Super Girl – Super Junior M

Music Ficlets

A/N: Bangtanboy7 - I tried doing JinSon... it's not truly JinSon, just a little snippet...more like a couple of sentences......maybe I can do a true JinSon story in the future... but still hope you enjoy it ^-^

I wanted to try something with no dialogue. And, I would like to thank all my new subscribers to this story, and old subscribers too, I hope you all enjoy the new ficlet =)

Pairing: Onesided/Pre- JJP & JinSon | Genre: Angst, Romance


JaeBum & JinYoung sit in a tiny ramen restaurant. They're both starved from the after school tutoring classes they just finished attending. JinYoung slurps up his noodles, almost choking himself from the spiciness. JaeBum sees this, and gives him a glass of water before turning back to eating his bowl. JinYoung gulps down the water, before checking his phone for the millionth time this evening. Seeing how there’s still no messages, JinYoung sighs and returns to eating his noodles and keeping his eye trained to his phone.

What JinYoung misses is that throughout the entire day, JaeBum sat by his side during class, answered all the teacher’s questions in JinYoung’s place, took care and carried all of the younger boy’s belongings, directed JinYoung out of troubling situations (there was one almost accident with a car), all the while JinYoung was distracted waiting for that certain text message or phone call. And now currently while eating, JaeBum keeps handing JinYoung sweet radishes for the spice or fills his cup with water as JinYoung keeps watching his phone.

And JaeBum always watches JinYoung.


JaeBum stands in front of his open locker only to see the event happening a few lockers down from him. He watches as JinYoung receive a small bouquet of brightly coloured Gerbers. JaeBum watches as the Hong Kong male take JinYoung’s hands and kisses them. JinYoung cheeks are dashed with pink, Jackson puts an arm around him leading him down the hallway (away from JaeBum).

JaeBum watches the two walk away and turn the corner, before slamming his locker shut; he rest his head on the closed metal door. He grits his teeth and clench his fist, as his mind replays the scene over and over again. It blends with a memory of just last weekend where he see the Chinese male in the club grinding and kissing others. JaeBum’s stomach turns at the thought of that mouth that was just on another, kiss JinYoung, the pure and innocent JinYoung that has no idea. Bile fills the back of his throat because JaeBum knows that he can’t say anything about it to JinYoung despite being childhood friends for almost 13 years, because he knows JinYoung’s enraptured with the Chinese male.

JinYoung is just too captivated to believe JaeBum.


JaeBum lays across his sofa watching a muted movie in the dark. As credits roll on screen, JaeBum turns off the TV to turn into bed. JaeBum then suddenly hears a small knock on his door. Looking at the clock on the wall, JaeBum wonders who it is to be knocking at this late hour. JaeBum shuffles towards and opens the door, only to have JinYoung throw his arms around him crying on his shoulder.

JaeBum wraps his arms around the crying male, shutting the door behind with a foot, and guides them both towards the floor of his living room. JaeBum stays silent as he just maneuvers JinYoung so they’re more comfortable, and the youth tucks his face into JaeBum's neck, tears soaking the elder’s grey tee.

After a while JinYoung’s tears subside into hiccups, with his face still buried into the crook of JaeBum’s neck he whispers a thank you. JaeBum just pets his head, staying silent, not asking questions (he can already guess what has happened and that thought makes his blood boil), JaeBum just looks down at the male in his arms, calming himself; he gathers the younger male in his arms guiding JinYoung towards the mattress of his bed in the dark. Tucking JinYoung in, JaeBum uses his fingers to wipe the tear tracks, and kisses his forehead then whispers a goodnight. JaeBum watches the young man until JinYoung falls asleep, and a couple more minutes after that.

JaeBum always watches JinYoung. He hopes one day JinYoung will see and realize that he will always be by the younger's side, and love him no matter what. 



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Firewish #1
Chapter 36: Omg that was amazing! Loved it~
Cisoon93 #3
Chapter 35: OH MY GOSH!!!! Such angtsy and trashy chapter!!! Way to go woman!!! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!!
Cisoon93 #4
Chapter 33: No apologies needed with such a cute and romantic fic!!! THANKS!!!!
Leena-shi #5
Chapter 33: This was so cute!! Thanks :)
chenbaek461 #6
Chapter 33: This is sooo cuteee >______<
Minnietmy #7
Chapter 28: Oh my gosh!Can this have a sequel?Love the storyline!Wondering how will JB take take care of Jinyoung when he touch down~~~
chenbaek461 #8
Chapter 32: WHY SO CUTEEE ㅠㅠㅠ