Chapter 2

The Barest of Fibres
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If there was one thing Eunhyuk hated the most in the world, it was public transport delays. As he stood on the platform with one arm hugging the groceries to his chest and his free hand keeping a firm grip on the handle of Sora's backpack lest she wriggle free from his grasp, he could only proceed to internally weep at the following twenty minutes which he would never get back. Twenty minutes which could have been better spent revising his English notes or even taking a precious, much needed nap, but no. Eunhyuk would have to stand in the hot, sweaty bustle of people and withstand the stifling bumping of shoulders and uncovered coughs of one particularly lethargic old man to his left. He should have known better than to take advantage of public transport when the monthly night markets were open in Hongdae.

He felt the familiar whining vibration against his right cheek and slowly closed his eyes in frustration as he realised that both his hands were occupied.

"Sora." He muttered, unable to see past the bags of coffee, chicken, juice boxes and a particularly bulky can of strawberry candies which Sora had insisted on buying, which were pressed against him. Eunhyuk could hardly bend over without littering the station floor with children's lunch snacks so he tugged gently on the backpack and hoped the little girl was listening. "Can you pass me my phone? It's in my back pocket."

There was no response and Eunhyuk couldn't help the frustrated sigh that escaped him as he tugged a little harder. "Hey! You listening? Pass me my phone."

A hand patted his left pocket and then the right after realising his phone wasn't inside the former. He felt it slide out and found his view blocked as a tall, heavily clothed man stepped in front of him, too close for Eunhyuk's comfort. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he found himself face to neck with the man, forcing him to take a step back in surprise and crane his head all the way back to see his face due to how close they were forced together by the crowd.

"Excuse me. Do you mind-" Eunhyuk blinked as the man waved his phone in front of his face, brow furrowing as he slowly recognised the obnoxiously bedazzled cover which had unfortunately not survived Sora's recent obsession with superglue and rhinestones. "Hey! That's my-"

The words died at his lips as everything clicked. His eyes widened. "Was that you?"

The man chuckled pleasantly, his voice husky and deep, surprising Eunhyuk. "The kid was half asleep so I decided to take advantage of your compromising situation."

"Oh. Thanks." He released Sora's backpack and made sure to place his foot gently over hers so as to assure himself of her presence before accepting the phone with his newly freed hand. Now that his view wasn't obstructed by his phone dangling in front of his eyes, Eunhyuk was able to take a good look at the man before him and a thousand thoughts flew through his head which mainly compromised of the realisation that ', he looks good' and 'he touched my '. He looked to be a few years older than Eunhyuk; the blue hair a strange but oddly pleasing feature which only served to accentuate those deep sparkling eyes and- God, were those cheekbones even real!?

"If you take a picture, It'll last longer."

Eunhyuk snapped out of reverie and reddened at having been caught out, not that he was being subtle or anything. Thank goodness the man had sounded more amused than insulted. He glanced down at the phone in his hand more as a reason to concentrate on something other than the man before him than an actual desire to read Donghae's persistent messages.

i just realised how similarly 'enchilada' and 'echidna' are spelt

i'm at the park with kai. he's trying to stop this stray dog from eating a chocolate ice cream someone abandoned under the bench

The dog's growling. what's your bet that he'll get bitten? I already told him to lay off but he's not listening

do dogs get cancer from chocolate? that's just cruel isn't it? it's like being allergic to bacon

oh! the dog went for him

it caught his shoe and is shaking it around like a dead animal

"Your girlfriend?"

Eunhyuk glanced up and flushed again as the man shot him a crooked smile; eyes slightly squinting with the action. God, how could he look so damn good with that perfect smile? "No." He replied shortly for fear that his voice would crack from his nervous state.

"Got a wife? Is that your kid?"

"No." His eye twitched slightly, feeling slightly degraded by the question. Did he look old enough to get married, let alone have an eight year old child?

"You gay?"

"Ye-" Eunhyuk snapped his mouth shut, mortified at the man's amused laughter. He could only hug the groceries closer, concentrating on the edge of a can digging into his skin through the canvas grocery bag in a futile attempt to get his facial colour back to normal. Any more of this and he would end up permanently beet red. The heat didn't help either.

"It's okay." The man winked brightly and the corner of his mouth lifted once more. This time, Eunhyuk knew better than to stare, no matter how fascinated he was by those lips and that dimple. "You're not the only one around here. In fact, I've got a few friends I'd love to introduce you to. You're too cute to let go without an invite. Whaddaya say?"

Cute? Did he just ask Eunhyuk out? His mind was swirling from just how quickly this man was taking things and he wasn't sure whether his perception of courting was particularly slow or this man was just chatting him up at the speed of a subway train. "I don't know you." He stammered slightly, still shocked and somewhat dumbstruck. Was he being serious?

"Well, we can start with introductions then." The man took the bags from his arm with a smile and held out his hand. "I'm Choi Seunghyun. Twenty-one, attending Seoul University in Doctor of Medicine."

He spoke proudly, having expected the shorter to be impressed by his degree, yet the information was unnecessary. Eunhyuk was already smitten.

"Lee Hyukjae. Eighteen at Gangwon High." Eunhyuk took his hand and shook it, feeling as though his hand were being enveloped in warmth. The action felt more intimate than he had ever perceived it to be, the knuckle of his index finger brushing over what felt like a callus on Seunghyun's palm and he felt miniscule in comparison to the tall bulky man before him. Seunghyun continued shaking for much longer than the formality warranted and it was eventually Eunhyuk who pulled away first.

Eunhyuk wet his lips as he looked Seunghyun up and down, taking in his neat, yet excessive attire. The light mauve of his cashmere scarf complimented the bright electric blue of his hair and darkened his eyes. How could someone be so perfect? So damn tall? So-


"Pardon?" Seunghyun raised a brow, obviously impressed by what he had perceived to be Eunhyuk openly appreciating him.

"Aren't you hot in all those clothes?" He felt warm just looking at all the layers Seunghyun had on, punctuated by a well timed bead of sweat which ran down the nape of his neck. The only way Eunhyuk could explain away Seunghyun's indifference to the heat was that the taller had either lived on the equator his whole life or somehow impaired all the nerve endings on his body. "It's nearing thirty-eight degrees now and you look like you're dressed for winter."

"Are you saying that I should be taking my clothes off?" The elder smirked and crossed his arms against his chest, "You're pretty quick, aren't you?"

Eunhyuk looked away silently, unsure of how to respond to his excessive flirting. Sure, he would come off as rather cold and condescending, but that would be better than having a fool made out of him due to the rather stupid comments he makes when the doesn't think before opening his mouth. Besides, Seunghyun was totally out of his league, never mind that the man basically threw himself at Eunh

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: hahahhaha funny hyuk...poor onew kekkeke...looking forward hope to see an update soon :)
Chapter 2: ^^ u write so well but I got confused here. Donghae likes Eunhyuk? Wat r they? In the relationship? Know each othr? Sry, if I bothered u

Btw, this a gd story, hope u'll update not so soon. Sry for my bad english
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 2: Yeayyyyy haha hyukkie you really need to be in hyukjae condition haha isn't the dog are the one hae said haaa
Thanks authornim!
Chapter 2: Lol, this was hilarious~
You're back too!
pilikpoplove #5
Chapter 2: I suppose he was chasing poor Kai, i just love Donghae's texts being so random, that's totally what one should text to their friends. And poor Onew couldn't get a break~
Chapter 2: This was nice. HJ nearly hyperventilating. At same time he is hilarious with helping Onew and still successfully ruining his night with Sulli without even trying. Nice going.
KPopFanForLife #7
Chapter 1: This is so good and their dialogue is so funny. <3
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 1: Can't wait :) take care authornim!
pApErLaNtErN #9
Chapter 1: Wow this is great
OMG lol you made me huff with laughter so much at the scenes you wrote and when Donghae's like "it smells so wet, like water" LOL XD
I really like the way you portray Hyukjae and Donghae in this through their actions and not just the way they speak. Well actions do speak louder than words.
I eagerly await your next update :)
I like how you based it on how you and your partner met too (cute~)