Chapter 1 : Against you

What is Love ?
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I don't know why girls always bullying me . It's nice girls just know my nickname IU . I sigh . I walk home with my dirty shoes and my wet bag until I get home , my parents are just like cat and dog . I don't know why they need to fight . I just need a happy time with my own family . I think its great they shouldn't know my problem in school because I know they couldn't take care of it . I'm 100% sure . I walk into my room and there was my little sister , Lauren . She just adopted but I love her . She is the best sister I ever had . She can make me happier than my parent do .
     When I hugged my little sister , my mom come in from the door . I look at her like she knew I was going to mad at her again like last year . She wanted us to move in Seoul so I easily could get a job when I finished my high school but we can't because of the badget to get there is so expensive . I mad at her just because why could we move if we more comfortable her than in Seoul . We just could loss all our money . 
 "guess what ? " She smile with her happy face . 
" what ? " Lauren asked curiously .
" we can move to Seoul !!!! after a few days , you and my lauren can get a nice school there . " 
" really ? we don't have any house there , mom . So just here , its much comfortable . " I disagreed what she had saying but Lauren pull my hand tightly so I could accept that . " Lauren , I know you want a nice school there . But we don't even have enough money . " 
" no I can fix this . " mom said . 
" what ?! how ?! " I shocked . My mom never fix a things especially ' MONEY ' . 
" don't be like that . we soon get rich . "
" i don't get it . What did you do mom ? "
" nothing . Just see . " 
 I quickly close the door behind her and let her go out . I don't want to hear anything of her nonsence talk. Well, you still don't know what my mom does . You will get it soon . I look at Lauren and ask : " do you believe mom can fix this ? " 
" yeah .. of course ! She a mom ! Mom can do everything not like us you know . " 
I'm speechless . I don't know what to say again . She so mature than me . I'm tired to hear all this things . 

 next day in the morning 
I wake up and I have a headache . Probably I overslept again . I look at the clock and it's 9 o'clock in the morning and no one wake me up . Even Lauren always wake me up if i'm late . What's wrong with people today ? Argg. I walk to kitchen , there were no one there . It's weird . I walk to my little sis room , Lauren , was packing her luggage . " what are you doing ? " I asked .
" can't you see ? " while keep busying herself . 
" of course . I mean where are we doing ? why are you packing ? " 
" we move . "
" MOVE ? WHERE ? " 
" didn't mom say we will move in a few days ? "
" yeap ... but she doesn't mean it .. "
" what ? she really mean it , even dad is packing right now . and she changing her mind that we will move today not the next next day . "  
I stunned after a few minute than I had to pack my luggage too . After I finished packing , they were starting noisy in the kitchen . I mean like chit chat in

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