Coffee Shop

Yong Junhyung Must Die

Yoseob’s POV

I started doing some aegyo while calling Min Seul because she doesn’t want to go here in our place. Yeah, I’m talking with my brother, Junhyung right now and I still haven’t told him about Min Seul living in our place. I just wanted Min Seul to talk to Junhyung but it seems like she doesn’t wanted to. “JUNG MIN SEUL, YOU’LL SEE LATER!” I just shouted at her because she really doesn’t want to go here.

“Yah! What’s your relationship with Min Seul, huh?” Junhyung asked, sounding like he is irritated or something. Yeah, he’s like that always but he really is a good hearted person, I tell you. But at the tone of his voice right now, he sounded kinda.. jealous?

“She’s just my bestfriend. Why? Why are you irritated? You’re jealous, huh?” I teased Junhyung as I looked at him with teasing eyes. “I know what you did to her before..”

Junhyung stared at me with wide eyes as I laughed at him. He said, “Yah! She’s so pretty! I totally regret what I did to her before!” I gave him a no-way-you-will-regret-something look. He never regretted anything. I supposed he’s just saying this because Min Seul is so pretty right now that even I fell for her. Oops! Yeah, I admit. I like her. Ktnxbye. 

“Hey. You like her?” Junhyung asked sternly as she stared at the two girls across us, Min Seul and Hara. I looked at Min Seul and smiled. I turned back to Junhyung and said, “Yeah. She’s the most amazing girl I have ever met in my life.” I smiled and looked at Junhyung, he has this disgusted look on his face. I shouted, “Yah!”

“Why? You plan on wooing her?” I asked. He looked at Min Seul once again and said, “I’m supposed to but you like her so it’s better not to, right?” I smiled at him. He really is the best! I said, “You are the best brother in the world.” Junhyung laughed and said, “I know right!”

End of POV


Your POV

The day ended smoothly and happily. Junhyung and I kept bumping to each other this day but all I do is smile at him. Does he already know that I’m going to live with him? I hope not. I wanted to surprise him a bit, eh? Haha! I searched for Yoseob on the classroom and he’s nowhere to be found, even Junhyung. I supposed they have gone home already so I started packing up my things and decided just to go home alone. Good thing Yoseob taught me the directions. The school’s just a stone’s throw away from Yoseob’s house.

As I was on my way home, I saw many students from our school. Some were chilling on the park, some were on an ice cream store but something caught my eye, it’s a cute coffee shop filled with hearts on the outside of the store. It’s really cute, I tell you! I went near it and saw many students from the same school so I decided to enter. I smelled the aroma of coffee being brewed. Oh, how I love coffee! I looked at their menu and the coffee already looks yummy just by looking on its name. HAHAHA!

Oh, almost all of the tables are being occupied already but wait, there’s something there on the window. Great! It’s an empty table! I smiled as I slowly walked to it so I could place my things and reserve the table. As I placed my things there, someone placed his also. I saw a bag being placed the same time I placed my bag on the table. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up until I saw.. WHAT?! WHY ME? WHY NOW? DAMN!

It’s him, Yong Junhyung. I’m supposed to shout at him to leave this table for I’m the first one who got this seat but remember, I need to be nice to him, right? Revenge, revenge, revenge. Okay. I faked a smile and said, “What are you doing here, Junhyung? Uhm, I’m actually the first one who got this seat.”

“I know but there are no more seats available so would you mind If I would do seat with you?” I just stared at him. “Please? This really is my favorite coffee shop and I always go here after school. This is actually the first time I cannot find a seat for the place is quite crowded. Oh! Now I know why, all the teachers and staffs of the school are over there.” I looked around the place and yes, they really are here. Why didn’t I even notice it when I came here? 

“So, what’s your answer? Can I seat with you?” He showed his puppy eyes. It’s been awhile since I saw that and he’s still cute as ever. My gosh, what am I thinking?! I cleared my throat and said, “Enough with the talking. I say yes.” I left my things and went over the counter. It’s like Yong Junhyung changed. He’s not this kind and approachable before. What happened?

“Hey there pretty. It’s the first time I’ve seen you here. You’re new here?” The guy at the counter asked as soon as I reached him. Oh, he’s such a cutie! He looks perfect. Perfect eyes, nose and lips but he’s not my type. My ideal guy is a bad-boy but loyal guy. This cutie looks like he’s too innocent and he’s just really cute. Okay. Nuff said.

“Hey. Oh, I’m not actually new here. I mean I lived here before but I transferred to America then came back again for a special reason and this coffee shop hasn’t been built when I was still here.” I giggled a bit and smiled at the cutie guy.

“Oh, I’m Lee Sungmin and you are?” I want to pinch his cheeks right now! He’s so cute!

“I’m Jung Min Seul.” I smiled. 

“Erm. Someone’s waiting here. Can you please be fast with your order and stop chattering?” A guy behind me said. I looked back and saw Junhyung with an irritated face. I rolled my eyes and said, “Can’t you wait?” I turned back to Sungmin and said, “One mocha frappe please.”

“Ooh, order noted. I’ll just deliver it to you, okay?” Sungmin said. I smiled and went back to my seat. What’s with Junhyung? Is he jealous or something? WHAT? Jealous? What am I thinking? Maybe he’s really just too impatient in waiting. Ugh.

Minutes later, Junhyung came back and sat across me. I rolled my eyes and stared at the window. I really missed this place. The people, the surroundings and the atmosphere are what I missed the most. It really feels good to be back. I smiled as I thought about some memories and things that happened in this place back then until, “Yah! Jung Min Seul!” I turned my head and saw Junhyung. “WHAT?!” I’m supposed to be nice to him but I already changed my mind. I can do that revenge even I won’t be nice to him.

“Your coffee!” Junhyung pointed to Sungmin standing beside the table and smiling at me. I smiled at him widely and said, “Oh! I’m sorry! Thank you for the coffee!” He handed me my coffee and whispered at my ear, “Who’s this guy? Is he your boyfriend?” I immediately said, “NO! I’ll explain everything to you when I have time, okay?” Sungmin nodded and left. I turned to Junhyung and he was staring scarily at me. I giggled at him and sipped my coffee, “Oh my gosh, this mocha frappe is so good! This will be my favorite from now on!”

“What? You changed favorites every time you taste or see something much better than your old favorite?” Junhyung asked. I stuck my tongue out and said, “What’s the problem with that, huh?” I ignored him and continued drinking my coffee. It really does taste good, I tell you!

“So, how are you?” I was startled when Junhyung asked this. I looked at him and said, “I’m doing fine. How about you?” He sighed and said, “It felt like I have changed. I don’t know what’s happening. I’m not like this before, right?”

I nodded fastly and said, “That’s what I am thinking about awhile ago too!”

“So you’re thinking about me, huh?” Junhyung said with a teasing look and voice. I bit my lower lip and just ignored him. Ugh, I really hate you Yong Junhyung!

End of POV


A/N: I have finally finished Chapter 5!! Whew! Sorry, this chapter's too lame and I'm so sorry for the very very late update. I'm busy with school nowadays but don't worry.. Christmas Break is near! Hihi! Hope you like this one! I'll try to update as soon as I can! I love you all! ^^v

Do you have Twitter, guys? Follow me @jeymeee :D I want to tweet with you guys! HIHIHI.


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_Angelique_ #1
Chapter 6: UGH! god plz update! i wanna read more!! XD
keep_cool #2
Chapter 6: lol...makes me wonder if the revenge will work out..hahaaha:)
Yoseob <3 XD
Yay!!! You updated!!!
Junhyung is funny but cruel.....still love him anyway ^_^
Update more!!!
I updated! :D HIHI. And for joanna_MAgic, yes I am a Pinoy. :D
Enjoy the update guys and remember that I love you all >:D<
dongwoon_heart #6
what?! brothers?! that is so interesting..... go min seul!!! make junhyung die just by looking at you!!!!
update soon!
the sunsun couple are here! I'll follow u on twitter!! Follow me back @joanna_MAgic ! Update soon!
woohoo!! Another Pinoy!(right?) I like the plot of your story!! I'll start reading!