Dream [Dongwoo and You]

Hey Oppa! Saranghe! (Complete)

You smiled as you listened to another joke from Dongwoo, who was busy laughing at what he said. "Dinowoo, you have work tomorrow. Time to sleep," you pointed. 

"Ah, I want to talk to you more though," he complained. 

You just gave a sad smiled, even though he couldn't see it. "Just wait one more week, Dino. I'm coming back soon, okay?" you smiled. 

He sighed. "Oh waeee~!?" he crowed. 

Then you heard Sunggyu shouting, "INFINITE, TIME TO SLEEP! DONGWOO, THAT MEANS YOU TOO!"

"Okay, okay!" Dongwoo answered to his hyung. "Hey sweetie, I gotta go. I love you!" 

He hung up and turned off his light. The dorm was now quiet. Hoya was sleeping on the other side of the room, listening to his hip hop playlist. He sighed and turned around. The managers had Sunggyu be really harsh on them lately and every night was the only time Sunggyu can be a little easy. No cameras, no reporters, or fans. Just Infinite in their own space. 

He opened up his phone and looked at pictures of you two. He smiled. In 2 weeks, it would be your's and his 3 years of dating. He wanted to do something special. You were gone on a trip with your parents and he was left alone to deal with his brothers. You liked visiting the members, since you actually had Sungyeol's girlfriend introduce you and Dongwoo together. Since then, you both clicked and were insperable. 

On the other hand, you were already asleep dreaming about Dongwoo and you together when you get back....


"Dongwoo, focus here!" Sunggyu scolded. 

Dongwoo just nodded. Everyone glacned at each other, wondering what's wrong with Dongwoo. It only has been 2 weeks and without you, he can't exactly concentrate. A terrible storm caused the flights to be delayed. He hoped that you're okay and tried calling you but you didn't answer. Sunggyu sighed and pinched his nose bridge. "I'll be back," he said quietly and left the practice room with his phone. 

Woohyun walked over to Dongwoo who kept staring at the black screen of his phone. "Hey, Sunggyu didn't mean it, Hyung," he pointed. 

"I know. It's my fault for not concentrating enough. I need to keep my mind off of -------- for a while," Dongwoo laughed halfheartily. 

"C'mon, let's practice," Sungyeol chided. 

Everyone began doing their parts yet Sunggyu hasn't come back. Hoya went to find the leader as everyone just waited. Dongwoo took a sip of water and sighed. It was strange for Dongwoo to be kind of...at peace or just plain quiet. He was known as the jokester and the loveable one. But when he's quiet, it's kinda strange. 

Sunggyu walks in with Hoya skipping in. "Practice over," Sunggyu announced. 

Everyone just flopped. Sunggyu walked over to Dongwoo and patted his shoulder. "Sorry for earlier. I called my girlfriend and she just picked up ------- at the airport."

Dongwoo's face lit up. "Really? How did she get here? I heard there was a storm!" Dongwoo questioned. 

"She left 2 days ago. She was delayed in Japan for a while but she made it back okay. Her parents are staying over at a friends house in Angdong. ------ will be over at her house in 3 hours," Sunggyu explained. 

Dongwoo started smiling and then tackled Sunggyu. "AWWWWAHHH!!! HYUNG I MISS HER SO MUCH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" he cried. 

"Okay okay, calm down, Dongwoo. And can you stop kissing my cheek for heaven's sake?" Sunggyu demanded. 

"GROUP HUG!" the choding cheered. 

As everyone piled together, Dongwoo's hopes soared. He couldn't wait to see you. 


The car ride with the leader's lady wasn't quiet as you thought. She asked some questioned, engaged you into some interesting topics, "So, what do you like about that boy?" she asked. 

You glanced over at her. Her hair today was in a side ponytail, and she wore light make up. Her eyes were stern looking but when she smiled, they were soft. She was 3 years older then you. You wondered what her taste was since she ended up with the leader. "Well, I like that Dongwoo could see the postive side of mostly everything. He's funny, and sometimes, he can be charming," you explained. 

She smiled. "You must be wondering why I end up with the leader, right? I can see it, ------," she pointed. 

You felt your face in disbelief. She laughed. "Well, Sunggyu and I didn't actually click like how you and Dongwoo were. I actually hated him. He always argued over the weirdest things, getting excuses to not see me. I was a worker at a clothing shop, you know the one that Woolim uses most of the time. He would come in with Infinite and they would try out for their concert clothing. I had to help Sunggyu. It had to be the worst time ever," she explained. 

You laughed. "Really? He's that complicated?" you asked. 

"Not exactly. One day, he asked me to coffee, as an aplogy of making my life so complicated. I agreed and it wasn't so bad. He was funny and quite charming once I actually started accepting him. So yeah, that's how it went," she finished. 

"Wow, you're love life is like a drama," you exclaimed. 

She shook her head. "That's just how life is. You can't just fall in love with someone you just met a few days ago. You have to become friends first or at least get to know each other. The better the friendship, you can advance further," she explained. 

You nodded. She then stopped in front of your place. "Here we are. Dongwoo's coming over later. Sunggyu said that Dongwoo wasn't focusing well today at work so you're gonna have to help him," she pointed. 

"Okay, thanks for the ride, Grandma," you teased. 

She gave a playful glare. "You better watch your mouth," she said back. 

"Arasso," you chided. You took your bags and hopped out. You went inside and headed to your room. 

Once you opened the door, you were surprised with a loud confetti pop. "GAH!" you squeaked. 

"Welcome home, jagiya!" he smiled. 

You gave sigh of relief. "Omg Dinowoo, I thought it was someone else," you pointed. 

His smile widen even more. "C'mon in, you have to tell me what you saw," he said excitedly. 

You walked in and glanced around. Seems like he cleaned up your place. There on the couch was your favoirte movie and some snacks. You waked inside your room and saw a Dino stuffed animal. You smiled. You dropped your bag off and joined Dongwoo on the couch. 

You snuggled close to him and took a whiff of his scent. You could tell that he took a shower before coming here. His natural scent lingered on his clothes beside the cologne he was wearing. "It's like a dream," Dongwoo suddenly said. 

You looked up at him. "What's like a dream?" you asked. 

"Seeing you. It's real but it's kinda hard to say so. You were gone so long, and then you're here," he explained. 

You sat up and leaned in. He closed his eyes, embracing your kiss. The sweet taste of candy from the airport lingered on your lips and then on to his. You parted for air and smiled at each other. 

"Well then, this dream is for real."





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nice stories ~
xuananh #2
Chapter 9: Gah..... Perfect! This story seems to fit him. Some of the stories I read seem to make them a bit out of character. I am such a picky reader -_^