Sweet Painful memory

♚ Royal Secret ♚ -completed-
Kibum wiped away his tears, he always knew he was ugly good for nothing creature but that just now was too harsh, it ripped his heart off his chest so throwing the notebook aside, kicking the ink with his leg spilling it on the grass he hid his face with his palms and crawled up in the shape of a ball and cried, as hard as he could he tried to mute his sobs not to be found as he shook and shivered softly crying till his red puffy eyes were too heavy to keep opened and so he closed them and slept

♚ With Changmin a few hours later ♚

Changmin finally finished his work and sighing he stretched his arms above his head dropping his feather onto the desk and smiling:' TOP, tell them to bring my dinner to the privet garden, I want some peace and quiet'

'Sure my lord' smiled TOP and walked away to come back a minute later and with changmin they walked to the privet garden, opening the door to the hall changmin looked right in front of him, right beside the swing someone was crawled in a ball on the floor and sleeping?

With his sword ready in his hand TOP walked to the figure and whispered:' it's your cousin my lord, the little boy' and he returned his sword into his sheath

Blinking in confusion changmin walked to the boy, he looked so pitiful sleeping that way with his red eyes and the dry marks of the tears on his cheeks plus looking around he saw the notebook he was reading earlier thrown away, going to it changmin bowed and took it to frown, the ink was smirched with tears and was unreadable and the ink which was still making a tiny lake on the grass dying it black, something was wrong for sure but what?

'Wonder what happened to him?' whispered changmin as he looked at TOP, the sleeping boy was shivering now as it was a little cold, not knowing why changmin just took off his cloak and covered the sleeping boy with it seeing him relax his sleeping body a little

'He seems hurt, did someone tell him or did something to him? TOP please find out, he had suffered enou…' before changmin could finish they heard a knock on the door as it opened softly and the third cousin walked in, dressed all in old white suit that was ripped and re sewed in a few placed, the same goes to the black shoes he was wearing, the huge silver glasses hid most of his face and what they did not he hid with the long old black cloak he wore and reached a little above his chin

'I… sorry my lord I did not know you were here I'm here to take bummie' he bowed at once

'Bummie?' blinked changmin, the name meant something to him but he was not sure what

'My younger brother my lord' jaejoong kept his eyes down not facing not changmin nor TOP

'Oh… right but he is sleeping I don't think it's a good idea to wake him up now… let him sleep and when he wakes up I will tell him to go to you' somehow for some reason changmin did not want to let anyone annoy the sleeping boy

'But…' jaejoong obviously did not like that

'I won't eat him' smiled changmin insisting so jaejoong did not find any other choice but to bow and leave leaving his beloved little brother with the ruler and the protector

'TOP… I feel something weird… like I know him from before' frowned changmin still looking at the sleeping boy

'Huh?' blinked TOP not understanding but looking at changmin who was staring at the boy trying hard to remember

Kibum sifted a little and changmin went back a couple of steps not wanting to startle the boy not to make him wake up, unknown to changmin kibum had already woke up and hearing the last line changmin said he froze not wanting to wake up wanting to stay and act asleep and maybe changmin will remember him as he used to be a long time ago

♚ Flash Back When Kibum Was Four ♚

Kibum was in the royal garden with his father who was discussing something with the king, he was alone playing with the butterflies chasing them when he bumped into someone and fell on the grass scratching his palm making it bleed a little

Eyes filled with tears as the wound started to sting kibum was about to cry but someone kneeled infront of him smiling softly as he whispered lovingly:' oww your hurt, let me blow on it a little, it will be all better' that was a eight years old changmin

Looking at the elder boy kibum watched as changmin blew on his wound and kissed it softly making it all better but making him feel so hot too

'Better?' smiled changmin charmingly

Kibum just nodded his head blinking his eyes looking at the charming boy, back then kibum was not that ugly, he was dressed nicely in a light blue suit and new cloak, his hair was short and styled and he had no glasses on, he looked pretty as his mother told him

'You're so cute~' smiled changmin pinching the boy's cheeks making them pink and making him pout

'I'm handsome! Girls are pretty!!' whined kibum and announced to changmin

'Oww but I want you to be my pretty boy' smiled changmin sitting down beside kibum

'Hyung's pretty boy?' blinked kibum pouting

Smiling changmin took the boy onto his lap and looked at him softly, kissing his palm again he smiled:' yes, my only pretty boy'

Nodding his head kibum grinned:' ok~'

Smiling happily changmin grinned; he wanted to try something he saw adults do so grinned maliciously before pointing at the sky:' look!'

Raising up his head at once kibum felt something sweet on his lips, something soft that quickly touched his lips and pulled away but still the sweet taste remained on his lips

'Hyung?' blinked kibum not understanding what just happened

Changmin on the other hand grinned in victory; he made the young innocent boy look up into the sky and pecked his lips, for both of them it was their first kiss and for changmin it tasted sweet and warmth spread all over his spin as his lips touched the boy's even if it was for a brief second or even less, he now understood why adults liked to kiss all the time

'That meant that you are my pretty boy, just mine!' grinned changmin explaining to the young kibum who thinking that what happened is a normal thing just nodded his head innocently


'Yes my pretty boy?' smiled changmin

'Tell me a story' grinned kibum looking at changmin who seemed to think hard before he started to tell him the story of Cinderella, kibum already knew this one because his mother told him that fairytale a while ago but he sat there on Changmin's lap listening to him tell it all over again happily just to sit there and listen to him speak and even make those sound effects every now and then drawing kibum's attention to the story more and more

Finally when he finished changmin looked at the boy in his lap and smiled:' like it?'

Nodding his head kibum grinned:' another one'

And so changmin spent all the afternoon telling kibum fairytales till he ran out of them, he told him all the stories he knew but had no other so feeling troubled at the cute boy with the pleading eyes changmin did not know if to feel troubled or relieved when kibum's father called him to leave, he did not want to let go of the boy but still had too

'Remember you are my pretty boy' whispered changmin

'What is hyung's name?' blinked kibum just remembering to ask as his father's voice came closer

'Changmin, and you my pretty boy?' smiled changmin

Just as kibum was about to say his name his father reached smiling:' come son, time to leave' and with that he carried kibum happily and walked away missing the pout on his baby's lips as he did not manage to tell changmin his name

♚ Now that kibum is seventeen ♚

Kibum took the empty notebook and looked at it, remembering his first kiss he blushed, call it stupidity but he fell for his changmin hyung ever since and did not accept others, not that there were too many because after his parents died he became into this state as they had no money for him to cut his hair or buy new cloth, he used the glasses to hide his ugly face just as his hyung did, not wanting to be near anyone so he and his hyung stayed together watching their other hyung, siwon, buying all the expensive cloth and perfumes and jewelry while they had none, he sold their to live from before the head of the family started to send them money, one silver for him a month and the same to jaejoong that barely bought them the bread and the milk, siwan on the other hand got nine gold and seven silver pieces just because he had an affair with him, the ruler, the guardian of the crown, changmin… kibum's changmin

That truth was like a dagger into kibum's heart knowing he kept his promise all those years for nothing, his hyung and his love forgot him long ago and is having an affair with his hyung, it was a shame and a sin to still love him knowing he belongs to his brother but kibum could not help it, only jaejoong knew, only jaejoong was there for him whenever he felt like dying or crying and finally he knew how to take it out of his system, he started to write this story, this fairytale about a demon, a beast that falls in love with an angel, him the beast and changmin is the angel, and at first the angels hates the beast because of his looks and refuses to give the beast a chance choosing to be with a prettier creature like himself but his new lover ends up hurting him and tearing off his wings to steal them and the beast still in love with the angel comes and takes the broken angel into his cave and takes care of him, feeding him and nursing, protecting him from other's eyes too till the angel got all better and his wings grew back and then he escapes the beast's cave forgetting everything he did for him still because of his look but as he went back to heaven he could not stop thinking about the beast, he fell for him, for his kind heart and sincerity so he flies back to him begging for forgiveness which the beast was more than happy to give, he was happy he got his pretty angel that he did not care how badly he hurt him before and now both together they decided to face the entire world announcing their love… a story that kibum hopped will help him with his sadness

♚ End Of Flash Back ♚

Kibum felt his eyes filled with tears again, changmin was not going to remember him… it's over so he pretended to stay asleep not wanting to face him and secretly enjoying the nice soothing smell on the cloak he was covered with…



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my Yoosu feels!
sweetie-choco #3
Chapter 17: It's actually really hard to like Junsu in here
I've read all your stories and it's really hard to a pick favourite but this fic is in the top. Really good plot and cuteness
Chapter 60: Innocent Junsu~
You such lucky Yoochunnie *pout*

Junnie, JaeJae and Kibummie wear dress... Sound weird for me...

I thought it's bored, the pic doesnt look interesting to me but the story so best

Seriously, I love it~
I found it weird that Junsu, Jaejoong and Kibum were wearing dresses, i thought that it was going to be one of those fics were them three are portrayed as really feminine and thought id get bored lol. Man was is wrong. I managed to read it all in one day ^^
lol srsly.
At first I was all like "Nahh, I bet I will immediately stop reading. It doesn't sound promising"
And now I'm just like "HOOOOOOOLY COW"
This is seriously simply amazing! Thank you for sharing this fic with us ! <3
morgan47 #9
This is an epic fic! I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it but holy smoly! Awesome work! I'm totally late for work now, but I had to finish!