Rosary Host Club Roleplay


Ever wanted to join a host club be hosted and entertained by handsome men and beautiful ladies

Ever wanted to just work as a host and entertain other customers

Well here is your chance Rosary host club is now open and accepting both hosts and customers

But be aware someof our hosts might bite you after sunset

Hosts customers Humans Vampires all you want in an RP


✥ Rosary Host Club Rp ✥ Facebook Rp ✥ Accepting Hosts ✥ AU ✥  and Yuri allowed

Imagine a host club with lovely men and beautiful ladies that meets your every need whether it be to entertain you or simply have a nice conversation.
These men and ladies have a secret though. This secret is kept away from the light, and it is to linger forever in the dark. Particularly, this secret keeps their true identity safe from the day, but when night rises...

Whatever is your dire or want, Rosary Host Club is the perfect place to abandon all of your stress and escape for bliss.

From a cup of tea to a rousing massage, your every wish is our every command even if it's a bit... risqué. However whatever you do, do not look into their eyes.

They might just bite you.
If you don't mind, that is.

Colors are more than simple attractions to the eyes. They describe an individual - paint their personality with a lively vibe.
Choose wisely for colors here at the Rosary Host Club mean a lot.

As we, Park Jungsu, Lee Jieun and Ailee hand you this aromatic rose with a humble bow, we welcome you to Rosary Host Club:


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