New Protector

♚ Royal Secret ♚ -completed-
Looking at the two boys sleeping kangin frowned:' they are about your age your highness'

'Which makes us wonder what they were doing out there in the storm'

'Mmmm' a moan escaped Yoochun's lips made everyone go quiet and look at him as he blinked his eyes and feeling the warmth around him, opening his eyes wide in shock at once he looked around for his sword to find himself in a bed with two rich gentlemen and a girl hiding behind once of them looking at him, the elder gentleman was holding his sword

'That is mine…' Yoochun tried to reach for the sword but his heavy dizzy head did not help and he almost fell off the bed

'Where did you get it?' asked a serious kangin

'I bought it…' Yoochun fought his week knees to stand up but could not and kangin had to help him back to bed


'We worked for it… donghae… how is he?' Yoochun looked at the bed beside him to see donghae sleeping there

'He broke his leg as he fell off the horse. The doctor fixed it for him and he will be fine soon' assured kangin:' but still you did not answer my question'

'We… we were escaping a gang… they wanted the sword… we worked for a year to buy it' Yoochun had to lie, he could not possibly tell them that he is the prince and that he escaped, he hated to start his new free life with a lie but he had no other choice

'And your parents?'

'We are orphans both of us' whispered Yoochun

'Where were you heading too?'

'Anywhere, we just wanted to escape the gang' Yoochun rubbed his forehead still feeling dizzy

'Do you know where are you or who are we?'


'You are in the kingdom of east and this is the crown prince yunho, behind him is princess Junsu and I am the protector of the kingdom kangin'

'Oh' nodded Yoochun

'Where are you from?'

'The kingdom of the west' (sorry I with names)

'Yunie hyung~' whispered Junsu in a soft voice, every eye in the room looked at him, Yoochun eyes widened softly as he saw the princess clearly for the first time now that yunho smiled at him and kneeled beside him no longer hiding him behind him, the boy, it looked a boy from his name thought Yoochun, looked like an angel, the white gown he was wearing and his black hair that reached a little under his shoulders and his big shiny eyes. His milky skin and pointed little nose, the full cherry red lips and his soft voice… everything in the little boy looked amazing in Yoochun's eyes and he felt his heart stop beating for a second as the boy looked at him in the eyes, it made him feel hot in the face

'What is it su?' smiled yunho patting Junsu's head

'I'm hungry~' whined the little boy and pouted making Yoochun feel his heart beating so fast like never before

'Oh we still did not have breakfast, ok lets go eat… I will make sure to tell the maids to bring you some food too' stated yunho before holding on Junsu's tiny palm they walked out of the room with kangin, two guards bowed to them and hurried to guard the door at once

'So what do you think?' frowned yunho asking kangin

'I don't know he looks young, I don't think he stole the sword he does not look like a thief but still I will look into it more' bowed kangin as he went back to his job and yunho went to the privet dining hall not wanting to see all the royal court right now and entering he and Junsu sat down as breakfast was served at once and again yunho feed his little brother happily

'Yunie hyung~'


'Who is he? The boy in the bed' pouted Junsu

'He is someone that needs help to be fine now, other things can wait'

'I will make him fine' grinned Junsu

'Sure you will' smiled yunho patting Junsu's head

'I want to take care of him till he is fine~' pleaded Junsu with his big shiny eyes looking at yunho and tugging on his sleeve

'Fine but I will be there with you all the time, you are not allowed to go alone su, they might be dangerous' ordered yunho and Junsu like the good boy nodded his head and hugged yunho who smiled softly at him

'Ok let's take them some breakfast' smiled yunho as they finished their

'I wanna, I wanna!' jumped Junsu up and down smiling happily so chuckling yunho nodded his head and held the tray for Junsu as it was too heavy for him to hold and they walked by each other sides till they reached the room and entered Junsu is excited to meet a new friend

Opening the door Junsu skipped inside:' we brought food~'

Entering behind his little brother yunho handed the tray to Yoochun, donghae was still sleeping so eating a little Yoochun did not say anything, all the stuff he learnt in his life never taught him how to deal with this feeling he was having, his sweating palms, his racing heart and his ht face, nothing was like this, nothing before unless… one in a novel he read there was something like this, when the king fell for the princess and confessed his love for her the same things happened to him, could this mean… that he… no, no way right? This is… the boy is ten years old… plus he is a princess… he have no chance with him…he will just suffer…

Felling someone tug his sleeve Yoochun blinked his way back to reality and looked, the little pretty princess was looking on him with his big shiny eyes

'What is your name?' again in that heart melting voice making him blush

'Y…Yoochun' he whispered

'Chunie hyung~' jumped Junsu up and down happily making Yoochun feel like if he was about to have a heartbreak

♚ A Week Later ♚

'Chunie hyung~' Junsu skipped happily running into the room, donghae was awake and laying in bed, he had to stay in it for a couple of weeks till his leg gets better while Yoochun was all better, his fever was gone and he could move around great but still he did not leave the room, not leaving his friend alone

'Oh your highness' bowed Yoochun as Junsu entered the room with yunho holding their lunch tray

'We brought lunch chunie hyung~' jumped junsu up and down

'Oh thank you your majesty' bowed Yoochun putting his sword back into his sheath as he was practicing a little before Junsu and yunho entered

'You were practicing?' yunho's eyes shined as he saw that, he loved fencing himself

'Yes… I love fencing' bowed Yoochun before handing donghae his share of the food

'Want to practice with me?' smiled yunho, he had no match to practice against for so long and Yoochun did seem like a good match, they were the same age after all

'If his highness wants to I will be honored to… after all I never turn down a challenger' bowed Yoochun again

'Good then, eat first' smiled yunho sitting down beside Junsu who unusually was smiling happily and chatting with Yoochun, a stranger, something he did not dare to do with anyone else

'Why are you not eating the meat?' whined Junsu looking at Yoochun

'I do not eat meat your highness' smiled Yoochun as he pushed all the meat into donghae's plate

'Ok let's go' smiled yunho as Yoochun finished eating:' and grab your sword with you'

Bowing Yoochun took his sword, winked to the worried donghae and walked after yunho with Junsu beside him humming softly and skipping happily

Reaching the royal sun hall yunho looked around, five guards and twenty court people were there, all eyes were on yunho and Junsu as they entered with the stranger

'Leave us alone, all of you' ordered yunho and bowing everyone exited the hall leaving the three of them alone

Taking their swords out Yoochun and yunho stood facing each other, bowing and counting to three they attacked, yunho attacked first launching toward Yoochun wanting to attack but with one quick very skilled move his sword was thrown away just as kangin walked into the hall. Seeing his prince with a sword into his face kangin hurried to take his sword out and run to his prince's aid

'No kangin shi it's alright, we were practicing… I think he is a good candidate'

'If you think so your highness' bowed kangin:' then I will be his next match'

'I don't turn down a challenger' Yoochun's eyes shinned with challenge as he got into position, kangin facing him, they bowed and launched toward each other, meeting in the middle they started. Kangin attacked but Yoochun avoided it skillfully and attacked next, one quick and very skillful move Yoochun sent kangin's sword to fly in the air and fall right beside yunho's, well he was the best swordsman in the kingdom of the west, right?

'Kangin shi… I think we found the new protector' grinned yunho

'Yes your highness' nodded kangin

'Huh?' blinked Yoochun


ok things will get better next chap
as i will make a time skip till yoochun
is twenty three and junsu is seventeen

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my Yoosu feels!
sweetie-choco #3
Chapter 17: It's actually really hard to like Junsu in here
I've read all your stories and it's really hard to a pick favourite but this fic is in the top. Really good plot and cuteness
Chapter 60: Innocent Junsu~
You such lucky Yoochunnie *pout*

Junnie, JaeJae and Kibummie wear dress... Sound weird for me...

I thought it's bored, the pic doesnt look interesting to me but the story so best

Seriously, I love it~
I found it weird that Junsu, Jaejoong and Kibum were wearing dresses, i thought that it was going to be one of those fics were them three are portrayed as really feminine and thought id get bored lol. Man was is wrong. I managed to read it all in one day ^^
lol srsly.
At first I was all like "Nahh, I bet I will immediately stop reading. It doesn't sound promising"
And now I'm just like "HOOOOOOOLY COW"
This is seriously simply amazing! Thank you for sharing this fic with us ! <3
morgan47 #9
This is an epic fic! I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it but holy smoly! Awesome work! I'm totally late for work now, but I had to finish!