
You're Always be my Baby

Few months had past  since I felt this churning experience that I prayed not to happen.

He’s not my happiness. I’m sure about that.

But my heart is reconstructing its feelings again, and I found out those things that had been lingering my life but not considered as an “attention worth it”. But then I realized, I’m looking for something that will make me happy.

I can’t conceptualize things, it’s been hurting more than what I’ve used to feel before. I have no reason to feel so sad, but my heart has been making me feel this way for the past days.

My mind is reminiscing the past, but my heart is telling me to move on.

I remember those days, when I was completely torn.

So many painful things he had done to me.

He always makes me wait. He shows things that are more important than me and my heart. He wants to be the person to follow, and I’ll be the forever slave.

At lunch, he will ask me to wait for him, hours will pass and like what I expected, he will not show up.. I wonder if these things make sense to him, I’m not a toy, and most probably, I treat him more than anyone else.

His smile makes me feel like I’m loved. But after some time, things started to fade.

I remember those days when I’m starting to miss everything about him.

It hurts completely though my heart can’t do anything.

I can’t accept the fact that he changed, a LOT.

Sometimes, I ask God, why he let him do this to me.

But He never show any answer to me.

His brown eyes reminds me of life, his lips send me shivers..

I love everything about him.

I hate the day when he started to change. I don’t know how to react with his changes.

He’s the slumber in my sleep, suddenly turned out to a nightmare of my dreams.

Love’s so perfectly attached started to threw its dribs away.

I remember him in a very notable way.

Though most of the time, striking memories disrupts the way I reminisce.

Three years ago, it’s a so called crazy and naughty love. And this is how it goes.

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