
Gentle Kiss

Suzy walked out of her bathroom, she faced the life-sized mirror, staring at her body. Disappointed she sighed, she had been spending the whole month working out, hoping to achieve a flawless body shape. All her determination was gone, nothing was working out for her it seems to her that the whole universe was against her.
She put on a simple yet unique dress, it was pure pink but the meticulous sewing of a rose makes it stands out. She didn’t put on any make-up to her it was only for people with low-self-esteem, the people who wanted to depend on cosmetics to make them attractive. As she felt the temperature outside was dropping she put on a coat that was lightly enhance by some amethyst stones at a reasonable length and fidgeted with the buttons.
She waste no time and took the subway, sure it was crowded people were packed like sardines. She sat at an empty seat in the corner, she was squeezed to her felt that she would suffocate and die in the corner if the train did not stop at another station.
People rushed out like nobody business but another bath of people entered. A pungent wave of perfume and cologne killed her mentally. “Such idiots, wearing an overdose of amount make them smelt like onions!” she thought. She snickered at her thought she always had a unique way of expressing her ideas. She wouldn’t dare to make a bold statement, she was demure yet bold in another way. Offending people was the last thing she would want to do, she was never a trouble maker.



“Where is he?” Suzy mumbled she was here to see her so called ‘Prince’ aka her perfect boyfriend, Kim Soohyun, the caring senior she met in freshman year. Out of nowhere she could feel a pair of cold yet soft hand covering her eyes. “Guess who?” the stranger asked, “A human duh, “Suzy played along, although it was childish to people, she would always play along with him.
It was their 2nd Anniversary, Suzy was expecting something special from him. She doesn’t expect him to shower her with gifts but only a mystifying object with a hidden meaning. Like how he presents her with a hand-held mirror, it was plain but Suzy was exhilarated by the meaning behind it. The meaning was straightforward, it was for her to reflect her actions. Which amused her, her boyfriend was a one- kind of a man, a special one indeed.
“Hey Suzy, today will be different from our previous date. I am going to tell you something…” “ Why?” Suzy was full of doubts, Soohyun wasn’t the type to speak, and he was reserved just like Suzy which was why he allured Suzy while they were still acquaintance.
“ Don’t wonder about anything, but before I get straight to the point. Please don’t blame yourself for anything, it is my entire fault. And don’t get agitated,” Soohyun huffed, he was not mentally prepared for all this, he was sure Suzy will be affected but the truth had to be told, he will be leaving in a week.



Now Suzy was real shocked, it seems like she was an open book, Soohyun could read what she was thinking. “ I am feeling calm, you can reveal it to me, and I am prepared for anything.” She protested. It can be bad, it was not like she was the dramatic actresses in all those drama who gets too emotional and cries like nobody business.
“ I...” Soohyun was speechless, Suzy was definitely not hesitant, she insists on listening to it. He had no choice. “ I am leaving Korea for good next week. And I want to break up with you.” He blurted out.
“ Is this some cruel joke you are telling here? It is not funny!” Suzy lightly chuckled, the truth always hurts. It was irony, firstly her boyfriend acting unusual and lastly, they were breaking up, totally unexpected.
“No. I shall see you soon, for our last farewell.” Soohyun shrugged and walked away. He was on the verge of crying, but he need to put on a brave front in front of other people. Suzy was in a daze, unknown to her, drops of her tears rolled down her cheeks and end up dripping onto the hard concrete floor.
It was not her day, soon blaring roar of the thunder could be heard and it started raining heavily, people who passed by her was mocking at her, the idiot who stands under the rain. An old lady went to her and gave her a red-coloured umbrella. “ Are you okay, Miss?” the lady asked  feeling concern.
“Yes madam I am okay” Suzy answered, she showed the old lady a faint smile and thanked her for her concern and umbrella. Suzy took  a stroll around the park, her umbrella was attracting attention, yet none of this mattered to her anymore. She took out her phone, this was the only time she was lucky, the phone was safe and was not drenched.





Soohyun on the other hand took out his blue-coloured umbrella and took a book out to read. People may call him nerd but that fact that he wasn’t. He was interested in books since he was young, books amuses him as he felt way knowledgeable after completing a book, especially those that were thick.
The only destination they wanted to go was the bakery store, the first time where they took notice of each other, and place where their love blossomed. Both of them were immersed in their actions. They were oblivious to their surroundings, only until they bumped into each other.


In a flash, both of them were lying on the concrete ground. Soohyun was lying on top of Suzy and both the red and blue umbrella were covering the both of them. Both of them could feel rose petals were falling everywhere they felt that they were in heaven. They saw each other was glowing in radiant and was fighting the urge to kiss. Soohyun gave in to the resistance and place his lips on top of hers, Suzy no longer find the urge and gave in too, it was a hot and passionate kiss and was both of their first kiss. But, it was a gentle kiss where everything ended and they were in heaven.

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Chapter 1: did they die?