Anti Fans

Switch -Completed-
Yoochun and Junsu spent the evening with YooHwan talking about the past and remembering the past until midnight when yunho letterly threw them out telling them to go get some rest but surely Yoochun started to protest and ask for YooHwan to come with him but yunho told him that YooHwan will be safer here and that if he took him then his grandfather will find him sooner and easier too and with that Yoochun just frowned and walked out with Junsu so the driver could take them home

Yoochun walked out of the bathroom and laid beside Junsu and hugged him, Junsu looked at him and smiled a little, burying his face in Yoochun's chest and Yoochun flipped them over so Junsu will lay on top of him

'I still can't believe it'

'How are you feeling?'

'I don't know… it's like a big slap on the face for me, I never thought this could happen and all because of him'

'Do you hate him?'

'He was the reason my mother and father had to run away and marry; he did not accept my mom into the family because she was poor and according to him did not suit the family image but dad did not accept and ran away with her to get married, and even when we were born he did not accept us and even worst when I started working as a singer he tried to take YooHwan to live with him but I refused and now I still can’t believe he used such a dirty trick… I mean, it's too low even for him'

'I'm sorry'

'Don't be, I did not have the perfect life I wanted but right now I have the perfect career, the perfect friends and the perfect lover beside my little brother is back at my side so life can't be any better right?'

Junsu blushed a little but raised his head and looked at Yoochun in the eyes:' you think I'm the perfect lover?'


'But you just said that' Junsu pouted cutely

'I think that you are the perfect angel my love'

Junsu blushed darker and buried his face in Yoochun's chest again and slept that way

The next morning Yoochun woke up hearing some knocks on the door, he looked to see Junsu still sleeping in his lap and slowly he moved him and laid him on the bed softly before he walked out of the bed and went to answer the door

Yoochun opened the door to see yunho frowning in front of him so he walked aside to let him in and closed the door again, looking at the clock beside him Yoochun sighed

'What happened for you to come in six a.m. frowning like this on the weekend?' Yoochun asked half asleep

'We are going to change the concert date, we will make it sooner and by that I mean next week'

'WHAT?' Yoochun was wide eyes and fully awake now

'It seems that some new problems had accrued'

'What do you mean?'

'Your grandfather'

'That old jerk, what did he do now?'

'He is throwing a concert at the same date for Choi Siwan and he is spreading rumors about you'

'What rumors?'

Yunho handed Yoochun the newspaper and Yoochun read the front page :(



At five a.m. this morning a sealed envelope arrived at our newspaper and when we opened it we found some official documents that proves that three years ago the superstar Micky Yoochun was arrested for driving underneath the effect of alcohol and drugs but his manager bailed him out the same night and the accident was kept a secret

The documents also proves that a month after he was arrested the superstar had tried to drawn himself in the sea but was saved at the last minute by his friend and his boss Jung Yunho who owns the famous company The Secret Code but yet again the accident was kept a secret

The superstar did not give us any comment or say anything about all these accusations and more over it seems that he was a bad hyung, after the superstar's parents died he was left to raise his little brother who was just a little child back then but he choosing his career over his family started to spent a lot of time outside the house practicing and following his dream that his brother by the age of eight years old was left alone at the house taking care of himself

The little brother that we still don't know his name yet was even rushed to the ER after he got food poisoned when he tried to cook for himself since his brother was not at home to cook for him and when the social worker came to investigate the case according to the wishes of the superstar's grandfather he paid some old woman to act as their housekeeper so he will still keep his brother with him

The grandfather who was fooled by the play agreed that this may have been an accident and begged the superstar to quit his job for now and to take care of his little brother and he even offered him money although he does not have a lot of it or better offered them to move in with him but the superstar refused

Finally three years ago the little brother who could not take living with his brother anymore ran away from home to live with his ill grandfather and they lived happily and peacefully together for a little more than a three years

The superstar feeling so ashamed and guilty started to drink and use drugs and even tried to kill himself by drowning himself in the sea but his friend saved him

And now the little brother who lived happily with his grandfather is gone, kidnapped and the first suspect in the case is Park Yoochun because according to reliable sources the superstar had hired some men to kidnap his little brother before but he failed

And since today is the day thousands of fans awaited, the release date of the new hit band X2 which the superstar had joined we raise these questions demanding for an answer, where is the little brother? What is going on in park Yoochun's life? Is he still drinking and using drugs? Is the superstar dangerous for himself or his surrounds?

We sent an email for The Secret Code Company asking for some answers but we had no replay so we hope that you will help us get some answers and maybe even find out the whole truth about this case…)

Yoochun did not continue to read he just threw the newspaper on the floor and looked so angry that he could kill someone right now

'I can't believe this is happening'

'He is after you, he wants to destroy you but don't worry, we are going to sue the newspaper for publishing wrong information and since you never were arrested like they say it should not be a hard thing to do'

'What about the album?'

'The selling is better than ever, your grandfather may wanted to destroy you but he actually did you a favor right now'

'But the fans'

'They will come around when the truth is out'

'But YooHwan can tell the truth and…'



'I… I never wanted to tell you this but remember the thing you always ask me for?'

'Yeah sure, solve the mystery'

'Right, will I did'


'I sent it to a genius in the states and he solved it for me'

'What does it say?'

'I will tell you when we have no other choice but right now let's try and find out why is he after YooHwan'

'He wants him to be his heir'

'But he got another grandson, one that is working with him so why not making him the heir? Why YooHwan?'

'I never thought of that'

'There is something fishy about this and we must find it out before…'

Yunho could not finish his words as they heard a screams from outside so they went to the window to check it out and fond about a hundred people standing with signs and posters that said things like :( Return your brother) (NO for park Yoochun!) (Quit singing you drunk) (We hate you) and a lot of other stuff

Yoochun looked stunned, never before he saw something like this, the people who stood in front of his house usually were his fans

'Anti fans' stated yunho

'But… oh my god what will we do now?'

'Act normally like nothing happened'


'No buts, just leave it to me'

Yoochun nodded his head


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Ahh my feels!
Chapter 48: This is a very nice story. It was worth reading it! hehe~ I loved it! <3 Thanks for writing this! ^-^
Chapter 38: Oooh~ KiMin scene! :3 nice.
Chapter 37: WTHㅡ

Their grandfather isㅡ nevermind.
Chapter 32: See? xD No one can resist Junsu lol. especially his lover aka Park Yoochun.
Chapter 29: Oh, I'm pretty sure Junsu's plan will work -smirks-
Chapter 27: OH MY GODㅡ


poor Junsu. Haish :[
Chapter 24: Oh, poor Min :( Now I know why he hates gays.