Empire State of Mind – Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys

Music Ficlets

Paring: Pre-JJP | Genre: Fluff


At 11:45am JaeBum sets up his speakers on the concrete side of the patch of green and plugs in his iPod. JaeBum then starts stretching his limbs; he’s been coming to Wasington Square Park since 1 month ago to dance. It started out as a dare at first with some of his friends at university, but he religiously came back after that. It wasn’t soley the money, nor soley the enjoyment of others but it was for his own enjoyment, and if he brought happiness and entertainment for others and paid some of his bills (on time), that’s just a bonus.

Finishing with stretching JaeBum turns on his playlist, he starts with the robot, then starts popping his limbs. A couple of people form around the performer as his popping turn into 2-steps, flares and freezes, while others just watch for a bit before walking away.

JaeBum transitions from a pike into a windmill, back up on his feet dancing to the rhythm. As JaeBum starts another locking routine (body just moving automatically), he looks over the crowd searching for a certain male. A grin forms as JaeBum spots the male walking down the park towards the food trucks.

JaeBum doesn’t personally know the other, JaeBum doesn't know his name or how old they are…anything about them, really. The only thing JaeBum knows is that the male is handsome with his black hair gelled on top, always in a white dress shirt and nicely shined slacks (JaeBum guesses he works in some office nearby).

Sometimes the stranger comes and watches JaeBum, sometimes not, but every time he does JaeBum puts in more passion within his performance. This time JaeBum watches the other order some perogies and run back the direction he just came from.  Watching the man leave the park, JaeBum decides to finish his performance for the day, doing a front flip JaeBum bows and thanks people as the audience clap and put some coins in his hat. Panting, JaeBum presses stop on his iPod and grabs a water bottle, downing half of it; he then picks up his iPod and speakers, stuffing them in his backpack to leave for the day.


On Sunday morning, JaeBum decides to go siteseeing instead of going to the park as usual. With his camera in hand, JaeBum walks around the city taking various photographs of people, buildings, scenery shots, or just random street art. Walking around JaeBum ends up at the Empire State Building. Looking through his lense up at the building, JaeBum walks backwards trying to take a worm’s eye shot of the architecture.

JaeBum backs-up into someone making them drop the coffee, files and the briefcase they were carrying. Letting go of the camera to let it dangle on his neck, JaeBum turns around to help the male pickup his items. JaeBum hands the briefcase back to the male, only to see it was the man he's been crushing on.

“I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to bump into you.”

“No, no it was my fault, I was texting on my phone and I didn’t see you.”

“Do you work here?”

The male smiled, “Weird question, but yeah. I’m JinYoung Park, assistant manager at the Bank of America.”

Blushing, JaeBum scratches his cheek (nervous habit), “I’m JaeBum Im, nice to meet you JinYoung.”

JinYoung holds his hand out for a handshake, once they are exchanged, he checks his watch, “I better get going, and I’m late as it is. It’s great meeting you JaeBum.” JinYoung grabs a business card from his briefcase, scribbling something on the back, he grabs JaeBum’s hand and puts the card in it before dashing inside the building.

JaeBum face now bright red looks at the card in his hand, reading it.

JinYoung Park

Assistant Manager

Bank of America

T: 212-290-0170 ext 335

E:[email protected]


JaeBum flips it over and sees the writing in Korean. Reading it, his cheeks turn redder and lets out a laugh.

You owe me coffee~!

Call me if you want to make it up to me!! *Me-rong*

588-5599 ❤ ❤ 

PS. You’re a very y dancer, Im JaeBumsshi



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Firewish #1
Chapter 36: Omg that was amazing! Loved it~
Cisoon93 #3
Chapter 35: OH MY GOSH!!!! Such angtsy and trashy chapter!!! Way to go woman!!! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!!
Cisoon93 #4
Chapter 33: No apologies needed with such a cute and romantic fic!!! THANKS!!!!
Leena-shi #5
Chapter 33: This was so cute!! Thanks :)
chenbaek461 #6
Chapter 33: This is sooo cuteee >______<
Minnietmy #7
Chapter 28: Oh my gosh!Can this have a sequel?Love the storyline!Wondering how will JB take take care of Jinyoung when he touch down~~~
chenbaek461 #8
Chapter 32: WHY SO CUTEEE ㅠㅠㅠ