Chapter 9

Show Me The Money! (Apply Open!)

The next morning came all to quickly. Ollie sat up with a hangover. She quickly grabbed her head to stop the room from spinning, only it didn't work.

"Oho, sleeping beauty is up." B-dub said taking a bite from the bowl of cereal he was holding. 

"Ah, stop talking." She whined almost falling off the bed. 

"Easy killer." B-dub said grabbing her shoulder. 

"Ugh, where are Bobby and B.i?" She asked wobbling. Just then they both came out of the bathroom. Bobby was brushing his teeth while B.i was drying his hair.

"How ya feeling?" Bobby asked. 

"Like I was hit by a bus. Or at least what I think getting hit by a bus would feel like." She admitted. 

"Drink some water." B.i told her. As he got that out of his mouth there was a commotion down stairs.

"Ugh, too early for this." Ollie claimed.

"It's one o'clock." B-dub said. Then Giriboy popped into the room. 

"You're Ollie right?" He asked looking at the possibly still drunk girl.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Timee is calling you out down stairs. Looks like she found a new target." He said looking over his shoulder.

"Son of a ..." Ollie trailed off. "Drama lovin . Let's go."

When they approached the balcony Timee seemed to be just finishing.

"B.i? What's with this guy
I mean does he even try
And about  bobby
This must be his hobby
Now back to Ollie
She's just as bad as Jolly
She aint gunna win this
I bet she can't even dis."

"I'll take that bet." Ollie said coming down the stairs. Timee had a smug look on her face. And Ollie was about to wipe the floor with it. 
"Look I'm hungover
but its about to be game over
I've burned some bridges
and I've dealt with es
And you're no exception
I'm about to adjust your perception
I see you sitting here flapping your lips
But here's a few tips
one, dont start something you can't finish
people like you, they diminish
two, dont run your mouth 
there's things you  know nothing about
three,  stop with the B.i and Bobby
Your rhymes are straight sloppy
Then you compared me to Jolly v
you better flee
I didn't come here to deal with this
back up now before I get pissed.
What you think your gunna do?
You think those weak rhymes will get you through?
I'm the rap native
I can get ten times more creative
I'm hip hop original
I didn't come here to be a hip hop visual 
Pack your stuff
I've called your bluff
you'll get on stage and choke
Get out of my face, your nothing but a joke
I need some water and toast
I'm done with this roast"

The people surrounding broke out in 'ohhhs' and 'burns'. Ollie walked off claiming her victory. Bobby and B.i stood up on the balcony clapping. 

"Now b-dub, I gotta know...Where the hell did you find cereal?" He laughed and guided her to the kitchen as she held her head again. "How come you're not feeling this?" She asked. 

"I drank water before bed, helps water down the alcohol in your system." He told her. She just nodded at him.

"I'll remember that. Another question, how did I get to bed last night?" She watched him pour a both of cereal for her and slide it over to her then he held out a spoon. 

"Bobby carried your drunk in from the table." He replied looking down at his phone again.

"I own him for that. It's one thing carrying a responsive person, but once I'm out, I'm dead weight." She said shoving a bite of cereal into . 

"I've noticed." Bobby said entering the kitchen behind her. "You tried to roll over while I was carrying you."

"He almost droped you twice." B.i added. 

"Twice? What the hell Bobby, got popcorn fingers or something?" Ollie joked. 

"Look you're lucky we even got you up there." He retorted.

"Next time B.i can carry me. His guns look bigger anyways." She jabbed.

"Have you seen these babies?" Bobby asked flexing his arm while holding up his t-shirts sleeve. Ollie laugh almost spitting out her cereal. 

"No making me laugh, my heads about to explode." She whined. The three boys just laughed. 

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hushan123 #1
Chapter 10: The lyrics was yours?
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update! ^-^
Chapter 9: B.I thought he was busted! Why did I not see this update earlier?!? lol. I can't wait for another update! Yas!!!
Chapter 8: Holy mother of Gawd!!! I couldn't sleep so I had to spend an hour trying to login!!!!


I can't... I throw in the dayum towel! Put out the white flag! Holy holy holy!!!!
Chapter 7: is the apply fic still open?
Chapter 7: Waaaa!!! B.I is a tease!!! lmao. I can't... Ok. BRB.
Seriously, bedroom scene with B.I?!?! Yes please! Oh my feels!!!
Chapter 6: *blushing*

you're killing me bobby!!!! i dropped my phone twice! *dies*