
‘‘Oh look Taetae hyung, that place looks fun! I want to go there!’’

Taehyung looked up at the gigantic banner in front of them. It was very colorful, yellow background with bright red letters forming one word. Circus.

‘‘But it’s getting late, Kookie… I promised mom we would be back before the sun sets.’’

The 6-year-old boy pouted.

‘‘It’s going to be fun, we could meet clowns and get balloons and watch a magic show. And we will see lions…”

Touché. If there was an animal that Taehyung liked it was lions and his little brother knew it. He stared at that circus, the big top from where was playing a happy music just like the ones he could hear in amusement parks, and the many smaller tents around it. All colorful and inviting.

‘‘Sure, only for half an hour. It could be fun.”

Jungkook flashed him a smile that completely lightened his face, making his older brother happy.

‘‘Let’s go in now!”

They opened the fence separating the circus from the rest of the world and entered what was just like another universe. Their first mistake.

What the two kids didn’t notice were the three other letters, very small, seemingly insignificant, that also appeared on the yellow banner in the entrance. Three letters that were once painted there as a warning.


Beware the show.


✪   ✪   ✪


The two kids first entered a small tent that was close to the entrance. Taehyung moved apart the yellow and red fabric used as the door and the brothers were immediately welcomed by a smile. ‘‘Hey kids!”

A clown was there, smiling widely. He seemed very happy to see them. ‘‘Hello!” Jungkook answered him in a cute voice. ‘‘Do you have balloons?” he asked right away. Taehyung laughed at his brother’s cuteness and so did the clown. His nice, warm and contagious laugh filled the air. ‘‘Not now! Not here! Come back later and I’ll have some for you little one!” 

Jungkook was confused. ‘‘Oh… What do you do then, if you don’t have balloons?”

They didn’t know it was possible, but they saw his smile getting even bigger as he said in an excited tone, with the same loud voice he had been using. ‘‘I make you laugh! I’m fun! I’m hope!”

Taehyung wasn’t sure to understand what he was saying. ‘‘Hope?”

‘‘Yes! It’s so fun! I’ll show you!”

He made fun faces and noises and both kids couldn’t contain their laughter. He was just so expressive and beaming with happiness that even though they didn’t quite understand everything he said they definitely thought he was entertaining.

Taehyung thanked the clown. ‘‘You’re a very funny clown! We will be back later then.”

And both boys exited while he was watching them with his wide smile, his nice and loud laugh filling the air once again. 


✪   ✪   ✪


They randomly entered another tent. It was a lot bigger than what it looked like from the outside. A very large stage with many structures for acrobatic purposes was surrounded with many seats ready to welcome an audience, but there was almost none, probably because it was getting late.

‘‘Woah” Jungkook said excitedly. ‘‘Look at that, hyung!’’

Only one person was on the stage but it was enough to make the show amazing. Some projectors hanging from the ceiling were following the acrobat with their light as he was flying through the air between the trapezes, without apparently ever getting tired. He threw himself off in the air one more time, doing in the middle of the space a risky complicated flip and Taehyung couldn’t help but to hold his breath for a second, but the trapeze artist succeeded and Jungkook and his brother applauded him, amazed. The acrobat seemed to be a young boy too, but he was so talented compared to them, coordinating all his moves and swings and flips in the air with the nice and happy music that was still and always playing in the circus.

The brothers sat near the entrance to make sure that they didn’t disturb the trapezist. They didn’t want him to stop because of them; he was fun and impressive to watch. ‘‘Hyung’’ Jungkook whispered. ‘‘Can’t we stay longer?’’

‘‘Maybe Kookie, maybe.’’

Another mistake.

After spending some more time watching the acrobatic show both boys decided to go see the animals. They searched for the right tent, looking through different doors at many places. They saw many things, including a man that was sleeping on what was like a small couch.

‘‘Do you think he’s a sleepwalker? Jungkook whispered, curious but also cautious not to wake him.

‘‘No he’s a magician.’’ Taehyung pointed at all the weird material in the tent, things that he saw once in a magic show on television.

‘‘Oh right!’’

They were silent a moment, not daring to speak and wake him up.

‘‘That would be a nice job, though, sleepwalker.’’ Jungkook finally said, immersed in his deep six year old thoughts.

Taehyung disagreed. ‘‘It’s too boring to sleep all day!’’

‘‘Hyung don’t speak so loud! He won’t be happy if he wakes up because of you!’’

Taehyung shot his brother a challenging look. ‘‘So what?’’

‘‘He might try to make you disappear with his magic!’’

Both boys tried not to laugh and they walked away to let the magician sleep.


✪   ✪   ✪


‘‘Lions!’’ Taehyung almost screamed. His rectangular smile popped again, wider than ever. They had finally arrived in the biggest tent of all, with a gigantic enclosure. Lions but also tigers, elephants and many other animals were there, eating or sleeping or getting trained.

Neither did Taehyung or Jungkook notice it, but at the exact moment when they discovered the animals, the sun disappeared completely from the sky outside. It was officially the night. And perhaps that was also the time when the true face of the circus was shown to the world.

The brothers didn’t leave before darkness in the end. They had forgotten about the time. Their real mistake.

Still looking at a lion in his cage, the older kid suddenly shivered without knowing why. He just felt something strange in the air all of a sudden…

‘‘Oh! Candies!”

Taehyung felt his brother’s hand leaving his and he heard fast footsteps as Jungkook started to run. By the time he had turned around, his brother was gone.


✪   ✪   ✪



Jungkook had seen the little store from afar and without thinking any longer he came to see what he could buy. There were many foods and candies that looked delicious.

‘‘Hi kid.’’ The young boy looked at the man behind the counter. He was tall and handsome, but the way he spoke was weird. He couldn’t tell what exactly was weird though. His eyes, too, were strange. He was staring at Jungkook with the ghost of a smile floating on the corners of his lips.

But Jungkook had already stopped paying attention to those details.

‘‘What’s the best thing you have?’’ He didn’t know what to choose. A candy? A snack? Everything looked good.

Without a word, the man chose a specific candy for him, taking it from a small box hidden under his counter. Jungkook had never seen something similar before. ‘‘This is very good, kid.’’

‘‘Oh it looks special!’’ The boy said excitedly. ‘‘How much is it? I will go get my brother and he will pay.’’

The tall man’s smile widened slightly. There was still something weird about it but no concern was paid.

‘‘Usually it would be five dollars but since you’re so cute I’m giving it to you.’’

‘‘For free !?’’

‘‘Sure, kid. You don’t even need your brother.’’ His eyes were locked on Jungkook.

He gave the candy to the happy boy who immediately tasted it. It was good, a very unique flavor that he had never tasted. ‘‘Thank you !’’

He was about to go back to where he had left Taehyung when his body suddenly stopped responding to his requests. He couldn’t move at all. He tried to put a foot ahead but failed again to walk. It’s like all his body was heavy, so heavy that he couldn’t lift s. His eyelids were also getting heavier. And the world around him became blurred, the colorful fabric of the tent, the lights on the ceiling, the food shop, the eyes of that man who hadn’t stopped staring at him yet, and his imperceptible smile. Everything disappeared as he lost consciousness.


✪   ✪   ✪


‘‘Jungkook ?’’

After looking for him around the big top for at least ten minutes, Taehyung still couldn’t find him.

‘‘Jungkook !’’

His brother was really nowhere to be seen and he was getting anxious.

‘‘It’s not funny! Where are you?’’

Without him, Taehyung felt uncomfortable, because he was worried of this sudden disappearance and because the atmosphere had changed too. It was... different. Somewhat colder. Every note of the music that used to be so cheerful was now resonating for too long in the air, like a last attempt to cover something, that thing, which Taehyung couldn’t quite identify but it was definitely invading everything.

It was a strange feeling, and he shivered again, fighting against the part of him that was getting scared. Something was weird... and wrong. He didn’t like to be alone in scary places. It’s a circus, he tried to convince himself. There’s nothing scary about it.

He was still walking around, nervously looking for Jungkook when a noise made him turn around. The clown, the one he had seen earlier, had just entered the big top. Taehyung was about to ask him if he had seen his brother, but instead of doing that he hid himself in a shaded corner of the tent, to make sure that the clown couldn’t see him.

It was the same person without a doubt, the same clothes and the same face, and the same wide smile too, but everything about him looked different. The look in his eyes had changed, it was much darker now. They were looking everywhere around with no rest, like a nervous twitch. He walked around the tent, apparently waiting for something.

Taehyung stayed where he was, hoping the clown wouldn’t see him, hoping he could find his brother and leave soon.

Suddenly the music stopped. Everywhere became silent and the boy only heard the clown’s slow footsteps on the floor and his high pitched voice as he started talking to himself, as if he was crazy.

‘’It’s time! It’s time! The master is here! It’s going to be fun! So fun!’’

His laugh filled the circus but, like everything else, it was nothing like before. The cold, dement laugh that froze Taehyung’s blood in his veins was now closer to madness.

The boy turned his head, trying to spot what the clown was looking at. He succeeded and what he saw made him immediately close his eyes, making himself as small as possible in the shade of his hiding place, wishing with a stifled cry that he could erase that sight from his memory.


✪   ✪   ✪


Jungkook regained consciousness very abruptly, the same way he had lost it before. His eyes needed a few seconds to adapt to the bright light above him, during which he remembered what had happened. He tried to analyze his surroundings. He was in another colorful tent, with weird furniture and accessories around him... The magician’s place! He attempted to get up, only to realize that he couldn’t. His entire body was in a strange rectangular box which size was perfect for his small body, leaving outside only his head and feet. He tried his best to move, to get out of that box, but there was really no escape. What was happening? Why was he trapped in there?

‘’TAETAE!’’ He called without an answer. ‘’HYUNG! HELP ME!’’

‘’Shut up.’’

The cold and overbearing voice surprised Jungkook and would probably have frozen him on the spot if he had not already been immobile. He had not noticed that the magician was still there on his couch, like earlier when he and Taehyung had seen him.

‘’You woke me up, stupid kid.’’

His tone and words were menacing but his face didn’t match his words. He only seemed a little bit annoyed, as if he didn’t really care. Maybe even amused, like he knew what was coming and he knew it would be fun. He lazily got up from his place and walked towards the other side of the room, out of the kid’s limited sight. Since Jungkook wasn’t saying anything, he spoke again.

‘’I guess we can start then.’’

Because he couldn’t move enough to look at the magician from his position, Jungkook could only hear what he was doing. There was some metallic clattering as he rummaged in what the boy assumed to be a cupboard, until he found what he was looking for. When he came back close to Jungkook, he had a huge saw in his hands.

Jungkook’s eyes were filled with more anxiety as he saw the dangerous tool. His father had one similar at home, smaller, that he used when doing renovations. It was very effective to cut things. Where did he also see something similar?

Oh right. On a magic show that he watched once on television with Taehyung. The illusionist had someone lie down in a box very similar to the one that was preventing Jungkook from moving, and then using his ''magic'' he cut that person in half with a saw. The audience was shocked when he finally put back both parts of the body together like nothing had happened. A famous magic trick apparently.

‘’W-What are you doing?’’ He asked, hoping that he was wrong and that everything would be fine.

Jungkook’s now scared gaze was met with the magician’s which the young boy wasn’t sure if it was completely sane.

‘’You’re my next magic trick.’’

He was really going to cut him in half. That realization hit him like a train, leaving him horrified. Looking at the man standing there, Jungkook knew that this wasn’t just a magic trick. He knew magic wasn’t real and this magician wouldn’t put the pieces back together after the trick. He knew from the look in his eyes that something would go wrong for him.

Was it the end? He started screaming, frightened, trying by any means to get out of that stupid box but nothing worked. The magician was still staring at him, half bored and half entertained.  

‘’No! No! No!’’

He was still walking very, very slowly towards Jungkook, almost lazily, with the saw in his hands and a death sentence at the same time.

‘’Please! I have to go home now, my family will be worried!’’

The magician had a scary smile. ‘’I don’t care.’’

He was so close to the boy now, he could have ended it all if he wanted to. But he was taking his time again, every movement he did looked like too much effort for him who wanted to finish this and go to sleep again.

He finally raised the huge saw, lining it up with the slot on the large box in which Jungkook was locked, and when he was just about to cut everything, the music stopped.  

Instead of the joyful melody played by a loud orchestra, the cold silence was filled with sounds from outside the tent that they could now hear. Strange animals, a very scary laugh and other unidentifiable noises.

Jungkook who had closed his eyes tightly, praying for a miracle, never felt the pain he had expected. Instead, he heard the magician whispering to himself.

‘’He’s here... the monster.’’

The young boy didn’t dare asking what was happening. The magician placed his tool on a small table and hurried out of the room with a final word for Jungkook. 'Don’t worry, we can have fun when I return.'

The poor boy was left alone in the tent with the promise of his death, more scared than ever and still unable to move.


✪   ✪   ✪


The thing Taehyung had just seen was actually a person, the scariest being he had witnessed in his entire life.

It was tall man that looked totally normal, except for the aura that surrounded him... Taehyung shivered. It was cold and terrific, just like his gaze that had looked through the boy for that one second, and that was enough to paralyse him.

He couldn’t move. That scary man had seen him and knew about his presence. Was he going to do something to him?

Not only the clown’s but also new footsteps now resonated on the floor, this man’s steps as he was walking. Taehyung prayed that it wasn’t in his direction, still unable to run away or to do anything. The scary man was approaching and the boy held his breath...

He felt a hand grabbing his arm and pulling him back while another hand landed on his mouth to prevent his from screaming, which he still tried to do. He couldn’t see the face of the person because he was behind him and holding him too hard for Taehyung to release himself from his grip. A surprisingly young voice whispered in his ear.

‘‘Shh, be quiet. I won’t hurt you. What’s your name?’’


‘‘Okay Taehyung, I’m Jimin. Follow me now.’’

Since it was apparently his only chance to escape the terrifying man in the big top, the boy did as he was told and followed Jimin who went through a door Taehyung had not even noticed before.

They both remained very quiet while moving from one place to another in the circus. They passed several other tents that seemed all the same from the outside but the boy could feel that they were all hiding something. After a while they finally entered the smallest tent of all, in the totally opposite side of the circus. That’s when Jimin turned around for the first time to make sure that Taehyung was still there. His face was familiar. The boy was about his age, with black hair and cute cheeks.

‘’Oh... are you the acrobat?’’

Jimin looked surprised for a second that Taehyung would know about him, but his answer reminded the other of their situation.

‘’Is that really what you want to ask now?’’

Oh, right. Many questions were on Taehyung’s mind about this place and the strange things that he had seen. He asked only one.

‘‘What was that? That man...’’ He shivered again just thinking about the cold gaze.

‘’He’s the master... but we call him monster. He doesn’t have any morale or heart. I’ll hide you for now, because he can’t find you.’’

The way Jimin stressed that word wasn’t helping Taehyung to stay calm. He didn’t want to hear the answer when he asked ‘’What happens if he does?’’

Jimin’s voice was so weak that it was difficult to hear, like if he didn’t want to say those words. ‘’You will die... if you’re lucky.’’

The boy was scared now.

‘’There is something worse than that?’’

‘’You could become like all of us.’’

The acrobat’s eyes were glued to the ground as he said this. The sadness is his voice was subtle but perceptible and Taehyung stayed silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say or what to do.

‘’So he’s the one who made the clown... like that?’’

Jimin’s eyes were full of resentment.

‘’Not only Hope. We’re all cursed because of him. We become insane when the darkn...’’

A loud sound broke the silence, interrupting his sentence. Both boys listened carefully again. Someone was approaching.

‘’Wait here!’’

Taehyung stayed alone in the small tent for a few minutes while the trapeze artist was gone outside. He understood by looking around that this was probably the trapezist’s room. There was only a small bed, a wardrobe and a small table with a chair, where he sat. He could hear echoes of a conversation from outside. He bit his bottom lip anxiously. What if it was someone looking for him? He could only hope that Jimin was really on his side.

Then Taehyung suddenly remembered Jungkook. ‘’Oh my god...’’ he realized. He was probably in danger too!


✪   ✪   ✪


It’s fifteen minutes later that Jimin came back. He seemed preoccupied.

‘’Were you alone here? In our circus I mean.’’ he asked right away to Taehyung.

‘’No, my brother is here too and he disappeared! Is he in danger?’’

The acrobat didn’t answer because it wasn’t even really a question.

‘’I think I know where they keep him.’’ The expression on his face wasn’t reassuring. ‘’But there’s not much time left before it’s too late...’’

Taehyung was worried.

‘’Too late? Did they find him? Is that monster with my brother !?’’

Jimin was pensive but he was still listening to the other. ‘’Not the monster, then his life would already be over. But I think he’s in the magician’s room...’’ He looked at a small clock on the table and he frowned with a movement of the head, as if he had just made a decision. ‘’Right now they’re all together because the master called them. I can try to get your brother out of there before the magician comes back to his tent.’’

‘’I’ll come with you!’’ Taehyung immediately proposed. He wanted to help his brother too. But Jimin looked at him very seriously.

‘’Do you want to die? It’s too dangerous.’’

Taehyung didn’t want to be left out.

‘’Then you’re in danger too!’’

The other looked down to the ground and bit his lips.

‘’I’m not. I’m one of them.’’

‘’You’re not like them! You’re not crazy or mean or trying to kill me!’’

Jimin did not answer immediately. He wouldn’t meet Taehyung’s gaze.

‘’Not yet.’’

His voice was weak and his eyes looked sad. Taehyung wanted to say something but he knew he was better shutting his mouth for once. He didn’t argue anymore when Jimin repeated his request.

‘’You just stay here. I promise I’ll bring him back.’’


✪   ✪   ✪


Jungkook was frightened when he heard footsteps near the tent. If the magician was already coming back, it was the end for him. No matter how hard he tried to move any parts of his body to get out of that damned box, nothing worked. He had stopped calling for help. No one was coming to help him.

His muscles tensed up when the door opened. ‘’Please... let me live.’’  He whispered.

He wanted to cry. How did he even get there? He knew it was all his fault. He should’ve listened to Taehyung but he was always so stubborn. They went in the circus because of him. They stayed for too long because of him. He was the one who left his brother’s side to eat some candy. He was foolish enough to trust the man who gave it to him. He was so stupid and now his punishment would be terrible.

‘’I will.’’

The voice that filled the air was young. Soft. It wasn’t the magician. Jungkook turned his head the more he could, and he saw someone else in the entrance of the tent. A young boy like him, that seemed slightly familiar but he didn’t have the energy to recall his face.

‘’W... what?’’

‘’I said I will let you live.’’ The boy simply said. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. While always throwing glances at the entrance in fear that someone from outside would notice, he opened a little box that he picked up from the table covered with strange instruments, and pulled out a small silver key that he used to unlock the sides of Jungkook’s box. He finally opened it, setting the boy free. He quickly put the key back and then smiled at Jungkook who felt tears forming in his eyes but he didn’t let them roll on his cheeks even if he wanted to.

Even though he didn’t know who that boy was, he had just saved him and he smiled back, hardly containing his relief.

‘’Are you Taehyung’s brother?’’ Jimin asked very softly, trying not to scare the younger one.

Jungkook reacted strongly to that name. ‘’Where is my brother? Is he okay? Did he eat candy too?’’

Jimin almost laughed to the other’s words, but he remembered that the magician could come back at any moment and that they didn’t have time for that.

‘’He’s okay. Let’s talk later. Follow me.’’

Like his brother earlier, Jungkook followed his savior out and between the tents. It was difficult to follow him because of the darkness of the night but he managed to keep up with the fast pace at which they were walking.

Suddenly, they heard someone else’s footsteps dangerously close to them. His savior cursed almost inaudibly. They both stopped walking and before he knew what was happening Jungkook was pushed violently on the ground. He hit his head but fought to stay awake. Who knows where he would wake up this time if he passed out, who knows if he would even wake up ever again... He needed to stay awake. He was about to panic but forced himself to stay still and quiet. That was probably the only way to save his life anymore.

He could hear very clearly the conversation a few meters away from him.

‘’Hey young one, do you want a candy?’’

‘’I’m not stupid, Jin.’’ Jungkook recognized the voice of the boy who had saved him.

‘’You know I’m just joking.’’ The first voice said and then laughed.


‘’Anyway I got one earlier, I gave him to Suga for his new experiments, the monster will eventually take care of him.’’

Another silence.

‘’You never talk a lot Jimin.’’ Jungkook knew the voice of that person, Jin or something. Once again though his head hurt too much and his heart was pounding too loud in his temples for him to remember where it was from. The voice continued, but this time its tone was different, it almost sounded like... fear? ‘’Anyway the monster is coming so you better go back to your tent now.’’

‘’I will.’’

The person seemed to leave, finally. As soon as he was sure that they were alone, Jimin kneeled beside Jungkook who was still on the ground, hidden because of the darkness.

‘’I’m so sorry I pushed you.’’ He helped the youngest getting up. ‘’I had no choice.’’

‘’It’s okay... But where is Taetae?’’

‘’We’re going to see him.’’

This time they practically ran in the night, praying that they wouldn’t meet anyone else, praying to get to their destination subtly.

They arrived to Jimin’s small tent, finally, but Taehyung was not there.


✪   ✪   ✪


‘’It makes no sense, I told him to wait here!’’ Jimin was panicking.

‘’Taetae hyung?’’ Jungkook needed to see his brother, Jimin was nice but Taehyung was the only one who could melt his fear away and reassure him that everything would be fine.

‘’Kookie?’’ A small voice came from under Jimin’s bed and soon the missing boy pulled himself out of his hiding spot. ‘’Jungkook it’s really you!’’ The brothers hugged, relieved that they found each other.

‘’Why were you hiding under my bed?’’

Taehyung’s expression became very serious. ‘’I was scared... Just in case someone came looking for me, I thought it was better to hide.’’

Jimin approved of the idea.

‘’So how do we get out of here?’’ Taehyung and Jungkook waited for the other’s plan, but their savior seemed uneasy and hesitated a second before telling them.

‘’Actually that’s the thing... you can’t. Not now. You’re prisoners of the circus for the night.’’

The brothers’ eyes widened. ‘’All night?’’ Taehyung didn’t want to believe it and even though Jimin felt sorry for them they didn’t have a choice.

Both boys ended up spending hours under his small bed, hiding just in case anyone came looking for them. They were totally in the dark and in silence. Jimin was often gone from the tent to make sure that no one suspected their presence in his room. He would come back once in a while and ask ‘’Are you guys okay?’’

No, they were not okay. They were still frightened, knowing that crazy people out there were looking for them. They didn’t dare to speak, even their breathing gave the impression to be so loud that someone would hear it and discover them.

The seconds, minutes, hours passed while they stayed motionless. It felt like an eternity and every time the clown’s scary laugh could be heard in the distance they would both shiver and pray for the morning to come.


✪   ✪   ✪


Neither did Taehyung or Jungkook notice it, but at some point while they were waiting, after what felt like an eternity, the sun finally appeared on the horizon, bringing light to the world and freedom to the brothers. The night was officially over. And the circus was back to normal at least until the next time that darkness would replace daylight in the sky.

Jimin came back in tent with a small smile and a tired face.

‘’Hey guys, the night is over!’’

The brothers didn’t react immediately. They couldn’t believe it was finally over. The other boy’s smile got bigger as he said it again. ‘’You’re free to leave now.’’

‘’Oh my god! Really?’’

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who wasn’t saying anything and noticed that his brother’s eyes were filled with tears.

‘’You were scared a lot, right?’’


Taehyung’s rectangular smile comforted his brother.

‘’It’s okay, it’s over now.’’


Jimin lead them to the exit, that same place from where they arrived so many hours ago. The brothers thanked him for everything, and just as they were about to leave, the youngest asked Jimin ‘’Why don’t you come with us?’’

‘’That’s right,’’ Taehyung said, ‘’you’re not like them.’’

Their savior and now friend looked away, a sad smile painted on his face.

‘’I am... one day I will be. I’m still a child so the malediction doesn’t affect me yet, but I’m stuck here forever. And one day I will be like all of them.’’ He sighed. ‘’You know, they’re very nice during the day. But every night comes with wickedness and madness.’’

Jungkook and his brother looked sadly at Jimin. They wanted to help but it was too late to save him from the circus.

‘’Just go now,’’ their friend continued, ‘’and never come back.’’

The two kids crossed the fence in front of the entrance, walking away from everything, trying to forget that night with every step. The sky above their heads wasn’t even blue yet, it was very early. When Taehyung turned back to say bye to Jimin one last time, he was already gone, back to the scary world where he would have to live in forever. Only remained in front of Taehyung and of Jungkook the colorful tents and a joyful inviting music. And the yellow banner with red letters on it, waiting for the next children it would capture.


✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪   ✪




What is english T^T

Tell me if this was a bit boring or dragging at some point? It’s the first time I write a one shot with 5000+ words OTL

When you leave comments/upvote/subscribe you guys make my day really just let me know that you read it and I will love you <3

Hope you enjoyed! Stay cute xo

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MinnieMingie #1
Chapter 1: Wow...... That was awesome!!
Chapter 1: this was such a great read! I just wished we found out what the monster (rapmon u lil ) gathered them for, and possibly a little bit more action or thriller, but nonetheless it was awesome! I feel bad for jimin tho :/ anyways great job author-nim and i'll be anticipating your other fics! ^^ hwaitinggg~
i'm already intrigued! can't wait for first chapter :)
Frostneko #4
sounds great! Update soon :)