Being Sick

Optional Bias: When You Get Terribly Sick At Night And He Takes Care Of You Until You Feel Better

Punching in the code to your apartment for the fifth time, the glowing green keypad flashes unlocking the knob. You felt much better for not locking yourself out like last time on Christmas day, when you went out to your car to get the presents from the trunk. You were stuck out there for 2 hours figuring out how to get back inside as you were sliding your Starbucks gift card between the door lock like in spy movies. In the end when your boyfriend got home he gladly unlocked the door and made hot chocolate for the both of you.

Tiredly walking to your room, you kick off your shoes by the side of your computer stand feeling almost completely drained. You slump into your chair pulling your laptop closer clicking on power button showing Microsoft Word on the bright screen. You begin to type a sentence then go in a daze, you think about how your head is pulsating like a cut on an index finger then going deeper into your thoughts. 'Dammit I knew I should have left work earlier, I knew it was going to rain hella hard as well and I STILL forgot my umbrella by the tv. . Now I'm going to get sick, stupid rain. Well at least it wasn't a thunderstorm haha I'd rather have heavy rain than that! Or a snow storm…ok maybe I shouldn't jinx myself, let's stop talking about this and get my story done!' You sit there thinking about what you should write as the first sentence, you wanted it to sound extremely interesting but subtle at the same time. You know you don’t write as good as other authors on a writing site you signed up for but you still believed your writing was at least better than others that didn’t even bother to put in any effort. You could tell that some of them copied and pasted sentences from other story writers into their own by reading how they write. You knew it wasn’t their work; the level of the creativity gives it away. A small tickle began to form in your nose suddenly, clutching your kleenex box your eyes became watery as you inhaled then let out a loud sneeze. “Ughhhhh! I hate sneezing! Now my nose is going to be stuffy for hours!” Grabbing a wad of extra kleenex to keep in your pants pocket you hear the beeping of the keypad unlocking. __________, he can’t be home this early. It’s a Wednesday, or is it Tuesday?’ 

 __________ always got to go home early on Wednesdays, his boss gave him a reward from working harder than everyone else in the workplace, he knew he deserved it from noticing his strong motivation and diligence.  __________stepped into the room and saw you were busy in la la land; he waved his hand in front of you to get your attention, nothing. He then called your name and asked you to come back down in to reality. That’s when you heard his voice and snapped out of it. “Ehhh, look at this.  __________ daydreaming again, when do you not daydream when I’m around?” He questioned himself as he examined your state. “Hm?” You replied looking at him then to the laptop again. You rub your eyes and look at the time absentmindedly as you blinked then proceeded to yawn. “Man, its 11 already! Well at least I didn’t come home at 2:30 like always right __________?” He pats your back playfully getting up from the bed then stretching his limbs making an inaudible moan. “Yeah, 11… WHAT?!?! D-Did you just say 11pm!?!?! DAMMIT! Ow, my head.” massaging your head you can feel the throbbing again, becoming more agonizing to handle. “Yah, __________ are you okay!? Do you need pain relievers? I can go and get some out of the medicine cabinet! Be right back!”  __________ dashed out of the room heading into the kitchen opening the cabinet filled with medicine. He scanned through all the half empty yellow bottles finding the brown opaque bottle on the far right corner behind a jar of vitamins. He shook two capsules out in to his hand as he filled a glass of water with the other. Rushing back to the bedroom he pushed the door open with his right foot ordering you to take the pills, However, you were already lying down looking woozy. He sat you up delicately handing you the pills before he began to fluff the pillows for you. Swallowing the pills down with a gulp of water, you asked him to bring you more blankets feeling cold and achy. Your eyes are already half closed from the medicine, your breathing is becoming uneven from the heavy pressure in your chest, and__________ comes back with the 3 extra blankets and covers you with them quickly. He kisses your forehead whispering “Get well __________.” 

- 4 Hours Later -

 __________ shuffles in to the bathroom looking for a heating pad to soothe his back from the long practices he’s been having in the past weeks as he does his business. Before going back to sleep he goes in to the kitchen nonchalantly opening the fridge searching for a bottle of water to chug down. Discovering no bottled water he closes the fridge only to be startled by your figure leaning on the fridge door. “ __________!!! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME! I thought you were some kind of ghost or… something! Don’t do that ever again!” he cried. He had his hand on his chest breathing shakily looking at you in shock, after he calmed down he asked why you came down to the kitchen but he wasn’t getting a response out of you.  __________ grabbed your shoulders and shook you lightly to get your attention, you were still not responding. He then felt your forehead gasping at how hot you became. He pulled back cussing under his breath, “You need to go to the hospital __________, you’re burning up!” He grabbed your hand and sat you on the couch running to the bedroom to get blankets, pillows, scarves, beanies, and both of your coats. __________ rushed back into the living room he dressed you warmly and pulled you up on your feet. “Get your shoes on fast, I’ll go and turn the heater on in the car and come back for you. I don’t want you to be cold in the car as well. It’s bad enough that the weather is already freezing.”

"I don’t want to." you croaked. "What, you want me to put on your shoes for you too?" he replied. "No, I don’t want to go. I won’t go." You protested. "Why not? You need to go, you’re sick! You have a high fever __________! I don’t have time for this, you’re going and that is final. No ifs, ands, or buts.”  __________ put his arm around your waist motioning you to move towards the door. “You can’t make me go, I am an adult and whatever I say goes. I have my own rights. Besides you can give me more medicine here, and we’re just wasting our time and money over a small fever.” You argued back. “__________, I know you think it’s a waste of time but it’s not! We might not have enough medicine for the night and all drugstores at this time in our neighborhood are closed. And this fever isn’t small! Your temperature is over 102, so don’t tell me its small.” he raised his voice. “Go ahead and yell, it won’t do you any good. I’m going back to sleep.” __________ stood in front of you “That’s it.” he growled.  __________ picked you up from your hips and put you over his shoulder taking you shoes in his left hand. He walked out double locking the door behind him power walking to the car. ” __________!!! THIS ISN’T A DRAMA!!! NOW PUT ME DOWN!!!” you hollered.  __________ only ignored your fussing, he knew once you arrived at the hospital you would just be exhausted from arguing with him. Placing you into the passenger seat he buckled you in closing the car door. You crossed your arms pouting, “I don’t want to go…UGH I hate him…” mumbling in anger. Turning your body facing your window you watched the snowflakes hit the ground vanishing into the pile of snow.  __________ pulled out of the drive way and drove to the hospital, he would check on you every 5 minutes monitoring your state then feeling your forehead making sure your temperature would not rise. Finally parked in front of the hospital he leans over to see how you are, “Well what do you know, she’s asleep.” He felt your forehead once again and made a face. 'Her temperature somehow went down… weird. Well __________, you got lucky, we don't need to go to the hospital after all.' He reached in to his bag and took out a mini thermometer, after a few minutes it went off. “98.8.” __________ re-started the car and drove back home.

 __________ took you in to the house carrying you bridal style taking off your shoes as he hoisted you up when he was slipping his sneakers off. Setting you down on to the couch, __________ jogs upstairs to the guest room you had on the opposite side of your bedroom and hopes that he left an extra bottle of medicine in one of the drawers. __________ manages to find the very last pill inside a tiny medicine bottle in the top right drawer next to the bed. Once he returns to you he tells you to swallow and drink a glass of water again “__________ how are you feeling? Your fever is going down finally.” He moves your hair away from your sweaty neck “Why are we home? I thought we were going to the hospital?” He sighs and covers your body more with the thick blanket. “I know, but I decided not to take you in when I checked your temperature again, you’ll be okay. I’m here taking care of you.” He beamed widely at his remark then kissing you on the cheek tenderly. “Sorry, I would kiss you on the lips but I don’t want to get sick.” he chuckled apologetically. “It’s okay, I wouldn’t kiss you either if you were sick.” you uttered back while you readjust your position for better comfort. __________ scooted you closer to the cushion of the couch to rest beside you from the long day you both have had.

You nuzzled your face into __________ chest and fell asleep soundly intertwining your fingers with his. That night must have been one of the best sleeps you have ever had.


It was a challenge to write this DX *wipes fake sweat off my forehead* Phew! I'm glad it's finished nicely (:

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Chapter 1: Great story!