Seoul 2:04

Seoul 2:04

“Daehyun, have you seen the new kid?” A classmate asked. Daehyun was quietly walking towards his seat when he was stopped by a girl seated in front of him.

“What new kid?”

“Oh you didn’t know? He was with the teacher last I saw him. He’ll be sitting there.” She pointed at the empty seat behind him. How she knew that, he had no idea. “I’m just saying, because you’re the class president and all. The teacher might dump the babysitting task on you. As she always does.”

“I don’t mind.” He said.

Daehyun spent the whole day anxiously waiting for the new kid to enter the classroom. But last period came and there was still no new kid. Maybe he decided he didn’t wanna come to class today. Perks of being a transferee.

“Daehyun-hyung, there’s a new pastry shop I wanna try. Wanna come? Jongup-hyung’s coming too.” Zelo was a sophomore and the other one, Jongup, is a junior. They’re close friends as they grew up together in one neighborhood.

“I think I’ll pass, Zelo. Himchan-hyung is expecting me to be at his party. You guys wanna come with me instead? I think Yongguk-hyung will be there as well. Oh and I think there’ll be college noonas too.”

“Yongguk-hyung?! Hold on, I’ll call Jongup.” The younger seemed to not hear the last bit of what Daehyun said, but that’s not something new.

The two older guys Daehyun mentioned were both alumni from their high school. Daehyun knew them when he was a freshman. They were seniors then. He introduced them to Zelo and Jongup that one time at his mini birthday party. And that’s how the younger two became friends with them.


“Yongguk-ah, the boys are here.” Himchan entered with a glass of beer.

“He brought Zelo and Jongup? Nice!” Yongguk stood up and patted Youngjae by the shoulder. “Come, I’ll introduce you to our friends. They’re quite nice I think you’ll like them, especially Daehyun.”

Daehyun. His teacher has mentioned that name a few times during his orientation. Jung Daehyun is the class president and he’ll be happy enough to help you if you ever need any. She said.

I’m fine.

“Hyung!” Zelo ran towards the older, followed by Jongup, who looks as if he’s been seeing strobe lights for the first time.

“Hey what’s up? How have you been?”

“I’m fine. I made this thing and I want you to listen to it, tell me if it needs any more editing and stuff?”

“So you create your own music now, that’s something. I’ll listen to it later. But first let me introduce you to someone. Come here.” They all walked towards Himchan and Youngjae.

“Kids, this is Yoo Youngjae. He told me he transferred to your school today. Say hi.”

“So you’re the new kid!” Daehyun blurted.

“I believe your name is Jung Daehyun? Himchan-hyung here was just talking about you.” Youngjae said, casually, never caring what the other might think of him being all familiar with him.

“What have you been telling him, Himchan-hyung?” The younger eyed his hyung suspiciously.

“Oh, just… stuff.” The older shrugged and laughed.

“And this is Zelo and Jongup.” Yongguk said. “I’ll go get some soda for you guys.”

They could hear Yongguk greeting some acquaintances as he made his way to the bar.

“So how do you guys know each other?” Daehyun asked, looking at Himchan and Youngjae.

“Actually he came here with Yongguk and we just got introduced to each other. Apparently, Youngjae here is an old friend of Yongguk’s.”

“Why aren’t you talking?” Jongup asked Youngjae. “Are we boring you already? You look bored.”

Youngjae didn’t reply. He didn’t know what to say.

“He talked to Daehyun-hyung just a minute ago.” Zelo said.

“You’re scaring the guy. Maybe he’s just shy.”

“Or maybe he just needs to pee real bad. Do you?”

“Shut it, Jongup.” Himchan said.

Youngjae couldn’t hold back his laugh. It was a short quaint laugh and Daehyun found himself smiling.

“Where is Yongguk-hyung? I’m thirsty.” Zelo whined.

“He’s probably on his way back. What are we doing here anyway, the party’s outside this tent…-ish room.” Jongup looked around the somewhat secluded area they’re in.

“Well, I don’t know either. I like this tent thing.” The older answered.

“They were meant to be outdoors, hyung.” Jongup remarked.

“Shut up.”

Just then, Yongguk came back with the sodas and some snacks. For the kids, he said.

Time went on fast and soon it was time for the kids to go home.

“I’ll drive you.” Yongguk said. “Himchan, don’t touch any more beers while I’m away.”

“Yea, ’ll try.” The other said, cheeks flushed and his words slurred.


“Oy, Daehyun. You’re here!” It was the same girl from yesterday.

“Hi.” Daehyun smiled.

“Good morning.” Another voice came in. It was Yoo Youngjae.

“Good morning.” He smiled once again, this time, wider.

“Listen, the teacher wants me to pick up these books from the library later. Would you come with me?” Daehyun saw that Youngjae was holding a piece of paper, a list, so it seems.




“Are you good with maths?” Daehyun asked, picking up the math book assigned for their class, his voice moderated so it won’t be too loud.

“I’m decent, I guess.”

“Decent, huh.”

“What about you?”

“I hate maths.”

Youngjae laughed. “Any interests?”

“I like writing. I write for the school paper. I kinda wanna be a journalist someday. You?”


At that moment, Daehyun couldn’t help his lips break out with a grin.

“What?” Youngjae asked.

“I thought you were some kind of a hipster dude with the way you dressed last night.” Youngjae was now wearing his uniform, so he looked just like the other kids.

“Oho so you judged me right then and there?”

“No it’s not like that, it’s just an impression. I’m not judging you. Besides, you looked nice.”

“Well, you looked so carefree and jolly last night I never took you for some serious student journalist.”

“Me? Serious? Wow. Anyway. Hey, before I forget, I’m gonna need your phone number so I can text you when the school cancels classes and stuff.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Youngjae casually gave Daehyun his phone as he strolled off to gather his other books.



[[who is this]] He knew it was Daehyun though. He saved his number in his phone after all.

[Hi, this is Jung Daehyun. Hehe]

[[I thought you were just gonna text me about school stuff, and hey stop stalking me!]]

[I just had to. You seemed pretty interesting. Where are your photos, you don’t post them online?]

[[Nope. I print them.]]

[Can I see them?]


[But why?]

[[Just no.]]


Daehyun unconsciously tapped his phone on his forehead, unknowingly smiling like an idiot. Youngjae, on the other hand, couldn’t help but wonder why on earth is this guy texting him at such an odd hour. He glimpsed at the clock across his bed. It reads 2:04 am. Why is he still awake…

[[Don’t you plan on sleeping any time soon?]]

[It’s too cold. Can’t sleep.]


[What do you mean ‘okay’]

[[Can I sleep now]]

[No. I need you to stay awake. We need to listen to this song together. I’m gonna call you, hold on]

Youngjae’s phone vibrated as soon he read the message. He knew exactly what Daehyun was going to play.

I ran away before

Only for the last time

All night, and you don’t deserve anything

But you are,

You are for me

Youngjae smiled as he thought about that moment. Why am I listening to such a song with this person…

Moments later after the song was finished, there were no words exchanged. Just quiet breathing and then beep. Daehyun hung up.

[Are you asleep yet?]

[[About to]]

[Good night then.]

[[Good night.]]

[Oh and bring your camera tomorrow. I wanna take you somewhere. You’re gonna love it. Bye.]

Youngjae didn’t reply. Instead he stared at his phone screen for a while until his eyes couldn’t take any more.


“Good morning!”

“Hey.” Youngjae smiled at the older.

“I see you brought your camera.”

“Yeah, coz you told me to. This place better be good.”

“You’ll see.” Daehyun grinned.

That afternoon, just when the last period was about to end, the sky decided to pour out, leaving Youngjae and Daehyun devastated because then they wouldn’t be able to go the place that Daehyun mentioned.

“So, where to?” Youngjae asked.

“Home, I guess.” Daehyun said, his disappointment painted on his face.

“Yours or mine?”

“What?” Daehyun looked at Youngjae as if trying to enter a crypt.

“You know what, let’s just go to my place. Who knows, I might even show you my shots.”


Youngjae answered with his usual quaint laugh and motioned Daehyun to follow him.

Daehyun went into Youngjae’s room not really knowing what to expect. Quietly he made his way to the foot of Youngjae’s bed and laid his bag on the cushion.

“Your room’s quite neat.”

“Mhm, I hate it when it becomes messy. It’s so hard to find anything.” Youngjae plugged the TV and switched the channels to see what’s on. When he decided there wasn’t anything interesting, he turned it off and turned to Daehyun.

“How’d you come across Seoul?” He asked the older.

“I was messing with Himchan-hyung’s mixtapes because I thought the names were cool. You know how they put like a title on the whole mixtape? Himchan-hyung does that. And one of the songs was Stay With Us. It felt like I was being carried to the skies.”

“Or maybe you were just high.” The younger teased.

“Nah, I don’t do drugs.”

“Oh wow, a role model.”

“Thanks.” Daehyun laughed. “What about you? How’d you get into Seoul?”

“At my old school the kids were all about rock and metal. I couldn’t handle all that tension so I decided to go for the alternative.”

“My, so you’re kind of a soft guy, huh.”

Youngjae rolled his eyes on Daehyun's remark.

That afternoon was spent talking about bands they both like, some that only one of them knew, food and the like.

Soon it was time for Daehyun to go home. He gathered up his things and started to say goodbye to Youngjae.

He felt hands grabbing him by the arm and hip and soon he was kissing Youngjae. His lips were so soft and he swears he never wanted to stop. But then he started thinking, how come this feels kind of wrong but right at the same time? Why is he letting Youngjae pin him on the wall? It felt like he was holding some kind of command on him. But why isn’t it bothering him?

Just then, he noticed the song playing in the background. Youngjae’s phone. Has it been playing this whole time?

Backed into the corners of the old, the arch

The moment I wake up

I come to life again

And then he doesn’t feel Youngjae’s lips against his anymore. Somewhere in his gut he felt a longing he never felt before.

“I’m sorry, did I frighten you?” Youngjae asked, gentle as the kisses he gave Daehyun just a moment ago.


Youngjae smiled. “You should go home now. It’s getting dark.”

It was crazy. The whole thing going around his head was crazy. But he had to do it. He just had to. To make sure his feelings were right.

Slowly, he walked towards Youngjae, his rucksack hung on his shoulder. His lips found Youngjae’s, curving into a smile as he did and then as fast as it all happened, he was gone.

2:04 AM. Youngjae’s phone rang.

He knew exactly what Daehyun was gonna play. White Morning.

Backed into the corners of the old, the arch

The moment I wake up

I come to life again

When the song ended, he heard Daehyun sigh.

“What’s wrong?”


“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

“This is so weird... So awfully fast. But damn it all, I think I love you.”

“You think?”

“No dammit, I mean. How do I say this…”

He could hear Youngjae laughing on the other line.

“I think I love you too.”



“So are you going to show me your shots next time?”


After that there was just breathing. And the silent flutters of a heart that finally found the rhythm to its beat.


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chanheeyah #1
Chapter 1: Wow it's been 2 years since I read this and I just find myself coming back to this fic. Thank you for writing this beautiful piece, and the most important thing is for introducing me to Seoul and now I make them as one of my favorite band ever.
kyumooong #2
Chapter 1: This will be the end of me~!! Thank you author-nim! <3
merong63 #3
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥ :DDDDDDD
i'm giiiiiiiddy~
brokenshoes #4
Chapter 1: This is sweet...the last line got me sighing like.....awww...
Thanks for writing this beautiful piece :-)
Bibieonni #5
Chapter 1: Omo it was so sweet!^^
Chapter 1: Wow, damn. They be bold.
Chapter 1: Wootwoot. This is adorable. Listened to the song links too and they were pretty hip.
Many thanks for the introduction lovely. -tips hat-
Dana_1004 #8
Chapter 1: AWWWWWW SO CUUUUTE!!!!!!^_^
Btw is there slight mention of Banglo and himup?<3