghae standing by the pool with trunks on and a stop watch in his hands. A student was swimming laps in the pool in front of him with the brunette urging him to go faster with each lap. 

"That was slower than the last time! How do you expect to do well this season if you can't even be consistent?" Donghae asked, looking down at the breathless boy in the water. 

"I'm sorry, coach," he said, holding himself on the side. 

"One more time, come on," Donghae said, restarting the clock. 

"But I'm tired," the boy complained. 

Donghae groaned. The boy in the water took noticed of Hyukjae standing near the doors, watching them. Donghae followed the boy's gaze to Hyukjae. 

"Get dressed, we're done," Donghae said. 

The boy didn't need to be told twice. He pulled himself from the pool and scurried into the locker rooms to change. Hyukjae this as a chance to approach Donghae. 

The brunette was gathering his things when Hyukjae stood beside him, drawing his attention away from the bag in Donghae's hands. The brunette glared at the other man. 

"What?" Donghae asked. 

"You aren't happy to see me?" Hyukjae asked with a smile. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Lee, but I must be going," Donghae said. 

"But I want to have a little chat," Hyukjae said. 

"I'd rather not," Donghae said, throwing the bag over his shoulder. 

"I didn't know you were the swimming coach," Hyukjae said. 

"And so what if I am?" Donghae asked. 

"You know," Hyukjae said with a smirk, "I did my fair share of swimming in high school. Maybe I could help you."

"I don't need help," Donghae said. 

"Oh really? Your student seems to need some help with someone who doesn't just yell at him," Hyukjae said. 

"I don't yell at him," Donghae shouted. 

"And what are you doing to me?" Hyukjae asked. 

Donghae's face turned red. He stepped back, Hyukjae coming on too strong. The other male was getting under his skin and it was just the second meeting. 

Donghae tried to turn around and go the other way into the lockers to change, but Hyukjae wouldn't let him. The red head grabbed his arm, holding Donghae back. 

"How about we race," Hyukjae said. 

"Wh-What?" Donghae asked, eyes widening. 

"If I win, I get to be your assistant coach," Hyukjae said. "If I lose then I'll leave you alone."

"But you don't even have a suit," Donghae said. 

"I don't need one," Hyukjae replied with a smirk. 

Donghae thought for a moment. It couldn't hurt. Hyukjae had the disadvantage. He had nothing to lose, and if he won, it meant the other would leave him alone. 

"I-I'll do it," Donghae said. 

Hyukjae nodded and began to strip himself down to his boxers. Donghae avoided the other man's body. Hyukjae was blessed with a beautiful body, and Donghae didn't want to get distracted by looking at it. 

"You ready?" Hyukjae asked, seeing Donghae paying him no heed. 

"Y-Yeah," Donghae replied, walking over to the pool. 

"On the count of three," Hyukjae said. 




There was a splash as the two men plummeted into the  water. Donghae began swimming, each from muscle memory. Swimming came to him so easily. 

The man had grown up in water. He was made fun of as a kid for is fish like antics, and even more for looking remotely like the scaled sea creatures. 

Donghae felt the water rushing past him. He didn't know where Hyukjae was, nor did he care. He was swimming again, racing. He hadn't felt the exhilarated in a while. 

Donghae could see the end. He was reaching forward, about to grasp the edge of the wall in victory when something else appeared beside him. 

It was a hand, reaching the wall - touching it. Hyukjae's arm. Donghae couldn't believe it. The had reached the finish before he had. The red head had beaten him. 

They both emerged from the water. They were both gasping for air. Hyukjae was smirking. He knew he had done it, and Donghae was regretting his decision to take the other on. 

"It looks like I'm your new assistant coach," Hyukjae said, pulling himself to sit on the side of the pool. 

"H-How?" Donghae asked, mouth agape. 

Hyukjae leaned over and tucked two fingers under Donghae's chin. He lifted, making the brunette close his mouth as he smirked down at him. 

"I never reveal my secrets," Hyukjae said. 

Donghae didn't reply. He pulled himself from the pool and stood beside Hyukjae. He looked at the other, his body dripping wet, boxers soaked and clinging to his body. 

He couldn't possibly let the other man walk around school the rest of the day like that. Donghae groaned and walked over to his back and grabbed a towel. He threw it at Hyukjae, the cloth landing on top of his head and thankfully not in the water. 

"Get dressed before someone sees you like that," Donghae said. 

"You really do care about me," Hyukjae said in a mocking tone. 

"No, I don't, but I wouldn't want you to lose your job for being inappropriate in front of students. I don't know how bad you need this job," Donghae said. 

"Do you happen to have a change of boxers?" Hyukjae asked. 

"Yeah, in the locker room," Donghae replied. 

"Well, lead the way, coach," Hyukjae said, grabbing his clothes. 

Donghae sighed and led the way into the locker room. The student was leaving as they were entering. He stopped, looking at the two, and stared even longer at the soaking wet Hyukjae. 

"He's your new assistant coach," Donghae said. "And don't let this little run in get around, got it?" 

"Y-Yes sir," the boy said before running off, leaving the two men to themselves. 


short short short ;-;

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Chapter 4: Honestly update this
noonsmine #2
Chapter 4: wait for the next chap , :( ،THANKS
noonsmine #3
Chapter 2: wow great chap but please make the new ine longer :(
thanks and waiting for the next update <3
Xxdreamergirl #4
Chapter 4: Wow,i can't imagine how that poor girl felt.
Oooooh! We'll get to see why hae is acting like this?! Can' t wait!! <3
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 4: Shoottt hae past is coming...looking forward...
hope their relationship will be better
Chapter 4: Poor girl and I bet she will be going into hyukkies class here soon. Hae what is wrong with you? You need to let it all out before you really do something stupid or get fired from your job. Hyukkie good luck in trying to help Hae out with his demons.
Chapter 4: youuuuu updateeeed why did i not see this ugh okay im looking forward to finding out about donghae's past *^*
Chapter 4: Next we know why he acts like that...
Chapter 4: AH I'VE MISSED THIS!!!