

Youngjae opened the door of his shared room with Jaebum slowly, afraid that he would wake Jaebum up. He yawned, and laid himself on the bed slowly, sharing the blanket with Jaebum that seemed to be sleeping. Youngjae stared at the ceiling,

He fixed the blanket that covered Jaebum and stared at the leader’s cheeks that glistened. Youngjae frowned, were Jaebum’s cheeks glistened with sweat or tears? As long as he knew Jaebum, Jaebum would always shower before he slept, so he wouldn’t sleep with sweats and Youngjae had never seen once Jaebum cried, because Jaebum was a tough and always put on a strong facade guy and he hardly cried.

Whatever, Youngjae needed sleep so much that moment and quickly closed his eyes, and soon drifted into dream land.


Jaebum opened his eyes, slowly regaining his consciousness from his deep sleep. After he cried a little that night, he originally wanted to wait for Youngjae but he slept while waiting for him, because he was so tired that night. He guessed he had stayed up late too often for his body’s health. He glanced at the clock, 4:45 AM.

Jaebum almost always woke up at 4:45 AM after GOT7 debuted. Usually after he woke up, he tiptoed to make his way out from their room silently even though Youngjae was a very heavy sleeper, made coffee in the kitchen and stole some food, then danced with the sound from his mp3 player with low volume. He liked dancing alone in the living room, and watched his own reflection on the TV black screen.

After Jaebum regained all of his consciousness, he noticed Youngjae snuggled closer to him and hugged his waist. Jaebum sighed, silently cursing himself why the hell that his heartbeats would fasten if Youngjae hugged his waist unconsciously. He did that unconsciously, Jaebum, god damn it. He grabbed Youngjae’s arm softly so that he could free himself from Youngjae’s embrace, but then he stopped while Youngjae murmured something.

“What? Mark hyung, I am really convinced that Jaebum hyung isn’t gay. He is probably tired from the practice, after all he is the most hardworking amongst all of us,” Jaebum freezed at the spot, waiting Youngjae if he probably wanted to say something more which he did, “If Jaebum hyung is gay, wow, I’ll probably get out from GOT7,”

If Jaebum hyung is gay, wow, I’ll probably get out from GOT7.

Jaebum breathed deeply. He felt out of breath suddenly because of the sleeptalking Youngjae said earlier. His heartbeat quickened and his stomach churned, cold sweats formed in both of his palms and his breath was getting heavier and heavier. He felt his own cheeks cold and wet. He wiped his cheeks, and his hand then became wet of tears that streamed down his cheeks.

His heart ached, so much. He felt so much pain just from a simple sentence that murmured by a man who was 2 years younger than him. He wiped his cheeks that stained with tears once again.

He really wanted to get out from that room at that moment. He grabbed Youngjae’s arm to free himself from Youngjae’s tight embrace, because Jaebum was afraid Youngjae would murmur something again and his sensitive ears would hear then he would be hurt again, but why the heck was sleeping Youngjae so strong? He growled and kicked Youngjae’s leg a little bit too hard than it was supposed to be.

Youngjae winced in pain, making Jaebum felt bad, but at least Youngjae’s arms finally removed from his waist. Jaebum stood up from the bed, fixing his clothes but Youngjae’s sleepy voice stopped him from going any further.

Hyung, where are you going? It’s only like five in the morning?”

“Ah, I want to practice more. Yesterday night I didn’t practice enough and didn’t do quite well, so I need to—” Youngjae grabbed Jaebum’s wrist, making he suddenly shut up. Jaebum blushed immediately despite not so long ago his heart ached because of Youngjae’s words. “W-why Youngjae?”

Jaebum just hoped that Youngjae didn’t hear his voice stuttered.

Youngjae whispered, “Just sleep hyung. Forget about your perfectionist self, and just sleep. I know you’re tired. But you’ll do fine, you’re the most hardworking person in GOT7. Schedule is in 7.55 AM and it’s still three more hours than now, so just sleep a little bit more, hm?”

Youngjae’s eyes and his tone of voice made Jaebum’s heartbeat quickened—Jaebum himself didn’t know why the hell that he still survived with that fast heartbeats—and the tips of his ears became red. Jaebum then nodded to Youngjae, sat on the bed and layed himself on the bed next to Youngjae. Since when Youngjae became the one who memorized their schedules?

Youngjae smiled a victorious smile. After all Youngjae knew that his favorite hyung couldn’t say no to him. He turned himself so he faced the wall, and came back to sleep.

Jaebum sighed. Why did he fall in love with a sleepyhead, lazy, but also hardworking homophobic highschooler once again? He closed his eyes, to try to sleep, to stop his own trail of thoughts regarding the boy who was sleeping next to him.

omg thanks for all people who subscribed and voted to this story TT hope this chapter's good enough hehe:) i've been catching up with King of High School and You're All Surrounded bc its holiday hehe and happy eid to all people who celebrated it:)

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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 17: Still a great story~!
eulutas #2
Chapter 13: I unconsciously started doing the choreo in i like you part i can not *facepalms*
Chapter 16: Awwwe.. what a happy ending <3
Chapter 14: aww I love this <3
Chapter 8: HAHHAHAHAA I feel bad for laughing but JYP did a biiiig mistake-

aigoo, poor those guys.
__wmingg #6
Hiiiiiiii, I really like your story because of the way youngjae stands by jaebum when they are getting into trouble. Can I translate it into Vietnamese for other fans to read with me?? I will give a link leading to your original fic for sure :D
Thank you!
NO omg i haven't even started reading chapter one and i can already know how much i'm going to cry over this
AAAAAAa goodbye
KirraTelf #8
Chapter 17: Aww omg this is one of the few fics I really loved to read and actually I was craving for a plot like this, it's just perfect. Though it's really sad that you'll delete it, I hope you can continue writing and bringing happiness to us readers ^^
thunderbaek921 #9
Chapter 1: thank you for this story. this has gotten me hooked. i love the concept, the title, the meaning, heck even the relevancy. This is amazing and your should write more stories <3
Chapter 17: Thank you for sharing Disgusting with us. I enjoyed the story very much, wishing you can continue 2jae story line. (fingers cross) but good things have to come to a end. Wish you well and never give up writing, maybe we'll see a story again on asianfanfics. Bid you Peace