I need you

I need you

The age old rivalry between the two most powerful clans of the land transcended time. Through generations many have laid down their lives to uphold the honour of their respective clans.


Endless wars have been fought but the loss incurred by both sides were equal. But none so intriguing as this one. To have fallen in love with the enemy, was their love doomed to perish? They both knew that no matter how hard they try they can no longer do anything to salvage it.


To go with the flow of the world, that was the rule of the land. Because fishes that swim against the flow of the stream always get thrown off course. They cant prove anything nor can they make a significant difference.


For even in the world of magic, there were limitations. It wasnt as easy as uttering "abracadabra" and the whole world becomes a better place in the blink of an eye!



Siwon was running. His legs were about to give way, his palms were dripping with sweat, his breaths came in short gasps and his vision swam uncontrollably. But he didnt mind. His only motive now was to look for a chance, a chance so gossamer-like but he was willing to look for it.


He was tired of it all. Tired of running away from facts and realities, tired of the hateful gazes and spiteful words of his elders when they found out about his romantic escapades to enemy land in the past. He no longer had the will to fight for the honour of his clan. All that mattered was his love, his undying love for the pride of the Cho clan. The young, ethereal and angelic Cho Kyuhyun.


With heaving breath, he momentarily supported the weight of his upper body by propping his arms on his knees. He had reached his destination. The castle within which resided the object of his affection. He needed him. He needed him so badly, to nurse his dying heart back to full health, to douse the agony that had been eating him away. He stealthily conned the guards who had been keeping watch by masquerading as one of their own. Once the coast was clear, he broke into a sprint towards the top most level of the castle.


Casting a spell to render himself invisible to the watchful eyes of the guards, he breezed past setting his target onto the towering spire of the castle. Somewhere in one of these rooms, there was a certain someone that he wished to take far away with him.


As he came close, he could feel the air getting thicker, making him difficult to breathe. He sensed that he was indeed within the proximity of Kyuhyun. He tried to push past a heavy iron door that he deemed was separating him from his beloved but couldnt. A strong invisible barrier had been cast to lock Kyuhyun away from him. Frustration was getting the better of his rationality as he fiercely punched and kicked but couldnt manage to make a dent. Mustering up the last ounce of his power, he uttered a counter-spell to break the barrier. It broke eventually and he was able to make his way inside. As soon as he got in, his vision adjusted to the lonesome figure standing by the window.


There he was. Standing and watching the gruesome scene of his own people being slaughtered mindlessly. He was supposed to join them in war and fight for their sake. But somehow, his heart was screaming to let go of it all, let go of all worldly worries that had tied him down and crippled his being. He heard soft footsteps nearing him and within minutes he was enveloped in overwhelmingly comfortable warmth.


"What do you want Lord Choi?" he asked spitefully.


"Thats Siwon to you, my dearest" Siwon pressed a gentle kiss to the exposed part of the milky shoulder.


"And as far as my wishes are concerned, my only wish is to be with you. I need you Kyuhyun!" He said as he made his love turn to face him. That earned him a forceful push and he ended up a few steps away.


"How foolish! You and I can never be together!" Kyuhyun hollered making Siwon flinch slightly.


"Stop lying to yourself!" Siwon grasped the thin shoulders tightly making the younger gasp at the intensity.


"Ha! But its the truth. Its the rule of the land. Never fall in love with your enemy or else be prepared to perish off the face of the earth!" Kyuhyun snickered as Siwon's grip loosened and his hands dropped to his sides. Siwon didnt fail to notice the slight quiver at the end of Kyuhyun's rant. The younger was suffering, just like him. Unable to swallow and digest the fact that whosoever went against the law of the land would be bestowed upon a cursed life, never to meet true happiness. Their souls would be ripped apart from their bodies and forced to wander this world without passing over, without achieving peace and salvation. Kyuhyun bit his lower lip to suppress a helpless sob that threatened to sneak out and ruin his facade. Somehow he wanted to get this act going until Siwon turned away from him. But little did he know that now his face was mirroring his emotions clearly enough for Siwon to read him with unquestionable accuracy.


"Look at me" Siwon's voice fell in a feathery whisper. Their proximity increased, their heartbeats and breaths in perfect sync with one another.


"I..I cant." Kyuhyun stuttered as he felt his chin being pulled up by those long fingers. He was forced to make eye contact but he knew that he wouldnt be able to keep up his facade once his chocolate brown orbs met those jet black shimmering ones.


"Why not!" another breathy whisper and Kyuhyun felt his fake defenses crumbling into oblivion. They were too close now and their bodies almost brushed against one another.


"Please look at me love" Siwon urged and Kyuhyun obliged as he lifted his seemingly heavy eyelids to stare into his lover's unfathomably deep eyes. The excitement of being close to one another after so long was evident as their breaths became rapidly erratic. Just a slight hint of weakness from either side would tilt the precarious balance that hung between them at any moment.


"Do you regret falling in love with me?" Siwon asked as he wanted to clarify certain things one last time. Just then there was a huge commotion from several levels below. The castle was apparently under siege and they had found it being infiltrated by an impostor.


"They are coming for you. You must run" Kyuhyun warned worriedly.


"No need to worry." Siwon cast a spell to reinforce the weakened barrier outside the room.


"But you are not strong enough to hold it up for long. It will weaken eventually" Kyuhyun said. But Siwon was in no mood for dilly-dallying. Their foreheads touched and their eyes closed as they revelled in each other's warmth.


"Do you regret falling in love with me?" Siwon repeated.


"Dont make me take drastic actions Siwon. I am warning you" But somehow Kyuhyun's menacing tone didnt leave even a small dent in Siwon's determination.


"Answer me!" Siwon insisted.


"I have no obligation to answer your hypothetical queries! Because they dont matter. Now leave before I change my mind and kill you right here and now!" Kyuhyun pulled back slightly.


"If thats the case then I am willing to die. But just remember that I'll kill you first and then take my own life" Siwon's persistence was irritating Kyuhyun to no ends. Kyuhyun heaved a defeated sigh and curled up into a ball on the floor almost immediately.


"W..why? Why are you so....stubborn?" Kyuhyun sobbed. Siwon crouched down and looked into those tear filled eyes. He made Kyuhyun kneel in front of him and said "Because we both need each other. Siwon and Kyuhyun can never be broken apart, not even by death"


"Won....we cant." Smiling as soon as he heard the sweet petname that he had been given long ago by his beloved, he rose to his feet and pulled Kyuhyun close to his chest.


"Just say you love me Kyuhyun" Siwon said.


"I...Won..I love you" There! He heard it. Their patience snapped and the balance tilted. Siwon smashed their lips together in a searing kiss. Their lips locked in passion and moved against one another in utter desperation. They were sure that they wouldnt be able to make it out of here alive once their elders intervened. Still they wanted to make the most of their time of being together in this brief moment. Siwon cupped his lover's beautiful face and angled it just so he can get the maximum access as Kyuhyun's nimble fingers raked through his luxuriant mane. Their pleasurable moans resonated within the four degenerating walls of the room as they brewed a war of their own, a war of clashing teeth and tongue. After what seemed like an eternity, Siwon reluctantly pried his lips away momentarily just to catch some air but immediately dipped his head to kiss the soft skin of his lover's neck. Kyuhyun thrashed about in pleasure but Siwon held his head in place and peppered kisses down his neck and chest.


"Wo..Won..you..you have to go...now!" Kyuhyun mumbled in between kisses.


"No! I am not leaving you again. Not this time." Siwon said stubbornly.


Suddenly chaos brewed outside the room. The guards had closed in on them and it sounded like the elders were also with them. They both heard a string of spells being chanted before the barrier broke and the enemies prepared to bring down the iron door.


In a frenzied manner, Siwon said "Tell me honestly. Do you regret falling in love with me?"


"I dont. Of course not" Kyuhyun replied.


"Do you trust me, my love?" Siwon Kyuhyun's smooth cheek as he led them both towards the open balcony.


"I do. With all my heart." Kyuhyun replied with a sad smile. They were going to die. However the thought of dying in the arms of his beloved pacified him rather than having to die a cursed death in the hands of the elders. Soon the iron door was brought down and the elders along with the guards were now facing them ready to kill them both for defying their rules.


Locking lips for the last time, their tears streamed past their cheeks as they uttered the death curse and felt their bodies becoming light. Siwon's teary eyes blankly stared at Kyuhyun's dull orbs before both their bodies collapsed and plunged down over the parapet wall of the balcony.


We'll be together....

For eternity....

Won and Kyu always as one...


Hola hola hola! I have to say that this is quite the run of the mill kinda sappy tragic romance by the likes of "Romeo and Juliet" but my masochistic side overpowered my sensible side and made me write it nevertheless. I had been wanting to experiment writing something like this since long back but got quite the zing when I listened to an angsty Indian song with the most beautiful lyrics. So here is silly me, presenting to you all....My take on Romeo and Juliet. Enjoy reading and do drop comments! Have a nice day!


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love your story! interesting plot ^^
btobistheone #2
love this! great story, author-nim!
girlsgenerationsnsd #3
love this story! very interesting plot ^^
btobfiniteforever #4
really well written! fighting, author-nim!
exoticsoneshawoll #5
authornim, I love this story sooo much! it's really well written ^^
Chapter 1: ohhhh like romeo n juliet indeed... a little sad for the ending but nice anyway...thanks dear ^^
Chapter 1: this is heartbreaking.. may i know what song that u inspired of?
a sad ending?...plz no :( I'm afraid to read it but at the same time, I want to
ipitokikyou #9
Ouw,,seems a wonderful story,,update soon please:-)