Every rose has it's thorn

Roses and Insomnia Nights

Glasses are thrown on the ground,

Angry faces are plastered on the face of Mr Choi

Disappointment overwhelms Mrs Choi

How dare she, how dare she does those activities, how can a beautiful student with the brain would ever thought and commit those things; the kid who used to bring honour to the family now brings them shame.

She ran, ran and ran to somewhere far away. Far away from people until she fell into pits of darkness where no one can help her get out.

Now she is in the middle of a field full of roses.

Her eyes turn into a crescent shape of the moon.


She plucked the beautifully bloomed red rose, but she abruptly stopped as the green stem was slowly stained by a red colour, blood. Blood was dripping from her hand down to the stem and to her clothes. Now the only thing she can see is blood, blood and blood.

She closed her eyes, hoping it all to stop, hoping all the blood to go away, hoping it all gets back as it was supposed to, hoping. Hope.

Now, she was inside an empty room with just a TV and a bed. Loud noises can be heard outside of the room, she tried to open the door but it would not budge. She can hear people coming in and out; she peeked outside the window and saw a moving truck.

She saw her favourite sofa being taken away.

She saw her most favourite thing, the refrigerator being taken away.

It was as if everything is taken away from her, as if she does not deserve anything from the world.

She banged the door hard. One time. Two time. Three time.

The door broke but it was finally opened, she went outside running, asking people why they are doing that, telling them to stop.

But it all seemed hopeless, people were ignoring her. Then she saw her parents walking towards her.

“We’re moving.”

“Not you though, only us.”

“You,” her mom took a step forward, “you, you ruin everything, I thought that we raised you right. If only you listened to us! You ungrateful !”

Her hands were on her burning cheek.

Her mother cried and went outside, followed by her dad, closing the door and locking it from the outside.

“No, no, don’t leave me! Don’t leave me, I promise to be good please!” banging the locked door. Her legs gave up,

“Please, don’t leave me.”

“I won’t.”

A familiar voice, she opened her eyes and Mark was lying beside her.

Startled, she ran away from the back of the school and went to the toilet. Leaving poor Mark behind in his dreamland.

She washed her face at the sink to make her feel more refreshed.

“Why.” She tidied herself up and went to her next class.


Mark was awakened by the school gardener, telling him to go back as school finished already.

The fact that first, he skipped 3 classes on his first day and second, the Sulli girl was with him but disappeared.

Mark met with his other friends in front of the school, in which he was bombarded with a dozen of question about his disappearance.

“Why weren’t you in Spanish class?”

“Where the hell did you disappear…” Youngjae continued, more dramatically “ON YOUR FIRST DAY??”

“Okay, the thing is I fell asleep at the back of the school with Sulli…”

“SULLI??” all of them looked at each other with curiosity filled in their eyes.

“What the hell were you doing with Sulli?” Jackson, somehow excited asked with a grin on his face.

“Okay, can you guys please stop cutting me and just listen to my story?”

They nodded in unison.

“So, basically, I did not have my P.E clothes with my and the coach said I may be excused, he said that maybe I should hang out with Sulli because she was also excused…”

“Yeah, thinking about it, she is always excus…”


“Sorry.” Yugyeom said with a cheeky smile

“Anyways, I met her at the back of the school looking at the roses there. And I asked her if I can look at her scars, if the rumour was true. But she did not reply. Maybe I was a bit too straight forward. And then, I decided to pluck the flower and I got myself hurt because of the thorn. Then I slept. The reason why I woke up was because the school gardener woke me up and told me to go back. The end.”

“And what about Sulli?”

“I don’t know, she was there with me before I slept but when I woke up, she wasn’t.”

“I saw her during Mathematics class!”

“That means, she didn’t woke you up!” exclaimed by JB

“But really guys, don’t you think it’s a bit weird how she is always excused during P.E class. Like, even Yezi who has asthma attends the class. So health issue might not be it. Like guys???” Yugyeom blabbers to the whole group.

“I think, it might be because of the scar?” Jackson replies to Yugyeom.

“Whatever it is, I am going back, see you guys tomorrow~”  Mark waved his friends a goodbye and went straight out of school.

The first day was definitely a quite interesting day for him.







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vanilla133 #1
Chapter 4: What happened to sulli actually?! Why her parents leave her alone?! Btw, I love this story!!! Update soon!!
Chapter 3: nice good 3 chapters i love how you described the roses :)
Chapter 3: Please update authornim,, i cant wait any longer, :"(
Chapter 3: Update soon
Why Sulli ?
BabySsul_13 #5
Chapter 2: Please update :3333
Chapter 2: Please update
Chapter 1: Yaaaa.. How short^^ u make me so damn curious bout sull!! Plsss hurry update moreeeeeeeeeee, preeeeeettty^^♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Please update more
azuraes #9
Chapter 1: please update more hehe