I'm the One for You

Sweet sunset

Luhan pulls up in his car parking near the sand getting out of the vehicle and slamming the door going around opening the door for you.

You smile at him "You're too nice to me Luhan." as you get out putting your backpack over your one shoulder holding on to it with one of your hands as your other free hand holds your HD canon camera that Luhan got especially for you for your birthday.

"But I like being nice to you." He pouts then locks the car then walking beside you stepping in the warm sand

"Where shall we sit?" He puts his fists on his hips looking out at the sand holding the blanket with one of arms as he peers down at you biting his bottom lip

You shrug then point to a cozy little area near the water where it was perfect to see the sunset. 

"Over there seems pretty nice." You put your arm down with the camera in your hand 

Luhan nods and starts to walk towards the place you pointed at putting the blanket down straighting the corners of the soft tanned brown coloured blanket, He pats the spot beside him gesturing you to sit down beside him.

You do so, Giving him a warm smile as he gives you one back comforting you, You take out your HD camera taking shots of the beautiful blue water infront of the two of you.

"I'm glad I bought you that camera you take beautiful pictures." He puts his two legs out putting his arms slighty behind him leaning on them looking out at the pretty blue ocean.

"Not as beautiful as you though...." Luhan mumbles under his breath making sure you don't hear.

"Ah, Thanks Lulu." You shove the camera in your MCM bag then zipping it back up taking it off your shoulder sliding it down your arm putting it beside you.

He blushes looking down at his knees holding back his big smile because you called him "Lulu"

Luhans POV:

Shivers rush up my spine everytime I look at her, It's so cute when she calls me that..Everything about her is adorable

Shes so pretty, Why can't I be together with her....Should I confess? I've wanted to for so long....I can't wait no longer I like her.


More like love....

I'm too shy..But I have too soon.

__________....I'm crazy for you...


Authors note: This isn't finish yet so stay tuned updates will come soon guys....Don't worry, Go eat your kimchi now.

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