




Plain sickening. Wonshik hesitated in his steps when the loathsome scene came into his view. His filthy fingers moved some stray wisps of his hair from his forehead and Wonshik jerked his head away in sheer disgust. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but mutter an almost inaudible cuss and that's how the pair noticed him, standing some feet away from them, frozen like a statue, his face expresionless. 
"Oh. Wonshik." Hakyeon acknowledged him with a bitter inflection in his distant tone. He felt his stomach coil and twist uncomfortably, his ubiquitous scent making him fidget uneasily. Hakyeon's next words poured out with much venom and solemnity, his timbre incongruent with his mellow, moistened eyes.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you busy?" The sweet voice was now dripping with sarcasm, harsh and unwavering. Notwithstanding that Hakyeon's behaviour towards him was justifiable, Wonshik's heart twisted painfully. 

Wonshik punched the number combination to Hakyeon's door and was quite baffled when he got in trough. He inhaled the asive pleasant whiff and sighed involuntarily. His stomach persistently churned and his mind was flurried. The images backflashed on his puzzled mind,madness-inducing and revolting. It triggered seething anger which coursed through his veins. Haunted by chasing demons, Wonshik walked in at a hastened pace and found his angel sleeping, hemmed in by fluffy cushions. His teeth closed in the lithe flesh of his thigh and Hakyeon's eyes flipped open in utter surprise. Although startled, Hakyeon had his shock reined in. Indignant, he pushed Wonshik away, but to no avail.

"What are you doing here?" Wonshik did not respond. Instead, he pinned him down and with eyes filled with anguish and distress, he angled his mouth over Hakyeon's and painstakingly kissed him. Hakyeon fought him, struck stabs at his back, scratched his chest in a fruitless attempt of breaking free. Eventually, the fire burst inside him and the aching desire for him impaired his mind. Hakyeon kissed him back, dreadfully, strongly, intending to hurt and bruise him, but his heart knew he did not wish for that. Pulling back, Wonshik gazed at him, seeming almost pleading for something. With hurried breath and a lump of anxiety in his throat, Hakyeon reiterated in a surprisingly tough tone.

"I said, what are you doing here? Get off me!" He whisked his sides carelessly and almost panicky inside, he punched restlessly which begot only ineffectiveness. He was doubtlessly stronger than him. Exhausted, his hands fell to his sides and his eyes closed. The damned images replayed on his frustrated mind, caused him to ruthlessly bite at the silky skin of his neck. Hakyeon moaned in pain. With renewed force, he succeeded into shoving him aside. An earsplitting sound reverberated thereafter, Hakyeon's scream piercing to his very bones.

"What are you doing here? I don't want you here! Go away!" Hakyeon's words were vastly conflicting with his thoughts and inner desires, but he knew best. Wonshik had hurt him; and he had to pay for it. Wonshik fastened his arms around his slim waist and pulled him down again, cradled him in an aggressive embrace. In dire fury, he shouted with such might that Hakyeon's eyes watered. It was not his voice, no. It was nothing but the desperation and longing Hakyeon could perceive in his frantic eyes. "You dared to flirt with him before my eyes! It was repulsive, it made me sick, Hakyeon! I can not bear that! I don't want to bear that!"

Disgruntled, Hakyeon tried to wriggle free once again. In order to extricate himself from the tedious situation, he released acrimonious words in an angry rush. "Go away! You are useless, Wonshik! You mean nothing to me. Leave me alone!" Wonshik crushed him with his weight at hearing such abominable nonsense, and Hakyeon let out a feeble cough in turn. "Lies, they are all lies! You want me! You still love me!" Unbelievably, Hakyeon started to laugh, a laughter filled with ridicule and mockery. To cement his acting, in trying to convince Wonshik, and even himself, that he was indeed void of any feelings for him, Hakyeon exaggerated at the greatest extent possible, shaking in Wonshik's arms.

"Love? You are delusional, Wonshik! You don't want my love in the first place! Why should you deserve to be loved? Didn't you say you were tired? Of me?" Hakyeon gulped on the last words, crying on the inside. Wonshik was already on the brink of delirium. "No, Hakyeon! I- I made a mistake. I know it was me who suggested to put an end to our relationship but I had never been more wrong on anything than this. I regret it immensely!"

Tremulous, Hakyeon fought back the pungent tears escaping his eyes. Keen on pushing Wonshik away, he turned his head away in spurn, and scoffed in disapproval, "No, Wonshik. It's too late.I don't love you anymore." Wonshik's quivering hands cupped Hakyeon's face and drew him close to him, so close that his nose touched his, and after gently rubbing them together, he asked in a hushed tone, "If you don't love me, then why are you shivering, Hakyeon? Why I can feel your pounding heart against my chest? Why I can hear your nervous breathing?" Despite the rollercoasterof emotions battling inside him, Hakyeon replied with such calmness that it irked Wonshik, "Simple. Abstinence, Wonshik."

In spite of being greatly affected by his words, a flicker of hope still remained in Wonshik. "No, it's not because you are being touched, Hakyeon, and you know that. It's because you are being touched by me." Hakyeon remained passive and silent. Wonshik caressed his cheeks lovingly and made him look him in his yearning eyes. "I was wrong. I want to try it again. We can return to being the happiest, Hakyeon." Hakyeon can feel that he is sincere, and it tugs at his heart. "I thought you were better without me?" Voice cold and weak. Wonshik embraced him tighter, nuzzling onto his neck. "I am a living corpse without you, Hakyeon. I am worthless. I am merely existing. I am breathing, but I can't feel it. I can see the  world, but I can't cherish it. Because you are my world, Hakyeon. You are my energy. And you completely corect, I am nothing. I am useless trash. But you know, Hakyeon, when I touch you, when I feel your lips against mine, I feel exhilarated. Alive."

Hakyeon felt a slight twinge in his chest, and his eyes stinging, tears threatening to fall at any time. "No, Wonshik. I am not that strong. I am not that confident. I cannot endure if you leave me again." At last, Hakyeon conceded and confessed his underlying worries. Heartened by his reaction, Wonshik proceeded hopefully, "I promise you eternal faithfulness. Let's try it again, my love." Nestled harder into his arms, Hakyeon tried to shift and prevent Wonshik from seeing his tearful face. "Don't hide from me, baby." The endearment with which Wonshik called him made glistening dampness gather at the corner of his eyes. As he looked into Wonshik's eyes again, in which he distinguished pure fondness and concern, the tears trickled down his cheeks.

Voice trembling, he managed to utter "I am so frail and weak in front of you, Wonshik, and I hate myself for that. I should loathe you, despise you, and I don't. I don't want to be brought on my knees before you, because you can do that and I am afraid you will. I don't want to be toyed with, Wonshik." Wonshik's own tears dripped on his cheeks as he realized how much he'd hurt Hakyeon and how intensely he'd suffered. "I am so sorry, no words can express how much I regret what I did. But I don't want to play with you, my love. I want you to walk by my side. Hand in hand. Forever."

Hakyeon gave in to his long lasting longing and lusting for him, pulled him into a hasty, frenetic kiss. They tasted their tears and wrung out even the last bit of sorrow from each other. Writhing in ecstasy beneath Wonshik, Hakyeon opened his eyes and was greeted by the smiling face he's been dreaming of, night after night.

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Chapter 1: This is written really beautifully :)
Chapter 1: I like it~~ very good story :]