
♚ Royal Secret ♚ -completed-
The day passed by with everyone having fun especially Junsu, kibum and jaejoong who sat at the edge of the lake dangling their legs into the water as their pulled their gowns up to their knees and splashing water at each other while giggling and chuckling

Yunho and changmin were sitting in the background on the grass looking at their lovers smiling thinking something naughty for sure while Yoochun was standing with donghae a little bit behind whispering about something and eyeing Junsu, TOP stood at the other side eyeing Yoochun and holding onto his sword while Sungmin was preparing the barbeque and the food for them

'Chunie~!!' called Junsu suddenly and Yoochun ran to his princess at once

'Yes princess?' Yoochun bowed as everyone muted watching

'I want that rabbit~' pointed Junsu at the cute white rabbit hopping about four hundred meters away from them

'As the princess wants' smiled Yoochun as he walked slowly and calmly like a wolf sneaking onto his prey while Junsu watched pouting cutely

Yunho and changmin in the back could not help but chuckle at Yoochun chasing a rabbit to captor it for his princess

'Why can't he just order a soldier to do it?' chuckled changmin

'That is Junsu for you, if he wants something then Yoochun must get it for him or it won't satisfy him'

'But… Yoochun shi is the protector'

'Sometimes I feel sorry for him too, su can crave for the weirdest things eve sometimes'

Nodding his head changmin looked at Yoochun who was now walking back to Junsu with the white rabbit in his arms as he held it by his white long ears

'Here you go princess' smiled Yoochun and grinning Junsu took the rabbit and hugged it patting it happily

Jaejoong and kibum also rushed to pat the cute rabbit while Yoochun smiling seeing his princess happy walked back to donghae

When the sunset came everyone packed and finally headed to the castle, Junsu had released the rabbit too so it can go back home but still he was happy now humming softly as he was in the carriage with the rest

'Yunie hyung~'

'Yes love?'

'I want my colors~' whined Junsu

'Did not you bring them with you?'

'No~' whined Junsu again

'I will send donghae to get them when we reach ok?' smiled yunho and Junsu nodded, he wanted to draw a painting of his chunie~ for some reason, he did not do it for so long and he wanted to and he wanted to draw a painting for the rabbit too because it was so cute and fluffy

Looking outside the window at the dark roads now Junsu's eyes shifted to Yoochun without him notice and suddenly he was gazing at Yoochun seeing how hi armor reflected the dim light of the moon making it shine and glitter making Yoochun look…well hotter than he already is and in Junsu's innocent eyes he could not but blush feeling his heart beat faster as flashes of him and Yoochun kissing, of Yoochun topless and of him sleeping in Yoochun's arms flashed in his mind, suddenly his body felt hot

'Omo su are you alright? You look red?' asked a worried yunho not knowing the real reason why his brother looked red but thinking something is wrong with him

Every eye turned to look at Junsu now as he blushed more

'I… it's just hot here…I... need cold water…' stuttered Junsu trying not to face anyone

'Five minutes before we passed a market, someone could go get him something to drink' announced changmin and looking around the carriage yunho wanted to tell Yoochun to go but he could not find him anywhere

'Donghae, go get the princess something to drink' ordered yunho frowning that Yoochun is gone without an order again and bowing donghae was about to leave when they saw Yoochun on his horse reaching them in his hands a silver goblet filled with cold clear water as he carried it carefully and handed it to the princess while his worried eyes watched his lover not knowing that he was the cause of all this

'Thank you' mumbled Junsu as he drank everything in the goblet before handing it back to Yoochun and now feeling the cold water go down his throat he felt his body temperature go back to normal as he calmed down

'Feeling better now princess?' asked changmin softly, an ill Junsu is the last thing he wanted

Nodding his head softly Junsu closed his eyes half way, today he walked, jumped and ran around playing with the rabbit so no he was so tired that he just snuggled into his yunie hyung's~ arms and slept peacefully while on the other side jaejoong too snuggled into his lover's side and slept and yunho looking at the two most precious people in his life sleeping in his arms smiled softly hugging them both closer to him, he felt so blessed right now, his baby brother and his pretty bride to be are there with him

Finally reaching the castle Yoochun rushed to open the carriage door for everyone, changmin walked out carrying the sleeping kibum in his hands while yunho frowned. Yoochun rushed to help:' I will hold the princess'

'But your shoulder…'

'Is perfectly fine' assured Yoochun as he took Junsu into his arms, the sleeping Junsu like if knowing Yoochun is carrying him hugged his lover's neck with his hands snuggling closer to his chest painting a smile on his lips

Holding Junsu like of holding the most precious thing in the world Yoochun walked calmly and slowly not wanting to let cause his pretty sleeping lover to wake up until he reached his chamber

'Chunie~' whispered Junsu in his sleep as he snuggled even closer to Yoochun's chest

'Yes love?' grinned Yoochun, he discovered the fact that Junsu spoke in his sleep long ago when they were kids, when asleep Junsu will tell everything and will answer everything you ask him, like a truth charm

'Chunie~' called Junsu again as Yoochun laid him in his bed

'I'm right here princess' whispered Yoochun a little bit louder this time

'Chunie…kibum said…that…mmm' spoke Junsu before he stopped and started to snore softly

Feeling his curiosity take over Yoochun nudged Junsu softly:' what did kibum say?'

Junsu moaned softly and turned to sleep on his side facing Yoochun who knelt down in front of the bed listening to every word his lover is saying

'Kibum said that…'


'That he feels his heart beat fast when he sees changmin shi…that he breaks into sweats… that he…loves him'


'I…feel the same when I see…chunie~…I love…chunie~' whispered Junsu but Yoochun heard it alright and could not help but smile goofily at his lover feeling like every happy emotion in the world came to him, hearing the princess say that he loves him even in sleep meant the world to him.

'You know princess… chunie loves you too… more than anything' whispered Yoochun

'Chunie~ loves me?' moaned Junsu now turning to sleep on his back

'He loves you' assured Yoochun

'Chunie~ loves me' repeated Junsu as he smiled softly, even though asleep he smiled softly and went back to snore softly too

Grinning Yoochun covered Junsu well that he won't get ill and walked out to his chamber to change his cloth, from running after the rabbit to captor it and then capturing the small deer for the princess to pat and play with his cloth were covered with mud so he had to change and maybe take a quick bath

♚With junsu♚

Twitching around in bed all covered with cold sweat Junsu was jerking his head in all directions as he was having the same nightmare again, just like when he was a baby, he would dream that he is alone in the dark, that his kingdom, the people, the castle, his yunie hyung~, his chunie~ that everyone and everything is disappearing and leaving him alone there in the darkness…

'AAAHHHH!!!!' yelled Junsu as he opened his eyes wide and gasped shaking in fear, looking around he rushed outside wanting to see someone, wanting to make sure he is not alone so forgetting about his slippers, about his cloak or anything he just rushed outside his chamber tears already filling his eyes wanting to see his chunie~ there to make sure he is not alone but he was not, Yoochun was not standing by the door like always and shaking more than ever Junsu walked back into his chamber wanting to reach the bed, his shaking tired knees gave in half way and he fell kneeling on the floor crying and hugging his knees

Half an hour, that all it took Yoochun to take a bath and change before he rushed outside to check on his princess but as he reached he saw the door wide open so with fear filling his heart he grabbed his sword and rushed inside to see his lover on the floor shaking

'My princess!' Yoochun rushed to the poor boy lifting him up and again laying him in bed

'I had that nightmare again…sob… I went to see chunie~…sob… but he was not there…sob…he left me alone…' sobbed Junsu

'No princess… he did not… he went to change his cloth that is all…. He is here now… it's alright' not knowing the reason why Yoochun always noticed how Junsu tends to speak to him like a third person but he went on with it and gave in to his lover speaking like he wanted to

'He is back?' sniffed Junsu looking at Yoochun finally

'I'm back' assured Yoochun peeking Junsu's lips shortly

'Stay by my bed… don't leave me alone' pleaded Junsu as Yoochun nodded:' but the princess must change first… it's not comfortable to sleep in the gown' Yoochun went to Junsu's trunk and opened it, looking around for a minute he pulled the white sleeping gown and handed it to Junsu

'I'm sleepy~' whined Junsu wiping his tears off

'I will help' grinned Yoochun as he went and closed the door before walking back to Junsu who was blushing now…



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my Yoosu feels!
sweetie-choco #3
Chapter 17: It's actually really hard to like Junsu in here
I've read all your stories and it's really hard to a pick favourite but this fic is in the top. Really good plot and cuteness
Chapter 60: Innocent Junsu~
You such lucky Yoochunnie *pout*

Junnie, JaeJae and Kibummie wear dress... Sound weird for me...

I thought it's bored, the pic doesnt look interesting to me but the story so best

Seriously, I love it~
I found it weird that Junsu, Jaejoong and Kibum were wearing dresses, i thought that it was going to be one of those fics were them three are portrayed as really feminine and thought id get bored lol. Man was is wrong. I managed to read it all in one day ^^
lol srsly.
At first I was all like "Nahh, I bet I will immediately stop reading. It doesn't sound promising"
And now I'm just like "HOOOOOOOLY COW"
This is seriously simply amazing! Thank you for sharing this fic with us ! <3
morgan47 #9
This is an epic fic! I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it but holy smoly! Awesome work! I'm totally late for work now, but I had to finish!