Review Layout

Night-Wish's Review Shop

Title: (0/3)

This is fairly obvious. Out of 3 points because there's not a whole lot to say about titles.


Plot: (0/5)


Characters: (0/10)

Out of 10 points because characters are essential to a story and they can be plenty in number or traits.


Flow: (0/3)

Out of 3 points because flow is rather specific.


Grammar: (0/5)

I should point out that to me, grammar is not very important. As long as I can understand the story and what you're trying to portray it's fine, but if you'd like me to be harsh on the grammar I will be.


Description/Summary[possibly Foreword]: (0/3)

Should be obvious as well. All I care about is the summary you've provided. No need to make everything professional, but if you've put in the effort to be just tell me and I'll grade everything according to that.


Total points: 0/29


My points are on a low scale because I think that everything's specific that way. I feel as many reviewers are rather inconsiderate of many variables including character personalities and I'd like to change that, but you will have to be specific when you fill out your review. I understand this will result in higher scores than average for many of you, but I don't find that to be a big deal because it's important to see the potential in a story rather than what you want it to be.


I'm sorry for not posting this sooner for some of you that already requested!!!

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I have requested! Thanks in advance!! >.^
Chapter 2: picked up and credited thank you
just requested :)