Chapter 3

I literally Got7

It was around 1pm when all of us had sorted all of our stuff out and had decided to go have a look around the resort.


“Hey, you’ve got your rings on. We have too, see?” Yugyeom said while ing his and Jackson’s hands in front of myself and Marks faces for emphasis. I nodded in acknowledgment. It was no surprise that they had their rings on to be honest. Yugyeom would always try to have Jackson wear them when it was only us at the dorm but obviously Jackson forcibly told him no due to how higher of a risk it was in case another member came home early. “I love wearing my ring. It makes it feel real, you know. I wish I could wear it all of the time” he added with a sad look.


“Yugee, we’ve talked about this. We can’t let anyone know. We don’t love in America anymore. It’s not acceptable in Korea like it is there” Jackson said assertively but with a soft gentle tone. I sighed, it was really upsetting to me that my brother always had to hide his happiness because he would be frowned upon by Korean society if he showed it. They would always have it worse than me and Mark. If people found out about our situation they would be angry and upset but would probably get over it and forgive us and become accepting but Jackson and Yugyeom were extremely unlikely to get support from anyone in Korea besides us. It was so unfair that Korea didn’t deem it acceptable to be gay. Mark knew what I was thinking and wrapped an arm around my shoulders to pull me into his side for comfort.


“I know, Jack. I’m sorry it’s just …” Yugyeom began but then took a deep breathe and plastered a smile on his face before continuing.  “Well, no matter we can be completely ourselves for an entire month with nothing to worry about” His ability to put on a brave face and switch from upset to, at least looking and seeming, happy was amazing. He had been like that for as long as I could remember knowing him but we all knew him well enough to know when he was just putting on his façade. “So where are going now?”


“Let’s go have a look at the resort and see if we want to book anything like sports or spa treatments, you know check out the facilities. How does that sound?” Mark suggested and we all nodded in agreement and made our way towards the exit.





“When we get to Korea no one can know about us, okay? Our relationship won’t be accepted like it is here” Jackson said to Yugyeom sadly. Yugyeom nodded, biting his lip with watery eyes. “Even though no one besides me, you, Kaylee and Mark will know we will still be together whenever possible. I will still love only you, nothing will change that. We just have to keep everything a secret”


“I know. I love you so much. We can overcome this and pull through I know it” Yugyeom replied leaning his head against Jackson’s chest. He closed his eyes and let the tears fall. Jackson rubbed his back soothingly and they stayed like that for a long time.



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Chapter 12: Awww that was so nice and cute :)
MrsChopsticks101 #2
Chapter 12: nnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaawww this was so sweet! ^ _ ^ cant wait for the sequel!! :D