Chapter 7

Show Me The Money! (Apply Open!)

Ollie rolled over and squinted into the light then reached for her phone. After her fingers had found it she clicked on the screen to see the time. "2:30?!" She squealed popping up from where she was laying and rubbing her eyes. "B.I," She trailed off, noticing they weren't in the bed with her any more. She slid off the bed and peeked at the other bunks, only to find that she was the only one in the room. ", did I sleep through the wake up call or something? Is this 'Leaver her sleep she'll get eliminated faster'?" She groaned grabbing the first clothes she found and changing as quickly as she could. 

Ollie fixed her belt that B-dub had qustioned and hopped toward the door as she tried to get her shoes on. She grabbed the handle and slid on her glasses then someone else opened the door.

"You're up." B-dub said looking surprised. 

"Yeah, looks like I got left behind this morning." 

"Well you're just in time, you're up now." He said gesturing to the stairs.

"Thanks." Was the only thing she said as she bolted toward the stairs and down them.


Ollie approached what she had thought was the guest house with B-dub standing next to her. "I thought this was a guest house." She openly admitted.

"I did too but this is where they called us to." He said opening the door to show a large room with what reminded her of a movie theater, only you decended the stairs. Instead of a large movie screen there was a stage and a judges panel right infront of it. The young girl stopped feeling her heart begin to pound against her chest. When the door clicked closed, eveeryone in the room turned to look at her standing with b-dub, including the judges. She took a deep breath and jogged down the stairs. She quickly stopped at the judges panel her eyes landing on Tablo then shifting to San-e. 

"I'm sorry for being late." She said in perfect Korean. "I had over slept." She finished with a bow. "I would like to ask that you do not hold this against me when you judge me." She requested then took the stage. 

"Ollie...That's an unique name." Swings said, breaking the silence. 

"Ne." San-e agreed. "Where is it from?" 

"My mom." She quickly answered. "I mean, I don't know where she got it, I guess she just winged it." Ollie nervously corrected. The judges chuckled.

"You didn't over sleep Ollie." Dok2 said looking at a piece of paper. "We let out sleep in for cleaning up after the party last night. We decided to let you go last."

"Think of it as a thank you gift from us to you." Quiett said into his mic. 

"Thank you Oppa." She quietly responed with a bow.

"Now, daddy would like to hear what you got." Tablo said with a smile. Her roommates broke into laughter as ther rest looked around confused along with Ollie. Then he began to explain. "This morning, You began to talk in your sleep as I was doing a wake up call in your room. You called me daddy." He paused. Ollie covered her face and squat down trying to hide her embarassment. "You begged me to let you skip training today and promised you would train twice as hard tomorrow. What does your dad make you train for?" He asked tilting his head in curiosity. 

"Self defense." She said into the mic, still hiding in a curled up ball. 

"So if you were to get attacked, you would be able to fend them off?" Masta Wu asked.


"I have got to see this, someone go attack her." Swings said turning in the office chair to look at the rest of the contestants. "Let's see... It has to be a male, someone bigger than her..." He scanned the contestans carefully until one guy raised his hand. 

"O-oppa, I don't think...." She started onl to be cut off.

"You, go on up." Swings said pointing from him to the stage then spinning back around to face the stage. The guy jogged up to the stage and stood next to Ollie. He was at least a foot taller than her and looked like he frequetly worked out. "Well, go on." Swings made a shooing motion with his hand as he waited for her to begin. 

"O-okai, umm..." Ollie took a few steps back and waved the guy over to her. "J-just come at me I guess." She stuttered. The guy nodded and rushed at her with his arms out as if he were going to grab her by the shoulders. He figured he would ge easy on her, since she was a small girl. Ollie prepared herself. Once he got close enough she grabbed his arm, spun under it and wedged it up behind him, pushing his hand up between his shoulders.

"Wha." San-e said in surprise. Ollie quickly let go of the guys arm and stepped beside him. "Show another one of your techniques." San-e demanded. She nodded and the guy quickly turned to go at her again, only this time from the side. Ollie barly dodged the guys elbow as she dropped to the ground and karate chopped the back of his knee. The guys leg gave out and he fell right on to his back then she placed a knee against his chest and drew back her fist. Frustraited the guy pushed her off and got back up. He grabbed her by the colar of her shirt. Ollie saw that the guy was now being serious. She quickly bent down in a twisting motion with enough force to pull him down again then got his arm into aonther hold. Wen she pulled him down she sunglassed fell from her face and landed on the ground next to the guy. Then she saw the pained look on the guys face and let go and took a few steps back. Swings started to clap along with the other judges.

"Impressive." Tablo commented. Ydg and Masta Wu nodded in agreement as the guy went back to his seat. Ollie's eyes followed the guy back to his seat, just now noticing a majority of the contestants had been sent home now. 

"You're American?" Tablo asked, pulling her from her thoughts of the missing people.

"Y-yes." She answered, now in english.

"Wow!" Swings said not squinting up at her.

"Blue eyes." San-e said studying her closer. "Where abouts?"

"Detroit, Michigan." She replied shyly.

"Rap Native." Quiett commented.

"Alright, show us what you got now. Dj, start the beat." Dok2 said into his mic.

Ollie bobbed her head to the music, trying to get a feel for it. "Uh." She said waiting for the rotation to start again. 

"Yeah, Here we go.
Look, anyone can stick two words together and rhyme
But I gotta have rhythm and I gotta have time
And I gotta have the guts to put it all on the line
And I gotta stand up to the whole world though it might make me blind
I gotta bleed out my heart, gotta pout out my soul
I gotta speak with every single syllable that I know 
And theres moments that I think that I'm apart from the rest
Still trying and dying, givin it all my best
until im out hustled, out muscled, and I'm up to my neck
Until I'm thinking I should stop and give it a rest
But I don't give up yet, no this is only a test
to dig deep inside until I out rhyme the best
I gotta write til im sick,Gotta write like my heart wills it
Gotta take all my anger to paper and spill it
I gotta gather my emotion like an ocean and let it go
Theres no stopping my hustle thers no stopping my flow
So I get out there and show all those people that dissed me
and remind them of a time when they're all gonna miss me
when im up flying high, looking down to see
all the haters wishing they were but cant be
So I gotta keep on going holding on to this thing
And I dont dare let go no matter how hard it seems
Just set it up in my mind and I can do anything
because its all in my heart, now just follow my dream."  Ollie stopped moments after the beat did. Standing, trying to catch her breath, wiping the sweat from her brow. Waiting for the judges to give her their opinions. 

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hushan123 #1
Chapter 10: The lyrics was yours?
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update! ^-^
Chapter 9: B.I thought he was busted! Why did I not see this update earlier?!? lol. I can't wait for another update! Yas!!!
Chapter 8: Holy mother of Gawd!!! I couldn't sleep so I had to spend an hour trying to login!!!!


I can't... I throw in the dayum towel! Put out the white flag! Holy holy holy!!!!
Chapter 7: is the apply fic still open?
Chapter 7: Waaaa!!! B.I is a tease!!! lmao. I can't... Ok. BRB.
Seriously, bedroom scene with B.I?!?! Yes please! Oh my feels!!!
Chapter 6: *blushing*

you're killing me bobby!!!! i dropped my phone twice! *dies*