Venting it out

ஐClub Warஐ - completed -
Yoochun was startled; Junsu was always too shy to even kiss him in front of his father so now he is doing this? But God he was good!!!

Shaking his head to focus again Yoochun held Junsu in his place earning a protest moan and a frown from his lover while he faced him:' he is acting like drunk!'


Everyone was startled by Junsu's behavior, well almost everyone but he was not the captain of the drama club for nothing, he acted his part looking innocent and shocked so perfectly that no one could have ever thought of him as the criminal

'I… I will take him home' Yoochun hugged Junsu and held him out of the restaurant

'Yoochun take my car and not your motor' ordered Mr. Park and Yoochun nodded

'I'm sorry I don't know what happened to my son today' Mr. Kim apologized

'Oh it's ok, he must be not feeling well' Mr. Jung tried to remove this awkward feeling between them now

'Well its ok he is just drunk' shrugged yunho

'What?' blinked everyone

'Oh I smelled the alcohol from him, he must have drank alcohol somehow' yunho played his part perfectly again

'But Junsu does not drink, he can't tolerate alcohol' Mr. Kim (Junsu's father) frowned

'But Yoochun can' Mr. Park sighed

'Then he must of grabbed the wrong glass by mistake' Mr. Jung smiled a little easing the situation

'Your cake sir' the waiter bowed and served yunho the melting chocolate cake he ordered and smirking yunho started to eat and feed his lover while the fathers went back to talk about work

After finishing the cake Yunjae left for their home while yunho grinned from ear to ear happily and frowning jaejoong wanted to know what happened with his lover to grin like an idiot but yunho just smiled and told him that he will tell him later

ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ ஐ

It was the next morning already and opening his eyes jaejoong saw his lover next to him in bed smiling softly:' morning sweety'

'Mor...hhhh...ning' jaejoong answered as he felt his throat dry and soar

'Come, take a shower and we will go downstairs, you can eat some honey to help your soar throat love' yunho smiled and helped jaejoong out of the bed into the bathroom

nodding his head jaejoong allowed allowed his lover to lead him to the bathroom before they went downstairs sitting together to have breakfast before they both drove to school. Jaejoong's throat was better after eating that honey yunho gave him but still it hurt him to speak more that two minutes straight, he had to take a break and drink water to continue talking after that but still it was better

ஐ Second floor - basketball club:ஐ

Yoochun was sitting alone in the gym frowning and hitting everywhere in the gym with the balls around him venting his anger on the balls because Junsu was not with him today, he was at home having a hangover from the alcohol that he drank at lunch yesterday

ஐ Flash Back: ஐ

Yoochun parked the car and carried Junsu into his bedroom at once, never before he saw Junsu acting like this, it was as if Junsu had changed completely into this naughty person who just wants to jump on Yoochun and have with him no matter where they were but Yoochun was sure yunho had something to do with it, the smirk on his face meant that he did what he wanted, the super spicy pasta and Junsu's behavior were all his fault!

Laying the sleeping boy in bed Yoochun tried not to make any noise but Junsu still woke up opening his eyes he smirked trying to reach for Yoochun's neck but pulling away Yoochun ran out of the room locking the door from the outside, sitting there on the floor with his back leaning on the door to hear his lover's behaviors Yoochun waited for his father and Mr. Kim to come back home and they did, about an hour later as he was trying to ignore Junsu's pleads and begs for him to open the door he heard the main door open and close again and knowing his father and Mr. Kim arrived Yoochun waited for them to climb up to him and they did about a minute later they were both standing in front of him

'How is Junsu?'

'' frowned Yoochun

'And you are not with him?' Yoochun's father chuckled mockingly

'No, I love my lover, the innocent, kind hearted Junsu not this version of him!' Yoochun shook his head

'Yoochun were you drinking alcohol today at lunch?'

'No, both Junsu and I had cola'

'Yunho says he smelt alcohol from Junsu and according to his behavior I think he is right, Junsu is drunk'

'Jung smelt alcohol huh?' Yoochun grinned his teeth

'Don't start it Yoochun, we were all sitting there and none of us saw him add anything to Junsu's drink and why would he anyway?!'

Because I added that pill to his lover's drink!! Yoochun answered in his mind not daring to mouth it out because he knew things will get worse if he did

'I think we should leave now or Junsu will continue pleading and if I knew my son he will melt down soon and enter, call us if you need anything' Mr. Park was talking to Mr. Kim who nodded and thanked his partner

Now pulling his reluctant son's hand Mr. Park left the house with Yoochun who spent the rest of his day sitting in his room next to his phone waiting for any news about his lover

At sunset Mr. Kim called Yoochun's father telling him that Junsu had just went to sleep and that he will be fine so no need to worry about it but even though Yoochun was worried, he could not help feeling this huge desire to rip yunho's heart out of his chest for hurting Junsu

ஐ Next morning: ஐ

Yoochun woke up super early thinking about going to Junsu's place and seeing how is he doing but as he went downstairs he saw Mr. Kim sitting with his father drinking coffee and talking about something

'Good morning' Yoochun mumbled in a hurry wanting to leave

'Oh good morning'

'Yoochun, come and sit here with us for a second' Mr. Kim asked and frowning Yoochun did as he was told to

'I was going to see Junsu actually I'm worried about him'

'We can see, the black bags under your eyes says it for you' smiled his father

'Well son I'm afraid that Junsu can't go with you to school today, he is having a hangover and he is not able to get out of bed' Mr. Kim explained

'But then… I will stay with him… I…'

'No! you will go to school and then you can go and see him'


'Yoochun don't make me do something I don't want to' Mr. park warned

'Fine!!' Yoochun was pretty upset as he stood up and left mumbling something to himself, he went to school and entered the gym before anyone sees him and locked the doors as he took out his mobile and called Junsu:

'Su baby?'

'Yoochun I told you to go to school right?'

'I am at school'

'Then wait until the end of it before calling or seeing Junsu'


'The doctor saw him and gave him a needle to sleep off his hangover, he is fine but he will sleep for four hours so let him rest'

'Fine' sighed Yoochun and hanged up before he dialed another number and ordered a seven hundred and fifty red rose to be sent to Junsu's room before he hanged up again and seeing the practice balls he took them and started venting his anger out

ஐ End of Flash Back: ஐ

Yoochun fell on the floor panting as he heard the bell ring, the first class started so gathering his stuff he left the now so messy gym to the history class feeling so pissed off that he could attack anyone who talks or gets in his way now and the students seeing Yoochun without Junsu and so pissed off knew they should leave a distance between them and him today to stay alive especially those who saw the poor gym after he left it in its messy condition


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 38: thank you. i love it
Chapter 38: Waa~ I really love it
It's really fun...
Gonna read it again~
I love all your stories even got confused bcuz I don't really understand.
Never got bored of this fic ^^ good job :D
akihabara48 #6
Chapter 38: What a lovely story!~ I love every chapters of this fic :P 33
morgan47 #7
I enjoy all your stories so it was no surprise when I loved this one!
Hi...somebody recommend this story to me. So I browsed through and you know what I finished this story in one sit, a record for me...

This is a good story...You are a great author...I love this story so much because it was different from the other Yunjae and Yoosu stories. In this story Yunjae and Yoosu couple were good friends but because of a misunderstanding, their friendship turned sour and they hated each other so much. Minbum couple were their friends and they tried very hard to get them back together. Even though they were having hard time during the process but their hard work paid off when in the end both Yunjae and Yoosu couple restored their long lost friendship.
m0zarts0nata-- #9