Chapter 1

Temperature Control

I'm finally home and I fixed this choppy chapter!

The seatbelt sign shuts off and Sungmin shoots up from his seat immediately, glaring intensely at the man sitting to his right in the isle seat.

"Move," Sungmin spits at the man.

"Do you want the light on?" the man asks with an eyebrow raised.

"No." Sungmin crosses his arms. This guy had been bugging him for the past hour and a half with his obnoxious character.

"The air?" The man stands up and fiddles with the white knobs on the ceiling, blocking Sungmin's way.

"No," Sungmin growls, his patience walking to the edge.

The man turns the knob nearest to him up all the way and tilts it to blow air directly on Sungmin's face. Trying to ignore the gas peeling his hair back from his face and stretching his skin across his skull, Sungmin sighs and closes his eyes in an attempt to regain some patience.

"What if I turned all the lights on?" The man questions outloud.

Sungmin's eyes snap open, "I would kill you, that's what!"

The man chuckles and brushes a strand of his brown hair out of his face, "Let's be realistic here."

Sungmin glares at the brunette, "Fine. Maybe I won't kill you, but I will ask if I can change seats. So please move so i can have a peaceful rest of the flight."

The brunette glances around the plane. Sungmin takes advantage of the moment and quickly shuts the air off, breathing a sigh of relief. 

The man turns back to Sungmin and shoves a thumb over his shoulder, "The only open seats are the two by Eunhyuk over there, but he certainly too occupied by his nonresponsive cell phone."

Sungmin peeks past the man's shoulder and stares at the kid with blonde hair talking to his mobile device, which was tightly pressed up against his right ear. The man labled as Eunhyuk appeared to be a complete psycho in Sungmin's eyes.

Five bent paged and open-faced books lye strewn across his lap, his legs stretched across the length of the two open chairs. In his left hand was a sandwich stuffed with butter and M&Ms. He was speaking in some language Sungmin couldn't understand, while his narrowed eyes followed one of the male flight attendents up and down the isle.

Looking away from Eunhyuk and returning to his spot, Sungmin frowns. He'd rather not sit next to him anyways. "Well, I'm going to use the bathroom, then." Sungmin responds awkwardly, unsure of what to say.

The brunette reaches up to the air conditioner and turns it, allowing the air to hurl itself at Sungmin's irritated face, "Okay."

A low growl rises in Sungmin's throat, "I will kick your out of this plane if that's what it's going to take to get you to stop being obnoxious."

"You'll be inflicting on others' safety," the brunette reasons.

"Then I'll flush you down the toilet."

"Oh," the man chuckles, "That'll work."

"Yeah," Sungmin pushes the man into the isle, letting him practically fall on Eunhyuk. "It's a flawless plan." With that, Sungmin storms off to the bathroom in the back of the plane, his fists clenched.

Throwing the door open, he steps in and swiftly slams it closed behind himself. He stares at his reflection in the mirror as the plane starts to hit a bit of turbulance. His eyes were bloodshot and obvious with fury, his face, a bright heated red.

Lifting his shaky hands, he turns on the faucet and splashes water onto his skin carelessly. Water droplets drip down the sides of his face and create dots on his wrinkled tee shirt. He lets out a long, deep sigh and clutches the sink as the plane ride turns bumpier.

Germs weren't a consern to him at the moment. He just wanted to wash away his anger and have a nice rest of the flight. He would approach the brunette, apologize for his behavior and ask politely not to be bothered again for the rest of the flight. Surely it would work.

Gathering himself one last time, Sungmin unlocks the door and exits, prepared to walk as slow as possible to his seat.

However, the bumpy storm clouds outside the window had a different plan.

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ekasuju #1
Chapter 1: Please update soon. :)
PeekyDoll #2
Sounds cool~ ^^