Here and There, Always [Hoy and You]

Hey Oppa! Saranghe! (Complete)

The practice room was sweaty and like a sauna. As Infinite danced, one phone rang. Hoya's ears picked up the ring as the song ended. 'Didn't I say to turn off the phones during practice?" Sunggyu asked the members sternly. 

"Sorry, hyung. Lemme check who it is," Hoya aplogized. He walked over to his sweat towel and water bottle. "It's --------," he said. 

"Oh. Go ahead and pick it up," Sunggyu waved off. As the rest of the memebers take a rest, Hoya picked up your call. 

"Hey," he smiled. 

"Doing well at work?" you asked. 

Your voice rang clear over the phone. He switched ears. "Yeah. What about you? How's school?" he answered back. 

"It's break time right now. Oh and Oppa, I'm going home late so I'll visit the studio tomorrow."

"Okay, see you later then. I'll call you at lunch," Hoya replied. 

"K, bye bye!" 


He hung up and put his phone away. "Let's do this from the start!" Sunggyu annouced. Everyone got into position and got ready to practice once again. 


Meanwhile, you just hung up and got back to your friends. "Was that your boyfriend?" (friendname) asked. 

"Yea. He's at work right now," you said happily. 

"Waaa, you and your boyfriend have such a good relationship," she praised. 

"What are you talking about?" you asked, embrassed. 

She just punched your arm lightly while everyone else just laughed. 

Class began once again, and you went back to your seat. As the teacher began the lesson, you looked out the window, thinking about what Hoya and you might do for your next date....

"Psst!" (friendname) whispered. 

You turned your head. She smiled and then pointed at the groud. She looked away. You looked down and saw a folded piece of paper. You picked it up and opened it up. 


You thought about it but Hoya doesn't like you staying up late at night much. You wrote back and tossed it on her desk. 

sorry. i can't go tonight :'(

She wrote back and then tossed it back. You opened it. 

Awa, too bad. Maybe next time!

You paid attention to the lecture once again and sighed. Next time...huh...


Hoya the edge of his ice cream cone. Sunggyu was nice and treated everyone out to ice cream since they all practiced hard. Hoya texted you to get home safely and to study hard and then continued to eat his ice cream. 

"When is ------- going to visit us?" Dongwoo asked, biting his cone. 

"She's coming over tomorrow," Hoya answered. 

"OOoohhh," Dongwoo nodded. 

Myungsoo, busy taking different shots of everyone eating their ice cream, then asked," What time does ----- come home?"

Hoya looked at him, perplexed. "Aournd 6."

"That's not safe right? Why don't pick her up after school?" Myungsoo suggested. 

"Well, we're too far and she lives really close by the school. So it's going to be fine," Hoya concluded. 

"But, you know, just to be safe," Sungjong mumbled. 

Hoya just continued eating his ice cream, thinking over each decision....



 5:55 pm

Cram school was almost over. You sighed and streched your sore arms. The class would be excused in a few minutes. "Okay, you all have your homework assignments and any more questions?....No? Then class is excused," the teacher announced. 

Everyone poured out. You walked outside, and went to the cafe nearby to pick up some coffee for yourself. Once you got your order to headed on home. The sky was cloudless and beautiful. The stars twinkled and the wind was light. You smiled and took a sip of the latte you ordered. Suddenly, a hand shot out of the shadows, causing you to drop your latte. 

"Who are you?! Let me go!" you screamed. 

A cloth wrapped around your mouth. You held your breath, refusing to breath in the obvious chloroform. You pushed it away, struggling out of the person's grasp. Then you felt a sharp pain and groaned. You felt your head go limp as darkness embraced you. 

The person smiled in the darkness. "Sweet dreams," he said raspily. 




Infinite Dorm; 6:20 PM

Hoya looked at his phone, with his eyebrows creased. "Hyung, what's wrong?" Sungjong asked. 

"-------- isn't texting me back? Do you think she's asleep?" Hoya pointed. 

"I'm not sure. She always come home at 6 correct?" Sungjong answered. 

"Yeah. She would call me if she is coming later. You know what? I'm going to her house to see if she is asleep," Hoya conlcuded. 

His instictive senses told him that something was very much wrong. He tossed on a sweater and shoes and headed out. Sungjong watched his hyung walk out into the night and then went to go tell Sunggyu. 

He first knocked on the bedroom door. Myungsoo answered the door. "Oh, Sungjong, what do you need?" he asked. 

"Hoya just went to find ---------. She wasn't answering her phone so he doesn't know if she is sleeping or not at home," Sungjong pointed. 

Myungsoo called for Sunggyu. "Let's go after him then," Sunggyu announced. 

Everyone dressed nicely and got ready to leave. They headed out, following their fellow member. 

Meanwhile, Hoya was just arriving at your apartment. He punched in the numbers and then opened the door. Just as he thought: you weren't home. His breath quickened. He began to panic. He searched your room, the bathroom, everywhere. Just while he was finsihing up, Infinite arrived. 

"Did you find her?" Sungyeol asked. 

"No, she's not here. I have to ask her friends," Hoya said as he punched in (friendsname) number. 

"Hello?" she asnwered. 

"Hey, (friendsname). Have you seen ---------?" he asked. 

"No. I invited her to go karaoke earlier but she said no. Why? Is she not home?" she pointed. 

"She's missing. I can't find her anywhere."

"She goes to cram school a few blocks down from where you are. There is a cafe next to the place so look there. Good luck. I'm worried too," (friendsname) said. 

She hung up. Hoya splitted everyone up into teams. Hoya was alone. Sunggyu, Woohyun, and Dongwoo were on one team while Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong were on one team. 

Hoya went first, heading to the cram school. Sunggyu's team looked around the nieghborhood while Myungsoo's team looked a few blocks ahead. Hoya asked the teacher, who was just leaving, if you were there. "No. Her class was at 5 pm today. They left about an hour ago. Is she not home?" the teacher said. 

"Yeah. I haven't seen her."

"Try out the cafe."

"Thank you, teacher-nim," Hoya said. 

He walked out and headed to the cafe. They were still open. "Have you seen a girl, high school, medium length hair?" Hoya described. 

"Well, she was here about 5 minutes ago," the waitress said. 

"Okay, thank you so much," Hoya said. 

As he went out, the rest of the members were coming down the lane. "Did you find anything out yet?" Woohyun asked. 

"Just the same an...what's that?" Hoya replied. 

They walked over to where he was looking. It was a spilled latte, and they turned their heads. It was a dark alley, and a small hideout was at the end. Hoya ran. Everyone followed. 


"HELP! HELP!" you screamed. Your arms were tied to a pole with rope and you were forced to be in a sitting position. "Let me go! What do you want from me anyways?! If it's money, I don't have much!" you protested. 

The shadow just stood there, staring out at the window. "If you want to know, ask that boyfriend of yours," the voice said. 

You froze. "How do you know him? What did he do wrong!?" you asked. 

"He did everything! He messed up everything and ruined my life! Now it's time for him to get his own medicine," the person hissed. 

You cowered. What did Hoya do to make this person go so far as to hurting you? The knife wound on your side stopped bleeding a while ago but it still hurt. You were thrown of of your shirt and left in the cami and sports bra. You struggled to free yourself. 

"-------!" a familiar voice screamed. 

"Hoya!" you gasped in relief. 

He came running in, his hair drenched with sweat and Infinite right behind him. "Who knew that such a freak would dump a girl in this place? This factory has been abandon for years," Woohyun pointed. 

"Who cares about that!" the voice boomed. 

Hoya stepped towards you but the perosn was faster. He held a gun at your head. "Don't move...or I'll shoot,' he threatened. 

You froze, your eyes wide. "Oppa...." you said quietly. 

He looked at you, helplessly. The rest of the members glanced back and forth. Hoya then looked at the face of the man, who was going to kill you. His eyes widen. "Chul Moo?" Hoya asked. 

The guy looked away. "It's been a long time, Lee Howon."

"What's with all of this? Why are doing this?" Hoya asked, stepping one step closer. 

"What do you mean? All this time, you have been living the best life, having someone special, money...And look at me, the friend you left behind? What do I have? I have to work harder, to earn what you have. You acted like I wasn't even there when you became a traniee," Chul Moo protested. 

You flinched when the felt the tip of the gun touch your head. "Just let -------- go. She has nothing to do with this," Hoya pleaded. 

Sungyeol took the advantage to step outside and call the police. Chul Moo narrowed his eyes. "Of course, she has to be involved. She is that special lady of yours...and perhaps, if I caught her, it would lead me," he explained. 

Hoya was only 3 steps away from you know. "-------- is special. But let her go. She is innocent and has a huge life ahead of her," Hoya demanded, his voice cold. 

Chul Moo rasied the gun once more. You started crying, fearing your life and Hoya's. "She already has a knife wound, would you like another one, ------?" Chul Moo laughed. 

You shook your head and looked down. Hoya stepped again. Chul Moo noticed. A gun shot rang. You screamed. Infinite, who were close behind, jumped. Your thigh began to bleed. You groaned in pain, and watched the crimson color spill. 

"You bastard!" Hoya screamed. He punched Chul Moo in the face. Sunggyu and Dongwoo rushed to take you out of the ropes. Myungsoo took his sweat towel that he tossed around his neck before he left and tried to stop the bleeding with it. 

Sungjong and Woohyun waited for Sungyeol to return with the police. Hoya, busy with his fight, bought Sunggyu, Dongwoo, and Myungsoo some time to lead you to safety. 

Chul Moo kicked Hoya off and then threw an upper cut. You screamed for Hoya as he fell down. Sunggyu, dragging you away, called for the rest to head out. The police poured in and Sungyeol came running in with the ER team. You were carried on. Hoya was dragged away from the fight. "Go to ------," the cop said. 

He ran to the ambulance, where you were brought on. He explained that he wanted to get on with you and they just allowed him. Once the doors closes, he texted Infninite saying that he will be spending the night at the hospital with you. He then held your hands. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he aplogized, while giving small kisses on your hands. 

You gave a long sigh. "Hoaegi, it's fine...It wasn't your fault," you smiled weakly. 

"From now on, I'm going to you from and to school, okay? he suggested. 

You smiled. "That would be nice."

He placed a small kiss on your forehead. "Thank you, for being safe."

You just remained quiet, enjoying this space between you two. You closed your eyes and Hoya watched you sleep. That night was horrifying yet, it made your relationship even closer. 






and what happened to Chul Moo? He ended up in jail. 

What happened to You and Hoya? He did you home to school and school to home. Your relationship blossomed even more. 




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nice stories ~
xuananh #2
Chapter 9: Gah..... Perfect! This story seems to fit him. Some of the stories I read seem to make them a bit out of character. I am such a picky reader -_^