CHAPTER  [1/5]

Last year’s Christmas, age 6.

“Kibum! Let go of me! I want to stay with Kibum!”
“Jonghyun let go! Your grandfather is waiting!”
“No!” Jonghyun shook of the hands that were holding him, grabbed Kibum and ran off. He didn’t care about those calling him to come back, he just kept running and running, holding Kibum’s hands tightly in his.
“Here should be safe”
“Jonghyun, don’t go”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“Promise! I’ll be with you where ever I go and if there isn’t any other way out, I promise I’ll come back for you!”
“We’ll be to-”
“There you are! Jonghyun! Quick, your grandfather is waiting.”
“Can I take Kibum along with me?”
“That’s impossible…”
This time, Kibum grabbed hold of Jonghyun’s hands tightly, not wanting to let go. Tears flowed down his cheeks rapidly as the social worker explained the situation to them in simple terms.
Jonghyun and Kibum were orphans, who were being brought to the orphanage at around the same time thus forming a relationship closer than any other children. It’s Christmas Eve and Jonghyun’s grandfather has come to “claim” this grandson back.

“Kibum, I promise I will come back for you”
“No no no! I don’t want you to go, you promised!”
It was a touching scene indeed. The social workers know how well their relationship is. Leaving each other behind is really a hard thing to do.
“Kibum ah,” The social worker spoke.
“Jonghyun has to leave, his real family found him and they want him back. One day, you’ll find someone who will come for you as well. One day, all of you will leave this orphanage and start new lives with your new family. And now, it’s Jonghyun’s turn to go.”
Kibum was crying uncontrollably, everyone was. The social workers, Jonghyun, Kibum and even some of the older kids.
“Jonghyun, pr-promise that…that y-you’ll c-come back f-for me?”
“Mmm! I-I pro-promise”

It was a teary scene. Jonghyun left with his grandfather with tears falling freely down his face.
The pact that he made with Kibum will never be forgotten. Kibum waited and waited but Jonghyun never came. The social worker told Kibum that Jonghyun is just getting adapted to his new home. Once he settles down, he’ll be back for Kibum. Kibum have no choice but to believe what the socialworker said. After all, that’s his only hope.

Following Christmas, age 7.

 “Kibum, someone’s here to adopt you”
After spending a whole year waiting for Jonghyun to come, finally someone wanted Kibum as their own child.
“Here’s Mr and Mrs Lee.”
“So you’re Kibum, how do you do?”
“I’m fine, thank you”
“So Sir and Mdm, will you come with me to get the paperwork done?”
“Sure, we’ll be back soon Kibum then we’ll bring you to your new home”
Kibum was having mixed feelings. He had always wanted to have parents so he’s happy that he’s finally going to have them but at the same time he love the orphanage. He has regarded the social worker as his parents all along and now he has to leave them and most importantly, countless promises were being made and he’s still waiting for them to be fulfilled. 
“So then, let’s go Kibum”
“I don’t want to go with you”
“Kibum,” The social worker spoke to him in the still soft voice, the same tone when Jonghyun left him all alone.
“Now it’s your turn to leave and have a new family. I know you’re still waiting for Jonghyun, but he ain’t going to come back. He has his own family, he’s found new happiness and now it’s your turn”
Kibum understood the meaning of ‘ain’t going to come back’. That was what the social worker said to him when he first came to the orphanage. “Your parents ain’t coming back” were the words said to him.
No words, just tears. Once again, Kibum has lost something he hold so dear to his heart. His parents, his home and now Jonghyun.

Kibum trusted Jonghyun, for him to come back for him.
One thing Kibum didn’t know is that, Jonghyun had not forgotten the promise. Many times he tried persuading his grandfather to adopt Kibum as well but it didn’t work.
Jonghyun tried escaping his big house as well, to go back to the orphanage but many times he was being caught and punished severely.

“Jonghyun, you’re the son of a rich man. You don’t belong to the orphanage anymore. Forget about that friend of yours. I believe he has forgotten about you as well.”
That sentence was being repeated so many times into Jonghyun’s head but the one that it him the most, was the last few words ; I believe he has forgotten about you as well.
What more could a kid whose age is 7 believe in but his grandfather’s words. That made Jonghyun hated Kibum more than anything else.




That happened many years ago, and many many many years had passed.
Both grew up to fine young man.
Jonghyun was rich, thus he was being home-schooled.
Kibum on the other hand, attended school like any other kids. Right from the start, they were already from two different worlds.

Jonghyun became a singer, first class singer with awesome vocals. Girls fell in love with him, chanting his name wherever he went. Jonghyun often appear on tv and Kibum’s always watching the news. But it never occurred to him that, Kim Jonghyun who’s so famous right now was the Jonghyun whom he knew and made friends with in the orphanage.
To tell the truth, even till this day, both Kibum and Jonghyun had never forgotten about the promise they made to each other except…
Jonghyun remembering that promise= to remembering his hatred for Kibum

Kibum remembering that promise= to questions as why didn’t Jonghyun come back for him.

“Jonghyun, you’re up in 5”
“Oh, okay thanks”
Kibum, do you see this? I’m famous. I want you to know that even without you, I’m living my life well.

“Kibum! Over here”
“Oh hey!”
Jonghyun, I wonder how are you doing right now. Are you doing well? Just to let you know, I’m still waiting for you to come back for me.
“Kibum!” Taemin called out to me.
“Sighh, I was saying wanna go for a concert?”
“Whose concert?”
“Kim Jonghyun’s concert! He’s so hot oh my gosh, even if I’m a guy, I can’t help but adore him”
“Kim Jonghyun, ohh him. I’m not a big fan though”
“Oh come on, you listen to his songs right?”
“Yeahhh sooo?”
“So that means, you’re a fan of him”
“So are you going?”
“I don’t mind actually”
“GREAT!” His concert’s next month sooooo I’ll get the tickets and all you have to do is to show up.”
“Okayy, that’ll do”

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whitepuzzle #1
new chapter? pretty please with a cherry on top~
smlove14 #2
:( ISN'T HE MEAN? Hold on, there are more to come^^
Omg I hate jong's granpa :(