Opening part1

ஐClub Warஐ - completed -
It was six o'clock alright and I was sitting there looking at my reflection in the mirror trying to make my hair stick on my head neatly but it was so missy and it refused to go down or stay neatly, aish this stupid hair just like this stupid waiting for this top model to come and pick me up all this is getting on my last nerve!

'Minnie~ come down!' I heard hyung's voice calling me, he must be here already so taking a deep breath I walked out of my room and down the stairs, there right at the bottom of the staircase was this young man who looked like he is out of a fairytale or something, he looked perfectly amazing in a gray suit and a red tie, I knew him at once, he was almost on every billboard in Seoul, everyone knew his name Hankyung, and he was standing there waiting for me…

Extremely nervous I took step after step climbing down the stairs trying not to do anything stupid like fall down all those stairs and make him think I'm an idiot or something

'You must be Minnie?' he smiled at me so nervously I nodded:' changmin'

'Nice to meet you, yunho shi told you what we will be doing right?'

Again nervously I nodded my head and he smiled:' alright then let's go, they will close the doors in fifteen minutes and we don't want to be late'

Walking outside I can swear I heard hyung chuckle at me so feeling like hitting him I walked out of the house and into the white limo waiting for us, the ride was quite neither of us talked for the first five minutes until he finally asked me:' is he special?'


'Your love, for yunho shi to ask me to do this, he must be special'

Blushing a little I nodded my head, I don't know why but I felt like I can open up and talk to him:' he is my best friend, and now he is yoosu's baby'

'Oh Yoochun and Junsu's baby? That is going to be hard on you two, those four won't let you live peacefully, each side will try to dominate the relationship so take my advise as a hyung and don't listen to them, yunho intend to be a little extreme especially after this stupid feud started'

'You…' how come he knows his much? Who is he exactly to yunho hyung?

'I was their hyung at school, I graduated last year and yunho shi helped me start my career so I owe him a lot'

'Oh… kibum and I are trying to understand what happened and solve this problem out'

'Kibum? Your love who we are trying to get jealous?'

Blushing a little I nodded:' we got the security cameras cd and a necklace that belongs to yunho hyung'

'The one Yoochun shi gave him?'

Confused a little I nodded my head

'I was their hyung at school so I know a lot, I was at the party when he received the necklace too… he never took it off until it fell once at school, yunho shi went crazy looking for it until he found it later at the principle office, I think it was two days later and he never took it off until the fight'

Nodding my head I took out my small notebook and pen and wrote down the data, a good detective is always ready and I want to become a good one so I brought my notebook and pen along with me

'We are here'

Looking out of the window I saw the school building in front of me so hiding my notebook and pen I waited for the driver to open the door for me as I looked at the red carpet ad all the media and around taking pictures and interviewing everyone just like if it was a huge event or something, red and golden roses everywhere and I feel dizzy now… never before in my old school any play got this much attention, hell there were stars, singers and actors everywhere all for a high school play!!

'Let the show begin' Hankyung shi smiled at me as he opened the door for me and offered his hand:' don't be afraid I'm right here' he whispered making me feel a little bit easier as I took his hand and got out, at once millions of question were asked and camera lights flashed everywhere, man this is so annoying how can yunho and Jae hyungs take it every day?

'Hankyung shi, who is this?' 'what is your relationship?' 'Hankyung hyung is he the secret lover you talked about earlier today?'

Aish why are they so noisy? Won't they ever stop all this I'm having a migraine because of them

'This is Minnie, my lover' Hankyung shi started softly and stood still as they took our pictures before we entered the school and went to the theater, our tickets were for the first place, VIP tickets with backstage ultimate access that Jae hyung gave me earlier today so dying to see him I asked Hankyung shi and he took me backstage to Yunjae dressing room and softly afraid to enter without knocking and see things I don't want to see I knocked the door a bit loudly

'YAH! NO NEED TO BE SO LOUD!' an angry yunho hyung opened the door frowning

'I'm sorry hyung I did not want to see thing again… or hear them' I pouted a little

'Minnie~!' jae hyung dressed in what looked like an old red and black dress came running and hugged me tightly

'Hyung… too tight' I panted trying to breath as Jae hyung loosened his hug a little bit

ஐ End of Changmin's POV ஐ

Everyone was in his seat already as the red curtains were being pulled up, it was the first scene of the play, a famous room in a castle with a lot of busy people as an actor dressed in a black suit walked into the middle of the stage and holding what looked like an old book he started to read:' Once upon a time in a far far away kingdom, there was a king and a queen who had just one prince, a heir to the kingdom whom they loved and cherished a lot, they did everything for him and raised him to be a very handsome intelligent good hearted young man…'

In the back ground there was a king and a queen standing and holding on a baby and playing with him softly

'In the same kingdom lived a man with his baby boy, he loved him dearly and treated him like a young princess but then as days went on he realized his baby needed a mother so he remarried a woman with two sons to raise his baby boy…'

The scene changed and there was standing a man holding a baby and a woman in a black dress with two young boys

'But things did not go too well for that little baby boy, his father fell sick shortly after he got married and died leaving his step mother and two step brothers to raise him, the woman taking all the money to herself raised the poor boy to be a maid in the house he was born in but still she could not do anything about his amazing beauty that captured every heart nor his so kind and noble heart and comparing him to red two ugly sons she got so jealous and hated the boy more and more making his life even more miserable as he grew older and his got even prettier…'

The actor walked off stage as all light went off, time passed but the light never got on again and getting a feeling that something went wrong whispers spread everywhere in the audience but yunho and jaejoong afraid the show will be ruined decided to go on with the situation so walking on stage jaejoong was holding a pile of candles and a match in his hands

'I better finish this before my lady comes back and get angry again' spoke jaejoong in his sweet voice as he placed the candles everywhere and lit them up one by one until the whole stage was well lit and the audience could see clearly

'You Idiot useless brat!' came a loud yell as the same female actress in a black dress walked on stage and straight to jaejoong who bowed to her:' my lady'

'Why did not you finish the tasks I gave you? You useless brat!'

'But I did my lady…'

…The play went on and on until it was the party scene…

Jaejoong wearing a mask and an amazing red and golden breath taking dress walked on stage, it was the royal garden at night lit by the moon light

'Good, no one is here' jaejoong spoke

'I'm here my beauty' yunho dressed as the prince walked on stage next to jaejoong

'Omo I should leave' looking afraid jaejoong tried to escape but yunho held him tightly

'Please just one dance, it's all I'm asking for' yunho looked at jaejoong with a perfect pleading look as a perfectly blushing jaejoong shook his head:' I don't know how to dance my lord'

'I will teach you my beauty' yunho pulled jaejoong closer and placed his soft hands around his neck before he wrapped his own hands around jaejoong's waist and they started to dance softly as the audience squealed and yelled

Just in the middle of the dance when everything was perfect one of the lights which was in a shape of a star fell down next to them crashing on the ground making them jump in surprise as the entire audience gasped in fear

Not wanting to cause a panic yunho changed his surprised face at once and jaejoong did the same, the show had to go on!

'I… I must go' jaejoong broke free and tried to escape

'No wait… please' yunho ran after him

'No you see, it's a sign from the heaven, this should not be, I should not be here, I'm just a…'

'An amazing goodness that I fell in love with, and this… one of the solders at the roof dropped this b accident I'm sure of it!' yunho tried to hide the accident and make it look like a part of the play

'No… no… please let me go…'


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 38: thank you. i love it
Chapter 38: Waa~ I really love it
It's really fun...
Gonna read it again~
I love all your stories even got confused bcuz I don't really understand.
Never got bored of this fic ^^ good job :D
akihabara48 #6
Chapter 38: What a lovely story!~ I love every chapters of this fic :P 33
morgan47 #7
I enjoy all your stories so it was no surprise when I loved this one!
Hi...somebody recommend this story to me. So I browsed through and you know what I finished this story in one sit, a record for me...

This is a good story...You are a great author...I love this story so much because it was different from the other Yunjae and Yoosu stories. In this story Yunjae and Yoosu couple were good friends but because of a misunderstanding, their friendship turned sour and they hated each other so much. Minbum couple were their friends and they tried very hard to get them back together. Even though they were having hard time during the process but their hard work paid off when in the end both Yunjae and Yoosu couple restored their long lost friendship.
m0zarts0nata-- #9