Healed? Part2

♚ Royal Secret ♚ -completed-
Opening his eyes slowly Junsu looked around, he saw his chunie~ standing there whispering something to his yunie hyung~?

Junsu widened his eyes at once, did his yunie hyung~ find out about their secret? Is he going to hurt his chunie~?

'Ahhhh~' moaned Junsu in pain as he tried to get out of bed, his lower body still felt a little numb and it was hard for him to move


'My princess'

Both Yoochun and yunho ran to Junsu and helped him back into his bed as Yoochun covered him back

'Hurt~' whined Junsu not knowing exactly what was hurting him

'Maybe the princess should stay in bed today?' asked Yoochun softly knowing exactly what was wrong with junsu

'I think so too… that is what you get when you spend all day running without resting like you did yesterday…hhh… stay in bed and I will send Jae and kibum shi to keep you company, donghae should arrive soon with your colors too because I sent him yesterday after dinner' yunho patted Junsu's head lovingly and shook his head

'Chunie~ can keep me company' pouted Junsu

'No su Yoochun had other things to do'

'But~' whined Junsu again

'Sorry love but I need him to come with me today, changmin shi and I are going out and I need him or do you want someone to attack me?' cracked yunho an eyebrow

'Fine~' frowned Junsu cutely looking down as Yoochun smiled sadly at his lover. He too wanted to stay but his king ordered and he must obey so bowing softly he walked out with yunho leaving Junsu alone but to be joined by jaejoong and kibum a couple of minutes later

It was not till noon when donghae arrived with the colors and handed them to the princess who began to draw and paint the rabbit happily while jaejoong and kibum were with him watching and admiring his skills

Yunho and changmin did not come back till dinner time and when they did they were so tired that they showered and went to bed not bothering to eat nor explaining where they were to anyone

Yoochun too was tired but he could not sleep without seeing his princess so changing his cloth he went to his chamber and entered, the princess was already in his gown in the bed waiting for him

'Chunie~' grinned Junsu happily finally seeing his lover and at once raised his hands wanting to be hugged and smiling Yoochun just walked to him and sat down on the bed beside him hugging his lover tightly

'Chunie~ is tired' whispered Junsu softly still in his lover's arms

'I'm ok now' smiled Yoochun:' are you still hurting love?'

Junsu shook his head happily; the numb feeling vanished after lunch and he felt all good again now

'Glad to hear' whispered Yoochun kissing Junsu's lips softly

'Where were you?' pouted Junsu

'His majesty went with changmin shi to the best swords maker here; they went to his small workshop so he will make weapons to the army to defend the land'

'Ohh~' Junsu made fish mouth again with his lips making Yoochun want to kiss him so badly

'Yea and tomorrow we are going to meet some of the spies we sent to the bad guy's kingdom so they will tell us what is he planning to do which means we will be out all day too' explained Yoochun

Junsu frowned at once not liking that

'The princess must not tell anyone this information' whispered Yoochun hugging Junsu tighter

'I won't' assured Junsu snuggling into his lover's chest and closing his eyes, soon he was snoring softly too…

The next day went by as Yoochun said without anything interesting till the morning after…

Yoochun woke up and went to get dressed, again without having his sword at his left he felt something missing but today was the day when the doctor said he can fence again so today he will be able to get his beloved sword back

Rushing out of his chamber Yoochun almost bumped into Junsu who was already dressed and heading to his chamber

'Oh good morning princess' bowed Yoochun a little

'Morning chunie~' grinned Junsu happily:' come' and he pulled Yoochun to yunho's chamber as he too missed watching his chunie~ practice every morning

'Yunie hyung~!!!' Junsu called cutely as he pushed the door open and entered without knocking to see yunho, jaejoong, changmin, kibum and TOP already sitting there with the doctor

'Oh su, morning dear… '

'Chunie~ wants his sword back so give~' Junsu pulled his hand out cutely and pouting wanting the sword already

'No su… sit here and wait' chuckled yunho at his brother's cuteness

Frowning Junsu let go of Yoochun's hand and sat down beside jaejoong as yunho took another sip of his tea and stood up, going to the trunk infront of his bed he opened it and took out Yoochun's sword

'Hold it and… show off' ordered yunho

Holding his word Yoochun felt his palm warm up. Happy to be rejoined with the sword so nodding his head he did as yunho said, he held out his sword at the ready and as TOP eyed him better than everyone else he twisted the sword in his palm skillfully to do a full circle before he started to show off some skills, his shoulder was fine right now and did not hurt anymore


The doctor walked closer to Yoochun and loosened up his cloth till he examined the wound and nodded:' it's healed'

'Then you can have your sword back' nodded yunho as Yoochun smiled

TOP tightened his hand around his sword and gave changmin the same look

'Aish you!!... fine… when is the rematch?' sighed changmin shaking his head

'Err… how about tomorrow? Yoochun needs to practice a little I think?' blinked yunho

'I'm fine without practice your majesty' assured Yoochun, he too wanted a rematch to get his reputation back

'Alright then how about…?' frowned yunho

'Today!! At noon' grinned Junsu happily as he announced

'Ok' shrugged both yunho and changmin

Yoochun and TOP both bowed to their lords before eyeing each other like wanting to cut each other's head off right there right then

'Then chunie~ will eat breakfast and then come with me to finish the painting' Junsu clapped his hands happily as he decided

Yoochun just nodded his head, before the match he needed a good luck charm right?

'Ok then TOP can rest and I will order to prepare the garden for that' nodded changmin as they all went to breakfast

Junsu did not really eat anything, two spoonfuls of scrambled eggs and a cup of tea as he wanted to go see his chunie~ already so finishing those he run to his chamber to find his chunie~ there waiting for him already but Sungmin was cleaning the chamber too

'Leave us!' ordered Junsu and Sungmin bowed before he left

Junsu waited next to the door and as Sungmin left he locked the door and ran into his chunie's~ arms at once

Yoochun just hugged Junsu tightly and kissed his lips at once as the boy reached him, the cherry lips were so sweet that he felt sugar high right now

'Chunie~ must win today' pouted Junsu as he raised himself a little, he wrapped his legs around Yoochun's waist as he wrapped his arms around the neck, Yoochun wrapped his arms around the waist holding him closer in place

'Of course I will win for you my love' assured Yoochun

'And then chunie~ will come see me' pouted Junsu

'As my princess wants but…' passed Yoochun

'What?' blinked Junsu

'To win I need a good luck charm that only the princess can give me' pouted Yoochun

'What charm?' frowned Junsu cutely

'This' Yoochun took one arm off Junsu's waist and patted his lips making Junsu grin shyly as he lent in kissing Yoochun again, a kiss that turned out into a hot long~ make out season the second their lips touched and did not end till about an hour later when donghae knocked the door softly whispering:' my lord the king is on his way here!'

Yoochun and Junsu pulled away at once and Junsu rushed into the bathroom to calm himself down as he was already panting hard while Yoochun unlocked the door at once thanking donghae who was standing guard for them once they had their stolen lover's time again


ok the match is next plus something else
hope you like the chap
thx for the comments

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my Yoosu feels!
sweetie-choco #3
Chapter 17: It's actually really hard to like Junsu in here
I've read all your stories and it's really hard to a pick favourite but this fic is in the top. Really good plot and cuteness
Chapter 60: Innocent Junsu~
You such lucky Yoochunnie *pout*

Junnie, JaeJae and Kibummie wear dress... Sound weird for me...

I thought it's bored, the pic doesnt look interesting to me but the story so best

Seriously, I love it~
I found it weird that Junsu, Jaejoong and Kibum were wearing dresses, i thought that it was going to be one of those fics were them three are portrayed as really feminine and thought id get bored lol. Man was is wrong. I managed to read it all in one day ^^
lol srsly.
At first I was all like "Nahh, I bet I will immediately stop reading. It doesn't sound promising"
And now I'm just like "HOOOOOOOLY COW"
This is seriously simply amazing! Thank you for sharing this fic with us ! <3
morgan47 #9
This is an epic fic! I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it but holy smoly! Awesome work! I'm totally late for work now, but I had to finish!