
ஐClub Warஐ - completed -
Afraid to be seen changmin ran out of the theater fast still blushing and not focusing on anything that is happening in front of him, he heard yells and screams from the outside of the school but did not bother to go and see what is going on instead he ran to the empty rooftop and sat down panting and shaking his head trying to take the image out of his mind but unable to things got worse when kibum came and sat next to him

'What is it Minnie?'

Looking at his best friend changmin could not believe the image that popped into his head at once, it was him and kibum in a dark room filled with candles, chains and other things and they were… shaking his head harder changmin got dizzy but all he could do was ignore the image and push it to the back of his mind but not make it disappear

'Minnie stop shaking your head, what is it?'

'Aaahhh…get out! Get out!!' changmin started to yell to himself making kibum worried even more than before that he held Changmin's shoulders keeping him in his place firmly and shook him a little:' Minnie!'

Hearing kibum's worried voice changmin calmed down and blushing a little he looked down and away:' sorry'

'What happened?' kibum still did not release changmin as he waited for an answer, for a reason behind this weird behavior

'Err… nothing' tried changmin to release himself from kibum's grip but it was too strong for him

'Minnie!' kibum used a serious firm voice that made changmin quite down and freeze in his place

'I… went to talk to Jae hyung… in the theater after the rehearsal…' blushed Changmin:' but he was with yunho hyung… they… they were… doing it… and I heard them…'

'Hahahaha' kibum could not help himself but burst in laughter at his friend's red face and embarrassing moment


'Oww sorry Minnie, how about I make it up to you? Let's go for ice cream after school'

'Really?' Changmin's eyes sparkled as he heard the word ice cream and he nodded his head cheerful again

'Minnie~ Minnie~'

'YAH! SHIM CHANGMIN!' yells came from down stairs through the open door so standing up changmin walked to the staircase and looked down to see both his hyung in their normal cloth now looking for him:' I'm here hyung!'

'Oh Minnie~ come on let's go home, there is no more classes today' smiled jaejoong making changmin blush remembering the loud noises he heard not long ago

'Changmin is coming with me' kibum walked to stand next to changmin:' we are going to get some ice cream'

'NO! Minnie is coming with me home today, right~?' pouted jaejoong and looked at changmin with his puppy eyes making the boy feel guilty all of a sudden


'Alright he will go with you today but he will go out with me tomorrow' sighed kibum

Smiling happily jaejoong nodded his head and hugged on yunho while changmin pulled away a little and whispered to kibum only:' WHAT? DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THEM ALONE!'

'Go and investigate Minnie, ask the nanny, the maids about what happened and write down some notes and I will go over to Junsu's hyung and investigate too and tomorrow we will compare the notes and find clues'

Pouting a little because he will have to face yunho and jaejoong but excited to start investigating changmin nodded his head and climbed down the stairs reaching to yunho and jaejoong and walking together out of the school into the black limo waiting for them

Reaching the mansion the limo parked and the driver opened door for the famous couple and for the new guest which walked outside and stood still giving changmin a chance to look carefully at the huge house and wonder where should he start his work

'Where should we go now?' jaejoong placed his index finger on his lips cutely and thought where to go to his room, the games room or the garden?

'Let's go to the garden love, it's nice over there and we will order ice cream' smiled yunho and led the way to the back yard next to the big pond which were filled with swan and fishes and there was even a white swing and a big glass table with chairs around it so walking to the table they took their seats and a maid arrived at once to ask them if they need anything

'Get us three ice creams, two calls and one coffee' ordered yunho while jaejoong just nodded and pushed his chair closer to yunho's until they were like glued together and changmin sank lower and lower in his seat trying to avoid the scene so he won't remember anything of what happened

'Oh right Minnie, why are you wearing this shirt?' pouted jaejoong looking at Changmin's shirt and pouted a little, he did not like this plain t-shirt at all

'Does not that brat have the same one too?' smirked yunho eyeing changmin

'Oh we bought them together from the mall yesterday' smiled Changmin and nodded as the maid came and served them an ice cream and a drink each

'Omo this look delicious' smiled changmin eyeing the huge plate of ice cream in front of him, there was at least five flavors in there and some fruits, whip cream and a two syrups on the side to choose from (Sorry I'm hungry T.T')

'Jaejoong shi, yunho shi your parents wants to see you in the office right now' a maid bowed a little

'Oh Minnie wait, we will be right back' both jaejoong and yunho stood up and left with the maid while an old lady came and smiled at changmin:' you are all grown up now son'

'You remember me?' blinked changmin

'I may seem old but I'm not crazy, your mother used to cook here tight? Young master was crazy about you, you were his second obsession after yunho shi' smiled the old nanny

'Oh and Yoochun and Junsu hyungs?' changmin decided to ask the old nanny for information

'Well I don't know what happened exactly but they are not friends any more, too sad if you ask me' she shook her head

'They used to look perfect together but now they are enemies trying to destroy each other' frowned changmin and the nanny frowned with him too

'Ma'am maybe you can help me, my friend and I are trying to know what happened and fix this so can you tell me what happened here the last time they met, was there anything weird, did anyone leave anything behind or anything?'

'I don't remember exactly but I think Yunho shi did leave something alright, wait let me get it for you' the old nanny stood up and left to come back a while later with a button in her hand and came back a couple of minutes later holding on a cd and a small box

'This may help you too, the security camera of the house records everything that happened here and this cd is dated for the last time Yoochun shi and Junsu shi were here, and this…' the nanny opened the small box to reveal a golden chain with a small dragon attached to it :' this way Yoochun shi's birthday gift to yunho shi but after the fight yunho shi took it off and threw it, I did not know what to do with it so I kept t with me but you can have it now, I hope it will help you'

'I hope so too' sighed changmin and hid the cd and the box quickly in his school bag before yunho and jaejoong comes back and instead he took out a small notebook and a pen and started to write down everything about the necklace and the cd

'Did they have another friend, someone else beside them four?' asked changmin trying to find the man behind all this

'Just them four and you, I think there was a girl in Yoochun shi's life, someone who wanted to marry him but he refused her and she moved out of the city with her parents. Their company broke or something'

Nodding his head changmin wrote down everything the nanny said:' any name?'

'What name?'

Jumping up in surprise changmin looked to see jaejoong and yunho already back and looking at them

'Oh gash you scared me hyung!' changmin took deep breathes to calm down and looked at jaejoong before he looked back at the nanny

'what name Minnie?' pouted jaejoong again

'The cake you like to eat, I was telling him how much you love it and he asked for its name so he will make it for you' smiled the nanny

'Omo really? You are so sweet Minnie' smiling jaejoong hugged changmin tightly until yunho pulled him back so he left changmin and hugged yunho at once

'It's apple pie sweety' the nanny smiled talking back to changmin:' with a little cinnamon on top'

Nodding his head changmin smiled and looked back at jaejoong:' so now what?'

'First let's have lunch, then boo can have a slice of his favorite pie and we will play some games' smiled yunho as changmin just nodded

'I will tell the maids to bring you guys lunch here' the nanny smiled and walked away while yunho and jaejoong sat down. Drinking some coffee yunho looked at changmin and smirked:' why is it you and that brat got the same shirt? Are you two lovers?'

Blushing changmin shook his head:' no! we are just friends'

'Yeah right like I will believe this, you like him more than a friend' yunho sipped some coffee:' are you telling me you have no fantasy about you two doing it? In school or on the hot beach sand maybe?' smirked yunho again

Blushing darker now remembering the image he have in his mind about him and kibum and tried to shake his head but yunho was faster than him:' oh don't bother to deny it your eyes sold you out kid'

'But…' changmin tried

'Oh Minnie it's ok don't go against yunie in these things, he is super good at guessing people's feelings' jaejoong smiled and pated Changmin's shoulder

'Even so… we are just….' Changmin looked somehow sad

'Oh please anyone can change this, I know he got something for you it was crystal clear that night in the garden, the two of you alone, I can help you if you want just tell me…' yunho sipped another bit of his coffee making changmin blush darker and darker

'That is right Minnie, yunie can win any heart, that is how he won mine so he will help you, he can teach you some things too about you know… doing it' agreed jaejoong excited to the idea

'I know hyung… I… err… heard you two today in the theater by accident' mumbled changmin mostly to himself but yunho caught it and chucked on hic coffee


Blushing changmin widened his eyes that he was heard but nodded while jaejoong blushing like red wine hid his face with his hands and looked down unable to face changmin making yunho chuckle

'So you know I'm good, I can give you tips just don't let that brat top you! You take the first step and you be the man!'


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 38: thank you. i love it
Chapter 38: Waa~ I really love it
It's really fun...
Gonna read it again~
I love all your stories even got confused bcuz I don't really understand.
Never got bored of this fic ^^ good job :D
akihabara48 #6
Chapter 38: What a lovely story!~ I love every chapters of this fic :P 33
morgan47 #7
I enjoy all your stories so it was no surprise when I loved this one!
Hi...somebody recommend this story to me. So I browsed through and you know what I finished this story in one sit, a record for me...

This is a good story...You are a great author...I love this story so much because it was different from the other Yunjae and Yoosu stories. In this story Yunjae and Yoosu couple were good friends but because of a misunderstanding, their friendship turned sour and they hated each other so much. Minbum couple were their friends and they tried very hard to get them back together. Even though they were having hard time during the process but their hard work paid off when in the end both Yunjae and Yoosu couple restored their long lost friendship.
m0zarts0nata-- #9