Ten (mark/jinyoung)


A/N: This is like a markjin chapter, but it's connected to the current  storyline and not a bonus chapter. But if you don't like the pairing (like if you ship markson or markgyeom so bad or other pairings), you can skip this chapter :) Enjoy!

“Dinner is ready!” Yugyeom and Bambam shouted from the living room loudly, so everyone in their bedrooms or maybe bathrooms could hear it. The sounds of door opened, happy words, spoon and fork clinked and chairs being pulled meant all of the members were already ready for dinner, except Mark who was still in his room, reading the last chapter of Jinyoung’s favorite novel that he recently borrowed.

“Mark-hyung! Come out or you’ll miss this great food by Jinyoung-hyung! It’s always your favorite food too!” the mention of Jinyoung made Mark’s feelings stirred up. He then closed the novel after he finished it, finally, and joined the other members in the dining room.

He sat on an empty seat, that was unfortunately across Jinyoung. It wasn’t like he disliked it, but—

“Mark, see me in my room for a second.” JYP talked to him the next day after the press conference. Mark nodded and after fixing himself up, he went into JYP’s room without knocking it.

“Why did you call me, sir?” Mark asked; with a stir of confusion and nervous because it was practically the first time he was being called to JYP’s room after he being debuted with GOT7. He quickly thought about the press conference—the last question thingy. Ah, that must be it.

“I think you’re currently thinking what is the real reason,” JYP sighed and massaged his forehead a little, “I know from the first time I told you and Jr. to act all friendly and stuff to get more fans; but can you lessen the amount of skinships you guys used? Actually it’s normal, but in case of the question like yesterday, I told you please lessen it, but don’t make the fans suspicious.”

Mark was all silenced by the words, he was absolutely speechless. Lessen the skinships? That would mean his relationship with Jinyoung would become more distant and awkward because they used to be the clingy ones. Actually, after that press conference, he and Jinyoung hadn’t talked to each other.

He couldn’t say yes immediately, but had no intention to try arguing the direct order from his boss.

JYP seemed to notice his expression—all the sadness, nervousness, guilt, anxiety and all, so he said, “You understand it, right, Mark? It’s for GOT7’s sake too, you know. After this I’ll call Jr. to my room to talk about this too, so both parties will lessen it.”

“Yes, sir. I understand.” Mark finally managed a hold of himself and nodded, then bowed when JYP said he could go.

Hyung, why do you staring into some spaces blankly like that? It’s creeping me out,” Yugyeom said that with a bunch of food still in his mouth, but still could be heard clearly, “And wow! Your food is untouched. Like, it’s the first time you didn’t eat Jinyoung-hyung’s cooking of your favorite food lively,”

Mark smiled sheepishly to Yugyeom—it didn’t even count as a smile—then ate slowly. Delicious, as usual, but some things tasted bitter in his mouth. Maybe Jinyoung forgot some spices or the feelings when he cooked. Jaebum and Jackson stared at him weirdly but with such concern because really, Mark would complement Jinyoung’s cooking in a very hyperbole manner.

When Mark accidently looked up, his eyes instantly locked up with Jinyoung’s pair of beautiful eyes and he saw.. many things he really couldn’t bring himself to interpret but he was sure as hell he saw hurt in Jinyoung’s eyes. He then looked back at his food again, not wanting to see Jinyoung’s eyes again because it hurt him too.

“Thanks for the delicious food,” Mark quickly finished his food and muttered the words quietly, made the other members confused as hell. He stood up, pushed the chair again and turned his back—trying to ignore the awkward tension.

“What about the dessert? I cut some watermelons while cooking this,” Jinyoung’s voice—slightly shaky but it’s just a thing only him and Jaebum would caught—stopped him from walking to his room any further.

Mark actually liked watermelons, and absolutely fine with it, even craving for this for some days. But the thought of enjoying the food without usual company of a bestfriend, it made him sad. Finally he opened his mouth and said a sharp, “No, thanks.”

Jaebum plopped himself beside Jinyoung when Jinyoung was just staring into some random space blankly. The living room of GOT7’s dorm was noisy as usual; the watermelons was the cause of it. They were so tasty and cold and delicious, made everyone that ate it happy and cheerful, even though some things actually bothered their minds.

“The press conference?” Jaebum suddenly asked in a low voice, making Jinyoung came back to reality after just.. had his mind off for awhile. Jinyoung stared at Jaebum in confusion, it was either he didn’t hear it the first place or wondered what was the actual meaning of the question.

“I mean Mark and you, Jinyoung. The last question thing is the cause of both of you to act like this, right? In the press conference?” Jaebum slowly glanced at his friend’s eyes worriedly, really, because Jinyoung would still be the caring and lively one even if a problem existed in his life. But this one, it made Jinyoung.... acting not like Jinyoung. Making everyone secretly worried.

“What, hyung? We’re fine, both of us are fine, nothing was wrong,” Jinyoung was shamelessly muttering lies to Im Jaebum and even Jaebum scoffed at it. Jinyoung knew it was a really dumb thing to do; because he telling lies to his bestfriends were really not his style. “Well, okay. You’re right. Damn Park Sera from NBS, then,”

“Boss only told you guys to lessen the amount of skinships on camera, right? In this dorm there are no camera, and you guys are free to do anything you want. Why do you guys become like this; making all of us worried? You know, behind Yugyeom’s innocent question, he was the most worried between us. Bambam actually the original question maker but too afraid to ask it. Youngjae? He was actually aware of his surroundings and he even brought it to our shared room. Jackson was maybe thinking of it, he was catching up things because of Roomm—”

“Stop, hyung. I know all of that. I’m the most caring and sensitive, aren’t I?” Jinyoung then formed a small, sad smile on his lips, making Jaebum sad seeing the less encouraged Jinyoung. “I’m going to my room. Thanks for the nice words, though, hyung,”

“Enjoy the watermelons, guys! There are still more in the refrigerator!” Jinyoung shouted one last time before entering his room, making everyone secretly shared sad smiles together.

Youngjae actually picked up Jaebum’s and Jinyoung’s conversation a little, and decided to come to Mark while Jaebum gave advice to Jinyoung. He entered Mark and Jackson’s shared room without knocking, like he always did, and brought some watermelons on a plate for Mark.

Hyung, I know you’re craving for watermelons these days,” Youngjae started, making Mark looked at him quite surprisedly. “Here, I bring it for you. Really delicious and cold, and watery,”

“Thanks, Jae,” Mark muttered, and motioned Youngjae to sit in front of him. Youngjae just complied, but still urging Mark to actually eat the watermelons he had brought. Mark finally gave in, and while munching the watermelon slowly, he said, “but it’s sad Jae. Usually Jinyoung and I will say some brainless comments about the watermelons. And now? It’s like poof and we’re like strangers.”

“But you guys are definitely not strangers,” Youngjae argued, being sad seeing Mark talked like that with such grief and regret in his gaze. “Here’s the point, hyung. Why the it poofed? I know maybe our boss is telling you to lessen if you guys are on cam, but we aren’t on cam. You guys aren’t on cam in this dorm and the with it. Fans would absolutely be suspicious and your shippers will be disappointed. So before we are on cam again, you can fix it, hyung. You really can.”

“I can?” Mark asked again, looked straightly to Youngjae’s eyes and Youngjae nodded, with an encouraging smile graced beautifully on his lips. “But how?”

Youngjae rolled his eyes literally and said, “It’s your problem and you can always solve this the way you and Jinyoung-hyung prefers to do. Well, I’m sleepy. Good luck, hyung!”

Mark just looked at Youngjae that headed out of his and Jackson’s shared room. Youngjae went to his shared room with Jaebum and wished for the best for his hyungs.

Someone knocked on Jinyoung’s door, making Jinyoung stopped his very long trail of thoughts. Jinyoung then glanced at the door, wondering who would it be. Perhaps it was Mark, but he didn’t want to expec—

The door swung open and Mark entered his room without Jinyoung actually let him in. Jinyoung still smiled, despite the really small amount of their interaction these days and asking Mark a quiet what’s up just like polite, usual Jinyoung would do. But the smile wasn’t as big as usual, they both knew that.

Then a silence engulfed all of them—no words being spoken, no other music can be heard. Even the loud shouts of Jackson and Bambam could be heard until his room.

“I’m sorry,” both of them said in unison, making each of them surprised. We were still in synchronized as ever, Jinyoung noted, but nevertheless smiled wholeheartedly.

“We actually don’t have to say sorry. It’s not like it’s our fault or JYP’s fault,” Mark muttered, then climbed on Jinyoung’s bed and positioned himself beside Jinyoung. Jinyoung obviously welcomed him quickly, and then they were just staring at each other’s eyes to see peace in it.

“So we’re good, right?” Jinyoung asked, in a slightly shaky voice once again, making Mark stared straightly to his eyes. Actually even Mark could see some tears were slowly forming on the younger’s eyes, but he didn’t have the intention to trigger it any further. It was supposed to be a bittersweet moment when you made up with a bestfriend of yours after what it felt like a ‘cold war’, right?

Mark nodded and took Jinyoung closer to him, and wiped Jinyoung’s eyes with his thumb. His thumb then felt wet; Jinyoung really wanted to cry, but he surpressed it. “Let’s just sleep,”

Then they both ducked down to sleeping positions, and the tension between them was so endearing, even though the nervous and guilt was still there, hanging on the air. But they just took each other closer, and just stared at the ceiling together.

“By the way, I finished your favorite novel. I put it on that little table,” Mark started with a low voice, still staring at the ceiling. “That novel was really good, you know, in some points I really want to cry seeing how beautifully written that novel is. Especially when the heroine just went up like a badass and her boyfriend like— perfect.”

“Yes, I noticed you put the book there,” Jinyoung smiled, took a quick glance at the book on the little table. “Actually I was quite hoping that she would just go to the second male lead, because she’s still a prodigy afterall. But she’s so loyal and that’s just sickeningly sweet.”

Mark just hummed as a response and then they slowly drifted to sleep.


HI GUUUYSSSSS!!!! i'm back with a new chapter!!
the amount of subscribers im getting after posting new chapter is just >< thank you very much!!!!<33333 and for the subscribers that already subscribed from the first time i posted this, thank you so so so much!<3

a set of exam will end by friday buuut next week there'll be another week of exam. sooo many exam i couldnt even-

hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!! c:



ps: see me in twitter @facialscrub 


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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 17: Still a great story~!
eulutas #2
Chapter 13: I unconsciously started doing the choreo in i like you part i can not *facepalms*
Chapter 16: Awwwe.. what a happy ending <3
Chapter 14: aww I love this <3
Chapter 8: HAHHAHAHAA I feel bad for laughing but JYP did a biiiig mistake-

aigoo, poor those guys.
__wmingg #6
Hiiiiiiii, I really like your story because of the way youngjae stands by jaebum when they are getting into trouble. Can I translate it into Vietnamese for other fans to read with me?? I will give a link leading to your original fic for sure :D
Thank you!
NO omg i haven't even started reading chapter one and i can already know how much i'm going to cry over this
AAAAAAa goodbye
KirraTelf #8
Chapter 17: Aww omg this is one of the few fics I really loved to read and actually I was craving for a plot like this, it's just perfect. Though it's really sad that you'll delete it, I hope you can continue writing and bringing happiness to us readers ^^
thunderbaek921 #9
Chapter 1: thank you for this story. this has gotten me hooked. i love the concept, the title, the meaning, heck even the relevancy. This is amazing and your should write more stories <3
Chapter 17: Thank you for sharing Disgusting with us. I enjoyed the story very much, wishing you can continue 2jae story line. (fingers cross) but good things have to come to a end. Wish you well and never give up writing, maybe we'll see a story again on asianfanfics. Bid you Peace