Three Little Words

Little One-Shots Of Daily Life

Three Little Words



" Hey. "

Myungsoo took a peek at his girlfriend while they were lying on their bed. He just finished his novel and put it on the bedside table. Well, he didn't finish it because he was too lazy and he liked to pretend that he was interested in those kind of things. That's why he had many books but he didn't even read half of these. Fortunately, Jiyeon was there to catch up his little lies.

" What are you doing ? " 

He squinted at her laptop and tried to see what she was writing. Jiyeon was too busy to write to pay attention to him. This made the boy next to her a little more curious. And yes, it was his worst fault..

" Hey. Jiyeon. Jiyeooon. Jiyeoo.. "

Impatience was also another fault that he couldn't tame. While he was stamping his feet on the bed just like a baby, the girl just sighed as she was exceeded because of his childish behavior. 

" I'm writing a fictional story. " She said disinterested. 

" Oh really ? About us ? " He was really intrigued. 

" No. They call this.. a fanfiction ? "

" Uh ? " Myungsoo replied with incomprehension. 

" And I picked my beloved G-Dragon as the main character."

" Uh ? " He repeats with a complete incomprehension.

" I was writing a scene where he's going to kiss the girl and.. "

" Wait, and where am I ? " He asked.

" You're not in the story. " 

" Why.. ? "

" Because I don't want to. "

" Why.. ? " He did his puppy eyes. 

" Don't act like this, Myungsoo. It's just a story and.. "

It was always like this with Jiyeon. When she was in her fangirling mode, nobody could stop her. Myungsoo thought if she was possessed by a strange spirit or what, but he made his little investigation and it seems that many persons like his girlfriend were possessed by the fangirling (and fanboying) mode. At first, he was really scared for her mental health but when he discovered that she wasn't the only, he thought that the world went crazy. Really.

" Okay. It's just a story. I'm going to write a story about Suzy and me. It's going to be phenomenal. There'll be lots of kiss scenes and hug moments. "

" If you want. " She replied, not even looking at him. 

" And you'll not be in my story ! " He crossed his arms. 

" Alright. "

" And I'll kill G-Dragon with my bare hands ! In front of you ! " A little devilish laugh resound in the room.

" You said I'll not be in your story.. " She pointed out. 

" You'll just appear at that moment ! When I'll hitting him to death ! "

" Okay. "

He didn't like it at all. That thingy " Okay " . It was really irritable because she wasn't interested at all ! And Myungsoo was a real baby. He loves when he get noticed. He loves when his girlfriend takes care of him. He loves Jiyeon ! So, why G-Dragon was able to steal the love of his life ? Why was he able to steal her brain, until four in the morning just because she was too busy to write her story ? And why Myungsoo didn't have enough brain to read entirely his ing novel ? 

" Do you prefer to kiss him instead of me.. ? " He pouted.

" Well.. I've never tried. " She replied while thinking about the feeling of kissing her bias. (Oh yeah baby, kiss me again.)

" Do you want to try ? " 

" Why not. It's not like I'll reject him. " 

" Jiyeon.. " He was going to cry. " You're really hurtful. "

" Don't cry baby. "

" You're not even looking at me ! " He exclaimed. 

" Don't cry baby. " She turned her face to see his pouting face. " Oh. You're red. " 

" Yeah, red of jealousy ! " He replied angered. 

" I see. " She stared at him. " If it can comfort you.. the girl in the story's not me. " 

This answer made Myungsoo's face lit up. He blinks several times then turns his tomato face towards Jiyeon. She just watched him, with her uninterested usual look. However, if she said that, it was really significant for Myungsoo ! He knows her since they were young and she rarely showed what she thinks. Actually, she was just like the cold books that nobody touched since ages but which had many things to say. 

" So.. you're not cheating on me ? " 

" No. But in my dreams- " She started to say. 

" So, you love me like I do ? " He smiled largely. 

" I suppose.. " She thinks.

" Jiyeon.. don't think ! I want a sincere answer ! "

" Myungsoo, you know, we're not in a fanfiction. You have the right place, the right moment, and the right girl. We met with a simple " Hi " but we ended with a " Hell yeah, I'm with this hot girl and I'm with this annoying kid ". It's not fantasy, it's not a fairytale, but it's life. Our life. Maybe there are no freaking awesome fights between gangs or freaking awesome bad guys, but be sure that our story is real. "

Well, Myungsoo thought they had to open the champagne because of her speech which wasn't usual due to too much words for her at first. But after careful thought, he found it really touching and beautiful. She was totally right. He got the right girl and what a hot girl !

" Oh.. Jiyeon.. you're so.. "

" I know. " She smiled proudly. " Even hundred kisses from my idol can't be compared to a sweet hug from my baby. "

" When did you learn to say those romantic things ? " He was touched by her words. 

" I read it in a fanfiction. Not bad, right ? " She smiled a little too proudly. 

" At least, you're honnest.. " He sighed. 

" But Myungsoo, there are three cheesy words that nobody can learn me. " She gets closer to him. " I love.. "

" What ? " He didn't understand.

" I love.. hum "

" Yeah ? " 

" I can't say it. It's too ridiculous. "

" Say it, Jiyeon ! I want to know ! " He insists. 

" I.. love.. "

" Just say it.. it's not difficult at all ! And there's nothing ridiculous ! Repeat after me : I love you ! " He smiled cheerfully. 

" Can you say it again ? " She asked shyly. 

" I love you. " He said. " I love you, Jiyeon. " He smiled. 

" Me too. "

Well, at least.. she tried.


Hello dear readers !

I hope you liked reading this short one-shot because I enjoyed writing this story. There are probably mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me, then ! However, I have to say that writing in English will improve me a lot ! 

About the chapter, I wanted to say that I really like writing with this Jiyeon's personnality. A little cold (a lot for our poor Myungsoo..) but I think cool at the same time ! But don't worry, I'll explore different personnalities and situations !

Thank you guys for reading and see you in the next chapter for another MyungYeon one-shot  ! 




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kimaray #1
Chapter 3: Aigo!~~ this is so romantic. I love it so much. Such a perfect love story. Love at the first sight :)
I'm waiting for your other story, author-nim. Update soon.
linhkju #2
Chapter 2: Hehe so fun :-D update soon
kimaray #3
Chapter 2: The innocent Jiyeon and the erted myungsoo. But they're so perfect.
Update soon
kimaray #4
Chapter 1: Aww... Myungyeon is cute, i can't~ hehe
And Myung Myung acts like a real baby there haha.
Update soon
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 1: So sweet and cute >_< ♥ Myungyeon ♥
Update soon
JansJY08 #6
Chapter 1: Love the one shot! Short & sweet! Keep it up!! :)
kimaray #7
Looking forward for this story. please make it LONG one-shot story hehe