
Fairy Tale -- Kind of

“You need to get married,” Yongguk's elder sister, Natasha sighed. Yongguk frowned from where he sat at the table, his face in a scowl. “You're brother is already married, with a child on the way! So go out there and find a princess.”




“I heard that there is a lovely one up in the tower across the land, tall, pale, pretty brown hair.” she grinned, “Find her, marry her – her name is Zelo; how strange, but eh. Can't be choosy.” she shrugged. Yongguk narrowed his eyes, he didn't want to marry a princess – but a prince. A man, but of course his sister wouldn't have that.


He hated being royal.


“Whatever,” he mumbled, and lazily stood, “I'll go find this damn princess – but I'm not promising I'll marry her!”


“Yah, whatever. Just go. Don't come back unless you have her!”


Yongguk left and really; he had no plans on marrying the princess. He just wanted to live his life and make music and why couldn't his brother just be enough? Probably because Natasha just wanted him happy. But couldn't she see he was already happy?!


He walked out of the kingdom and made his way toward the tower, it was a good day's trip away by foot; and the only reason he didn't' get a horse is because he's really not much of a horse rider [ and he's afraid of them.]


The path was long and Yongguk figured he was going to run into something that was going to make this trip harder than It had to be.


“You, stop there!”


And how did he know this? Because it was cliché.


Yongguk sighed and stopped walking, and turned his head to the side to see a young man, with slightly puffy cheeks.


“Yah?” he asked, crossing his arms. The man walked up and narrowed his eyes. “You can't just walk past The Troll Youngjae's bridge!”


“... What bridge?”


“Well,” The Troll Youngjae began, “It hasn't been built yet, I still need to get the money together to get it up and running.”


“So you're The Troll Youngjae; who has no bridge yet.”




“... Okay move.”


Yongguk went to brush past him, but Youngjae clung to his arm, “No wait! You're a prince right?” he exclaimed, “You can fund my bridge! Please, please! I'll do whatever you want!”


“... Aish,” Yongguk sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair; damn him and his heart. He was always called a push over by his brother.


“... I guess, I can fund it – only if you assist me in getting to the tower.”


“Oh,”Youngjae blinked, “Where Junhong is?”




“Yeah – or rather, Zelo.”


“You know her?”


Youngjae frowned, “Her...? Well yeah, I know Junhong.” he shrugged, “It's easy, I'll help you get there... But we have to get past the Glutton Daehyun, the Wizard of Pink Himchan, and the Happy Koala Jongup.”


“... What kind of names are those?”


“I don't know, just roll with it.”


So, Yongguk and Youngjae began their quest.


“So,” Youngjae began, his hands in his pockets, “Why do you need to find Junhong?” he asked. Yongguk sighed, “My sister; Natasha, said I have to marry her and I couldn't come back unless I did.”


“... again with the her, should I tell him?” Youngjae muttered, but shrugged, he'll find out eventually.


“Sounds tough,”


“Tell me about it – why is there a chicken leg on the ground.” He muttered, kneeling down to pick it up . Youngjae paled, “I wouldn't touch that if I were you.”


“Why not, it's not like it belongs to – ….”




“Oh my god you've got to be kidding me.”


Youngjae jumped behind Yongguk as a big lipped tan man ran out from behind a tree; why a tree? Oh well. He glared, “Swag Hip Hop Chicken, that's mine!”


“ – wait what the did he just – … Never mind. Listen man,” Yongguk stood up straight, “I just wanna move past you and get to the tower.”


“... Where Junhong lives?”


“Does everyone know this girl except me?”


“... Girl?” Daehyun mouthed, brow frowning. Youngjae shrugged at him and mouthed, “He'll find out.”


Daehyun shook his head, “Listen here. You almost touched my precious chicken, and for that you must pay!”


“But I wasn't even going to eat it.”


“Likely story.”


“Seriously why would I – … Youngjae, what are you doing?”



“... oh my god.”


Daehyun gasped, “How dare you!”


“What?! I'm hungry and you keep blabbing like an idiot!”




Yongguk rubbed his temples; great. “Alright, Daehyun. I'll make a deal with you.” he sighed. Daehyun let go of Youngjae's shirt, and raised his brow. “Oh?”


“I'll feed you all you want back at the palace.”


“... All I want?”


“Yes, all you want.”


Daehyun grinned and dropped Youngjae, who landed with a grunt. “Sweet! I'm gonna stick with ya though, just so I know you'll keep your promise.”


Yongguk just waved his hand, and muttered sarcastically ' The more the merrier . ' before continuing on the path.


Daehyun and Youngjae actually became quick friends, boding over their love of singing and food and Yongguk wondered if he could ditch them both soon because they would not stop talking and he was honestly going insane.


He gave a soft groan, and tugged at his hair.


He could not deal with another loud mou--




“.... Does god hate me? Did I do something bad in my past life; am I paying for my sin's now?” Yongguk breathed, looking up at the sky.


Daehyun winced, “oh look, Himchan.”




“Could you PLEASE SHUT UP!” Yongguk groaned, “I'm really having a hard time with all this yapping, just – sorry about your flowers.”


Himchan stepped out of his cottage, and raised a brow. “...Really now?”


“Yes, very sorry.”


“I could turn you into a toad.”


“I bet you could – listen, I just wanna find Princess Junhong, marry her, and go home.”


“... Princess Junhong?” Himchan frowned, Daehyun and Youngjae just shrugged and Himchan took that as a , ' We know, he'll find out later' thing. So he let it go.


“... You need to pay for this.”


“How much?”


“... Let me live in the castle.”


“... What?”


Himchan whined, “It's so boring and lonely here! Just let me stay with you. I'll even make my own clothes shop. I have this friend, Kibum – he'd love to help!”


“Why do I have a feeling that I have no choice?”


“Because you don't,” Himchan grinned. Yongguk just nodded, ' right, ' he muttered and closed his eyes. Himchan attached himself to Yongguk's arm, and began yammering about all the clothes and things he would sell, while Daehyun and Youngjae stayed in the back and talked about all the food they were going to eat.


They continued down the path, until Yongguk tripped over something – or someone.






Yongguk sat up, and blinked, “... Oh my god.”






“... Just, no. I don't care, I don't want a story. Just... Come with us.”


Jongup blinked. “... okay then.”


Yongguk stood and continued walking. The tower was getting closer and closer and he could just taste the end of this annoying quest.


“So, here we are.” Daehyun sighed, “And up there is Junhong.”


“The Princess.”


“Really should we tell him?”




Yongguk ignored the others and grinned, “I swear she better be cute for all the trouble and annoying yapping I had to put up with.” he sighed, Himchan scowled, but Jongup just gave him a pat on the back.


“I'll be right back.”


Yongguk walked into the tower, and deflated.


Those were a lot of stairs.



“ my life.”


“... oh god – why so many steps?” he groaned, on his hand's and knee's as he finally made it to the top. He collapsed there a second, getting his breathing in order.


“Wow man, you okay?”


Yongguk perked at the sound of a voice, could it be --- ? He looked up and saw a very all pale boy, his skin was light and his eyes were a deep brown, his hair also brow, looked soft to the touch. Oh damn he was hot – but Yongguk was here for a girl; sadly. He nodded. “Yeah, just... gimmie a sec.”


“Yeah no problem, take your time.” the boy shrugged, and kneeled down next to Yongguk. “So,” the boy began, “What brings you here?”


“Gotta find Junhong, marry her.”


“... Her?”


The boy snickered, “Ah, this happens way too much. Really, I've got to put an end to this.” he sighed. Yongguk frowned.




“I'm Junhong, or 'Zelo' . Choi Junhong.” He introduced, offering his hand. Yongguk stared at him a long moment, before singing and falling back onto the floor. “God thank you, I have been paitent and you bring me this? Thank you, so much. I see I was being tested earlier.”




“Nothing – But um.” Yongguk sat up and finally took the others hand, “Listen, my sister said I can't come home until I've gotten Junhong to marry me, and seeing as you're Junhong this is like ten times better cause I always did like ya know, bat for the other team.”


Junhong nodded, a small grin forming on his face. “ I see.”


“So,” Yongguk pulled his hand back and coughed into his hand, “Wanna, I dunno... Get married? I have this cool castle, and I hear that there's gonna be a cool clothes shop, and a nice bridge, and well... yeah.”


“That sounds really cool.”




“Yeah.” Junhong rocked on his heel's, “Plus you're really hot.”


“...Sweet. Then let's get out of here!”


Junhong took the others hand, “But, how about we take the elevator down.”


“There was an elevator?.... ing christ.”



They took the elevator down, happily holding hands.


“Junhong! I see you're happy,” Youngjae grinned, Junhong shrugged and grinned. “Got myself a husband now ya know, it's pretty nice.”


“Yeah we were hoping he wouldn't mind you having a .” Daehyun grinned. Yongguk rolled his eyes, “Well, let's head home.”



Yongguk had shown up with Junhong to the palace, his sister was shocked, but Junhong was so cute that she couldn't deny their love and they got married the next day. Youngjae got his bridge, thank god. And Daehyun got all the food he wanted – but he spent most of his time with Youngjae because well the two grew closer. Jongup worked in Himchan's clothes shop; and by worked, we mean slept on the counter while Himchan coo'd about how cute and adorable he was.


In the end, everyone was happy.


“... So we can like, do it right?”


“Yes Yongguk, we can ' do it ' ...”





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Chapter 1: Omg this was so funny but adorable I love how the whole story went. This was really awesome author nim
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 1: This was...well...SO DAMN FLUFFEH!!!! I swear, if it was any sweeter, my teeth would fall out. I am laughing SO HARD right now at all of the cliche fairy tale crap that I can barely type. OMG! Do another one with another group!!
Chapter 1: oh myyy... sweet. XD
Chapter 1: the elevator LOL poor Yongguk hahaha and they live happily ever after
this is really funny
LizieEm #5
Chapter 1: Oh my god, this is awesome!! :D
I really love this idea! I was laughting so hard xD
The elevator part get me on my knees xD
Good job author-nim ^^ !!
Chapter 1: This made me laugh! It was ridiculous!
Chapter 1: Omg this was so cute and hilarious!! Banglo is perfect ^_^
Chapter 1: This was funny! I like it a lot!
I just died xD LOL those names