Chapter 3

Without you



My heart sank when the words," give our relationship a break." came out of Annabeth's mouth.

Althought I knew she still loved me and that we were still together, it felt like a temporary break-up. My heart  felt as if a sword was stabbed through my heart. I would rather die than break up with Annabeth. I was even more worried for her when she wanted to go alone. Therefore, I asked my bro, Jason and Piper to follow her.

Thank god they agreed, or else I wouldn't be able to sleep everyday.

Annabeth gave me a kiss and asked me to go home. A gave her a final hug and left without turning back.

When I reached home, I saw my mother and step-father, Paul at the kitchen baking my all-time favourite, blue cake.

"Hey honey! You're finally home! Eat some blue cake!" My mother shouted eagerly.

"Yeah sure mum, thanks!" I replied as I took a piece.

"Everything okay?" Paul asked.

"Yeah yeah, really fine."

"Girlfriend trouble, huh?" Paul hinted when he could see the sad expression on Percy's face.

"Nah not really, It's just that we won't be talking for quite a while."

"Everything's going to be fine, it's for a while!"

I sighed and said good night to both of them lovebirds.

Urgg I should really sleep...


Wow it's Blackjack and the same time again, when I was going to sleep.

"Hey blackjack? What's wrong?" I asked as I took a sugar cube and fed him.

"Mmmm..Nothing's wrong, just really missed you and your delicious sugar cubes!"

"Did you meant more on the sugar cubes?" I laughed.

Blackjack has always been my buddy and I was really glad to see him. He was really sweet to have come to visit me, but the fact of being it on the late of night annoys me.

I his smooth mane and asked, "Wanna stay-over?"

"Yupp, definitely, what I came here for."

"Hahaha sure buddy!"

I liked Blackjack's personality because it was almost like mine, he also had the same interests and totally knows everything about me.

I slept peacefully and woke up to the bright and magnifient glaze of the sun. I checked my phone and different from any other day, there were no messages from the wise girl. I tried not to think so much and headed to the nearby beach from our house, which Blackjack insisted on taking me instead. I waved good-bye to my companion and walked towards the water.


Some mortals looked at me and thought that I was bonkers, but they soon continued what they were doing, not wanting to bother about anything. I stood there for a while and bubbles started appearing on the surface. Water burst from the bubbles, swirling and turning till my father walked out of it, greeting me.

My father guessed," You're excited to see Atlantis again, aren't you?"

"Ding! Ding! Bingo!" I exclaimed.

My father gave me a wide smile and ushered me to go into the water, so I followed him. The feeling of being in the water after a very long time enlightened me with unspeakable power. I played around with the water, and decided to be mischievious so I '"threw" large balls of water on my father.

"Hey!" He shouted in shock.

I laughed so much that I thought I couldn't laugh anymore.


My face just got head-shot by my father, by balls of water tons more larger than mine. I headed for cover and shouted for my father to race him to Atlantis. When we got there in smiles and laughter, we suddenly became really serious. Though I was still mesmerized by the grand and beautiful building and statues of Atlantis, it was very obvious that it had been attacked just recently. All of the left-over merpeople (children and women) ran to my father and bowed down to him.

"Oh lord, you're back. Please help us." They chanted.

They seemed really scared and shaken, hiding behind the shadows. I was determined to seek justice for them and save the mermans, betting that my father also had the same mindset as me. Looking at the state of Atlantis, he furrowed his eyebrows and his face was cringed with worry. He promised the merpeople that he would save the mermans and brought me in to his castle. Luckily there were still creatures of the sea to help my father to secure and guard the castle, espescially his trident. His castle didn't look lively like last time, it looked really empty and quiet.

"Let's go to the throne room, demigod." The guards guided me.

My father followed us to the throne room and asked to be left alone with me. He told me that he needs to discuss with me the matters of Atlantis, about finding the water demons who caused this and why did they capture his mermen. He gave me a task to go to the sea and search for the telkhines, that captured his mermen. When I exit the throne room, wanting to leave to find the telkhines, someone just came out of nowhere and hugged me really tight.

"No air..No air.." I gasped.


I hope that my writing is ok! Feel free to give any feedback! There's not so much percabeth in this chapter, just an elaboration on what's Percy's quest is really about! Thanks! :)









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Chapter 3: Here are the songs of Twice

1. Like ooh ahh
2. Cheer up
3. TT (its really popular),
4. Knock knock
5. Signal (the one I was singing)
6. Likey
7. Heart shaker
8. What is love? ( satzu is love )

Japanese mv. more time
2.candy pop
3.wake me up

Other mv.

1.merry and happy
2.brand new girl

Watch this.
Chapter 3: You've made this story before Twice happen. I'm a big fan of Twice and I want to let you know signeul bonae Signal bonae joke I wanna leyou know that I want to come back time because you know Twice is now so so So So SOOOO POPULAR LIKE WHAT THE YOU DIDNT UPDATED FOR HOW LONG LIKE TWICE SINCE THEY DEBUTED. trying to let you know signeul bonae signal bonae..dont mind me im just wasting your time
Pls make a satzu fanfic bc I love sana and tzuyu and also 2yeon bye I love motzu
Chapter 2: I think it's been years bruhhh
nanahye #4
i also a big, really big, fans of percabeth *-* nice to find your ff
i do love percy jackson
percabeth is OTP
Percytridon #6
Chapter 1: Sorry! This chapter's not finished yet!